How far along are you? Boy/Girl/ Team Green/Surprise?
How old are your other kids?
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer?

Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
Re: STM+ check-in NOVEMBER 1!!!
How old are your other kids? DD will be 15 months in a couple of days
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? Just the usual worrying about not being able to pick DD up / how she will react. She also has a bit of a lingering cough, but her ears are clear and tubes look great. She has her 15 mo check-up on Fri, so I can check on the cough with her pediatrician.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Halloween was really fun with DD last night. She liked running around in her costume (and falling down; it was a little big) and we went to the neighbors' house who have a daughter basically the exact same age, so they had a lot of fun playing. Can't wait to do it with two kiddos! I was thinking last night about whether we need a family theme for next year. So far, DD's costumes have been dictated by what is available at the local consignment sales. Her first year, she was a chick, and DH and I dressed up as farmers (which meant a flannel shirt for me and a farmer's market t-shirt for him--we really went all-out
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ The exhaustion is real. I could really use a full night's sleep without needing to get up and pee/check on DD/cough/just be awake for no reason.
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer? We still have a lot to do. Our crib arrived with one piece damaged, so we're waiting on a replacement part; DH still needs to finish painting the dresser and put on the drawer pulls, we need to assemble the storage thing, hang art, get a piece of art framed that I forgot about, etc. I did at least finish the baby blankets I made. I'm not at the phase yet where I want LO out, more anxious about what it will be like.
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
34 weeks, Pink
How old are your other kids?
DS is 22 months!
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
I've been more mindful of how much DS loves to crawl all over me lately, especially because his weight on my bump is getting increasingly more uncomfortable, and it's made me acutely aware of how he will definitely not be able to do that when I've got a newborn in my arms. He gets SO upset when I try and stop him and I know it's just going to be worse when there's a baby to be jealous of on top of it! I don't know how I am going to deal with it.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
DS has been really into his baby doll lately which just warms my heart. He brings her to us and gives us her bottle or her hat and asks us to help him with her. It's so cute!
I'm finally starting to feel 'ready' for baby. we have basically everything we need, just need to go pick up the crib mattress from the post office and the nursery will be set!
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer?
I had a moment yesterday where I realized as of today they'll do nothing to stop labor if it starts... Which is a huge deal! Both DH and my brothers (twins) came at 34 weeks so it's a very real possiblity!
How old are your other kids? DS is 19 months.
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? Things with DS are finally starting to calm down. He's still hitting but not as bad. Some of his teeth finally came through (he's been a late bloomer there) and that seems to have made a big difference thank goodness. Biggest challenge now is that I am gearing up to contact early intervention about his lack of speech (waiting until 20 months - 2 weeks from today). Just not good timing obviously with another kid being imminent. I don't know whether I should hope that he qualifies or not. I know if he had just a few words that would help with some of our frustrations as well.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : Just so excited (NERVOUS but excited) to add to our crazy.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ I feel like I got a lot of free forumla samples with DS but I haven't received a thing this time around. I ended up donating them as I didn't need them, but I'd like some on hand just in case - anyone know the best avenue to get those? TIA!
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer? Surreal. I can't believe we're in the home stretch. I am going to stock up on diapers at Target this week - it's going to be our first real purchase beyond an outfit here and there. I also can't believe how calm DH and I have been about having another kid. There are occasional breakdowns on my end when DS is having a rough day and I wonder how it's all going to work but besides that, we feel pretty prepared. Just need to go through DS' stuff to get an inventory of what we do/do not need clothes-wise. Other than that, she has a place to sleep, she will have some diapers and clothes and FX breastfeeding goes as well this time as last so she'll have food, too!
Me: 29 DH: 31
Married 10/13/12
TTC Since 8/2016
How old are your other kids? My son is 2 years and a couple months. He'll be almost 2.5 when little sissy comes.
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? I'm concerned that my son will feel less important, that the amazing bond I have with him will change. I just love my little guy so much that it hurts my heart to think he would feel anything different from me.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : I'm excited to finish our family of 4 and am excited to soak up the infant stage this time since I pretty much 'blacked out' with my son.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ I had my son 1 day early, I am PRAYING I have this one even more early.
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer? I am feeling okay.. Done being pregnant for sure. I want myself back to myself.
How old are your other kids? The twins are 16 months.
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? I have one that is fully walking/running and the other that takes a few steps and then sits down. Adjusted age is only 14 months and I know it's normal, but I'm hoping he gets the hang of it soon. Twins are also usually much later than singletons. I can't keep carrying them around. It's starting to be super uncomfortable. Since they were in the NICU for 35 days, they have their next developmental follow up appointment next week. NICU babies have appointments to see where they are on skills and thankfully so far we've been right where we should be.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : My boys are saying so many new words, it seems like every day is something new and it's so fun to see them grow. I am looking forward to how they interact with this baby. They know there is a "baby" in my belly and they point, say baby, and lift up my shirt, so I'm looking forward to them realizing there actually is a baby that comes home.
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer? Completely not ready mentally. We have a C scheduled for Dec 8 if this one doesn't come sooner and I am so not ready yet. My boys have been good sleepers since about 7 months old and I cringe just thinking about that aspect of it all again...
31 weeks, team blue
How old are your other kids?
DD is 3 years and will turn 4 this Feb
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
DD is super excited about a baby brother. Occasionally she’ll get quiet and then say ‘make sure to spend time with me too when the baby is here’. So thoughtful and grown up already.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
Getting excited about a new baby in the family! Nursery is coming together slowly but surely. Just completed my amazon registry and am awaiting the big shipments
I’m suffering through a cold right now that hit me yesterday. DD had it and now it’s my turn. Any suggestions on how to ease symptoms? So far just doing salt water gargle and halls drops. I feel miserable!
