July 2018 Moms

July 2018 Spreadsheet


Re: July 2018 Spreadsheet

  • Im on mobile can someone add me? Please and thank you!

    Due date- July 24th
    Username- busymommy23
    First name- Nicole
    Age- 33
    Location- Ohio
    Singletons/twins/multiples- single
    Team- ??? Hoping for pink!
    15 yr old stepdaughter, 7 yr old son and 5 yr old son
    Birthday- 2/22
    Anything else- we have a crazy dog named Zeus and I am a disney addict. 
    Married since 5/23/09
    DS #1 born 1/25/10
    DS #2 born 4/25/12
    BFP 2/2016 M/C 3/2016 @ 5 weeks
    Trying for #4 since 11/2015
  • Loading the player...
  • Im on mobile can someone add me? Please and thank you!

    Due date- July 24th
    Username- busymommy23
    First name- Nicole
    Age- 33
    Location- Ohio
    Singletons/twins/multiples- single
    Team- ??? Hoping for pink!
    15 yr old stepdaughter, 7 yr old son and 5 yr old son
    Birthday- 2/22
    Anything else- we have a crazy dog named Zeus and I am a disney addict. 
    You've been added. :)


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • myfairbumpmyfairbump member
    edited December 2017
    I downloaded the app to add to the link and it still will not cooperate. Can someone add me pretty please?
    Due: 7/11
    Username: MyFairBump
    First name: Crystal
    Age: 34
    Location: Tennessee
    Team: Healthy Baby! If I had a choice I would chose a boy, DH would choose a girl.
    Birthday: 8/31
    Anything else? We have a 10yr old Chinese Crested named Peanutbutter. We are first time human parents.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I downloaded the app to add to the link and it still will not cooperate. Can someone add me pretty please?
    Due: 7/11
    Username: MyFairBump
    First name: Crystal
    Age: 34
    Location: Tennessee
    Team: Healthy Baby! If I had a choice I would chose a boy, DH would choose a girl.
    Birthday: 8/31
    Anything else? We have a 10yr old Chinese Crested named Peanutbutter. We are first time human parents.
    You've been added! :)


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • babybakiebabybakie member
    edited December 2017
    Hi July Moms. I introduced myself a while ago, but wanted to be cautious of my condition before being added here. After a great US today, I'd be honored to join you guys on the spreadsheet!!! Could someone Please kindly add me?

    Due date- July 23th
    Username- babybakie 
    First name- Rene
    Age- 43
    Location- ny
    Singletons/twins/multiples- single
    Team- unsure
    Birthday- 10/13
    Anything else- awesome dsd 21yo, and dss 23, and my profile pic is my 12yo eskie mutt who I love to pieces.

  • @gspmom21 your dog is beautiful! I thought you and @TattoosandLace might like this, I just made a drawing of a gsp for someone! I never knew of the breed before I had to make this. Such a pretty dog! 
  • katc819katc819 member
    edited December 2017
    I'm mobile. Can someone please add me ?
    Due date- July 19th
    Username- katc819
    First name- kat
    Age- 33
    Location- florida
    Singletons/twins/multiples- single
    Team- doesn't matter to me but I want to know asap!
    Other kiddos - 2 yo son born 8/2/15
    Anything else- 2 furbabies...a 13 yo boxer and a 10 yo American bulldog
  • I can't add myself, someone add me please :)

    Due July 17th
    My name is Amanda 
    I'm 26
    I'm from Ontario, Canada 
    Single baby
    Sex TBD
    I think it's a girl, will likely go for a repeat c/s
    I have an 8 month old boy
    My birthday is 11/17/1991
  • @babybakie that's very cute!!! :) Good job drawing that as well!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thank you very much @gspmom21! For the add and the compliment  :)
  • crantucci said:
    My due date is July 1st and I have 4 other kids born 2007 2010 2012 and 2016. I am 33 and from Edmonton Alberta Canada. 
    @crantucci I’m in St.Albert so close! 
  • Hi gspmom21!  please add me to spreadsheet

    EDD: 7/30/17
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 37
    Location: Maryland
    Finding out: yes and hopefully soon!
    No previous children
    Extra: married almost 12 years and have two beagles
  • @knottie73358b9a38642d7f welcome you should change your sn! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • I can't edit the spreadsheet from the app. Estimated due date: July 24 Username: slaine231 Name: Stacey Age: 28 Location: New Hampshire Singleton/Twins/Doubles: TBD Team: TBD Predictions: Girl, Husband swears boy Other children: FTM
  • slaine231 said:
    I can't edit the spreadsheet from the app. Estimated due date: July 24 Username: slaine231 Name: Stacey Age: 28 Location: New Hampshire Singleton/Twins/Doubles: TBD Team: TBD Predictions: Girl, Husband swears boy Other children: FTM
    Welcome! You've been added!


