March 2018 Moms

Accident while pregnant

Hi ladies-I'm due March 1 and was rear ended pretty hard over the weekend while driving.  I was checked at the hospital and everything with the baby looked normal, but I'm feeling super anxious about the whole thing and on high alert for anything to go wrong.  Has anyone had a similar experience with a car accident or a fall?  The nurses assured me that baby is well protected, but I'm still freaking out.  Any advice?

Re: Accident while pregnant

  • I believe another member here recently got into an accident.  I am glad to hear all is ok and definitely listen to your healthcare professionals as far as signs of complications.  I hope everything stays ok.
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  • I understand you being nervous for sure! I don't think many members have had this experience that I recall. Glad you & baby are ok! 
    Me: 36    DH: 37
    Married: 5.27.16
    Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • That's definitely stressful but the medical professionals know their jobs well. If they aren't concerned, all should be well. Baby is very well protected in there. The anxiety is probably more harmful than anything else. I'm sorry that you experienced that though.
  • aos620 said:
    Thanks for the support, everyone.  I called my OB to update them and they are going to do a follow up ultrasound today just to double check.  Hopefully that goes well and I can breathe easy again. 
    Oh good!  Glad you're advocating for yourself and doing what you need to do to feel calm and confident.
  • I hope everything goes well, and you and your baby are ok! I know having an accident is something I worry about every time I drive, but like so many others have said, the baby is really well protected in there  :)
    It's always a good idea to talk to your OB about it though; mine said if I every fell or had a kid or dog jump on my stomach, to give them a call.

  • Glad you are getting an US to calm your anxiety. Accidents are scary. Accidents while pregnant must be 100× scarier. Feel better!
  • I was rear ended at 34 weeks with my first and we narrowly avoided a head on collision from a dude who ran two red lights in a row at 45+ mph. It is stressful and I’ve dealt with anxiety over it ever since. It did not go away after I had the baby either. Everything was fine with DS and I had a lot of lower back back pain from the collision throughout the rest of my pregnancy. I spent 5-6 hours on a fetal monitor after the accident because I was past 20 weeks and they wanted to be sure I didn’t go into labor early so I had plenty of peace of mind that DS was okay. My anxiety came from worry that it would happen again, every time I got in the car. Talk to your OB and trust your doctors. I live in a city where people frequently run red lights and stop signs though, so that added to my anxiety. I’m sure that everything is truly fine. Try to find your best strategy for coping with the anxiety—yoga, meditation, even therapy. Hugs. 
  • Even the smallest thing worried me when I was pregnant with DD. I slipped and fell while on the ice and had some spotting but the ER said the baby was very well cocooned at that point. I'm glad your OB is giving you the peace of mind of another U/S. Take care of yourself and let yourself relax a while! 
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