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer?
I’m really excited! I spend some time sitting in the nursery contemplating a new baby and folding little clothes/nesting. I’m already getting sentimental! Hormones! I was 2 weeks late with DD and I’m hoping DS will be on time!
How old are your other kids? DD1 is 22 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now? Honestly trying not to think about some of the challenges/concerns that is of having two. I’m definitely getting a little nervous overall about ‘two’, and because DD1 was SO easy with sleeping, eating, and really everything- I’m nervous if it will be the polar opposite- but just trying to take things as they come.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM : just can’t wait to go through everything again and also see DD1 as a big sister!! DH has been open about how he is really looking forward to her arrival and doing everything with her, so that’s been really sweet too.
Rants/Raves/Randoms/Questions/ Super excited for my sprinkle this weekend and the following shopping sprees to come if I get gift cards as well!
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer? Can’t even believe I have about a month left!! I’m definitely feeling done- it’s certainly not as easy at this point, especially with a toddler, so I’m really hoping DD2 comes early, but of course that probably won’t happen. There’s definitely a mix of emotions at this point in the home stretch!
@bb89012 I am the same way worrying that this baby will be a nightmare because DS was an easy baby too, and still is. My mom says it's because I am a good parent that he is well behaved, but I know that there are some things you just do not have control over regardless of your parenting skills!
@tmk0325 learning to talk is by far one of my favourite new phases! DS is at the point where he's learning multiple words a day and it is the most exciting and entertaining thing ever!
@Henderson2015 I feel the same way about my relationship with DS. I hate to think of him being jealous or that I am choosing his sister over him, which I know is inevitable but it just breaks my heart!
@flowerpower5838 we got some at the hospital last time with DD. I did re-up with Enfamil and got milestone stickers from them this time, but I don't think they've sent a sample yet. They know my due date, though, so it may still be coming. Last time, I think I also got similac and gerber samples.
@tmk0325 it has definitely gotten easier since DD will hold my hand and walk out to the car in the morning, but she still wants to be held/carried a LOT, and mostly wants me, not DH.
@sjis My doc approved Claritin D for me when I had a bad cold. Benadryl is also ok. A sinus rinse/neti pot can also help sometimes. I also got approval for Robutussin when my cold turned into a cough that was keeping me up all night.
@bb89012 DD was also a relatively "good" baby. I am terrified we are in for it with this one!
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
33+5, team blue
How old are your other kids?
DS1 is 4
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
It's finallly setting in that in a month we will have TWO kids and that it won't just be about DS1 anymore and im a little sad for him because his life is going to change so much (for the better but he won't get that right away). He is my pride and joy and is used to a lot of attention. Especially during our two year struggle with secondary IF, being his mama got me through. and I just hope that our relationship doesn't change in a negative way. I hear a lot of stories about how the older child resents the mom when a new baby comes and I'm terrified of this.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
He's just so excited to meet his little brother and to help so I can't wait to see that.
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer?
Nervous. Excited. Anxious. Relieved to be in home stretch. Stressed that there is still so much to do. Sooo many different emotions. I know it all works itself out in the end so I'm just chugging along.
DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
MFI (SA #1Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
AMH .328 | FSH 13.2
Here is what you'll receive:
Feeding Guide booklet for breastfeeding, formula-feeding, and supplementing moms—use now and reference later
Samples of 4 formulas specifically designed for your baby's needs:
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Enfamil PREMIUM® Gentlease®
Enfamil PREMIUM® Infant
Enfamil® Enspire™
Two Enfamil® standard-flow soft nipples
Valuable checks (attached to the mailing label)
Visit the website now to learn more about your samples.
So, I would go sign up with them:
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
32w5d - Team Green!
How old are your other kids?
DS will be 5 on December 7th
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
I am worried how our son will adjust since there is a big age gap. He is super excited about becoming a big brother and I know that he will be a huge help to'll just be an adjustment.
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I am so excited to finally know if we are having a girl or a boy, and to see DS when he meets the baby for the first time!
I didn't think my heartburn could get any worse....boy was a wrong!
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you feeling as we get closer?
Excited and a little stressed all in one!
32+3, Boy
How old are your other kids?
DS is 22 months
Current challenges/concerns about being a STM or questions about things your children are going through now?
We live in a 1,200 two bed, one bath cabin that my DH built in Alaska. I'm just concerned about fitting us all in. The boys will share a room, but we still need to get it ready for the two of them. This pregnancy is flying by, I can't believe I am only 7 weeks and a few days to my due date. I just feel like I have a lot to do to get the house ready and organized. My nesting urges are strong these days!
Current joys/successes/or happy thoughts about being a STM :
I am really looking forward to having two sons. DH and I both wanted more than one kid, and we are really looking forward to our family growing.
I had an emergency cecerian with my DS. So far, it looks as though I'll be able to try for a VBAC. I am just excited at the possibility to give vaginal birth, but I am also going in to this labor knowing that anything can happen.
Also, there is a sense of calm I have about this pregnancy that I didn't have with my first pregnancy. I appreciate the perspective us STMs have. It's wonderful knowing what is really important, and what is just a waste of energy and money.
GTKY: Y'all, it's November! How are you
I'm feeling big, and all the normal uncomfortable feelings that go along with it, but I am super proud of myself for keeping up with my lap swimming schedule twice per week. I may be super slow, but its been wonderful staying active. Also, it's great being able to tell people that I am due NEXT month!! Right around the corner ladies!