

amtheut2amtheut2 member
edited November 2017 in Parenting
pregnant with #3 and I’m so moody, nauseous, and unbelievably exhausted. I have no energy to keep up with my 2 and 1 year old and I’m being an awful wife. I’m so on edge because I’m tired and the nausea only goes away when I’m sleeping. Don’t know what I am looking for I just have to vent I guess. 

Re: Struggling

  • You've got a lot going on right now, I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be. Do you have help with the kids so you can have some alone time occasionally? The nausea and exhaustion is only temporary, you can make it through!
  • @amtheut2 I'm so sorry you're feeling crappy.  I've been there!  Are you taking any anti-nausea meds?  Also, ditto what PP said about getting someone to help you with your littles.
    Laura, mom of:
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