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Due 7/27 username dluv0676. Dana. 41. Pennsylvania. Singleton.  Finding out.   Predict a boy.   2 boys, 16 and 13.  Bday 6/3/76.  Early Christmas gift❤️
  • dluv0676 said:
    Due 7/27 username dluv0676. Dana. 41. Pennsylvania. Singleton.  Finding out.   Predict a boy.   2 boys, 16 and 13.  Bday 6/3/76.  Early Christmas gift❤️
    Hi and welcome! You've been added!


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Can someone please add me to the spreadsheet? I am on my mobile app. Much appreciated! 

    Due date: July 31st 
    Username: krystlerr
    First name: Krystle 
    Age: 29
    Location: Los Angeles 
    Singletons/twins/multiples: single
    Team: we don’t have a preference as long as baby is healthy! We do want to find out and have a gender reveal with family. 
    Other kiddos: first time mommy and daddy 
    Anything else: we have a 1 year old goldendoodle named Leo. He’s our pride and joy! My husband’s birthday is July 29th so baby might share same birthday. ☺️

  • On my phone if someone can add me. Thanks! 

    Due Date: 7/8/2018
    Username: SMDXTR
    First Name: Sam
    Age: 31
    Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Singleton/Twins/Multiples: Mo/mo twins
    Team: Identical Girls (still early so it could change)
    Other Children: FTM
    Birthday: 08/11/86
    Anything Else: newlywed
  • zombiehoohaazombiehoohaa member
    edited January 2018
    @krystlerr &   @smdexter Welcome ladies! You've both been added. 


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Can someone add mine?  I’m on the mobile app:

    Due date: 7/26/19
    Username: angeleyeskkhr
    First name: K
    Age: 33
    Location: Texas
    Singleton/Multiples:  1 according to the 7 week ultrasound. Lol
    Team:  we will find out. But I would love to be team green
    Predictions: Girl...don’t know about the date
    Other children: 1 daughter, 13 years old
  • I’m on the mobile app could someone add me? 
    First Name: Michelle
    Age: 29
    Location: NJ
    Team: Finding out next month
    Predictions: Girl
    Other Children: 2yo boy

  • @modschetter Welcome! You've been added!


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • elenaa88elenaa88 member
    edited January 2018
    I'm using the mobile app, if someone could please add me...

    Due date - July 16
    Username - Elenaa88
    First name - Elena 
    Age - 29
    Location - Vancouver, Canada  
    Singletons/twins/multiples - Single 
    Team - Green
    Predictions - Boy 
    BIRTHDAY - Aug. 20

    Thank you! 
  • I think i made it in the spreadsheet! Thanks what an awesome idea! Enjoyed reading!
  • @elena88 You've been added to the spreadsheet! Welcome!

    @unicorncandycanes I see you in there! 


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Due Date: 7/20/2018
    Username: deena125
    First Name: Deena
    Age: 36
    Location: San Francisco 
    Singleton/Twins/Multiples: Single 
    Team: Team Blue 
    Predictions: n/a
    Other Children? One fur baby, FTM 
  • Welcome @deena125! You've been added.


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Hey! I'm on Mobile, hoping someone can add me :) 

    Due date- July 10th
    Username- babyrojas2018
    First name- Bre
    Age- 21
    Location- Orlando
    Singletons/twins/multiples- single
    Team- blue
    Prediction- I'll give birth July 4th
    Birthday- 4/21

  • I'm also on a mobile, hoping someone can add me!

    Due Date: July 17
    Username: daly2gallant 
    First name: Alanna
    Age: 28
    Single/Twins: single 
    Location: Victoria Harbour, ON
    Team: I think boy 
    second time mom
    prediction: July 4
    birthday: 09/22

    Thank you!
  • daly2gallant & carsonraynee You've both been added. Welcome, ladies!


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Just realized I never added myself to this! Oops. I’m on mobile if someone could please add me in :) 

    Due Date: 1/7/2018
    Username: Rangey1234
    First Name: Cait
    Age: 25
    Location: Ontario 
    Singleton/Twins/Multiples: Singleton 
    Team: girl! (Confirming next week)
    Prediction: we thought for sure boy at first
    Other Children: FTM
    Birthday: 02/03/1992
    Anything Else: I have a dog who will forever be my first baby :) lol
  • @rangey1234 You've been added. welcome!


    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • Can someone add me please ?

    Due date- July 10th
    First name- Kate
    Age- 30
    Location- PA
    Singletons/twins/multiples- single
    Team- doesn’t matter! We find out next week!
    Birthday- 9/15
    Anything else- baby has a very big sister who is a Great Dane :)
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