1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 24 weeks! Cantaloupe, baby weights about a pound!
2) How are you feeling? Pretty good. No real complaints. Baby is moving around a lot!
3) Any appointments this week? Nope. Next appointment is in 2 weeks.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? Registered for childbirth, childcare, and breastfeeding classes in January. A little later than I wanted, but December is a busy month for us! Also, heading to the Catskills tomorrow for a short babymoon. Excited! 5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? I wish I had a Pinterest-worthy home! I could spend all day buying and redecorating all the rooms of our place, but since we are currently renting, it's not an option. Can't even paint our walls! Hoping to buy a bigger place next year.
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 26 weeks, size of a head of kale or bowling pin. That's kinda big.
2) How are you feeling? Not bad. Sleepy. Heavy. But overall not bad.
3) Any appointments this week? nope
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? Not really. I can't believe it's only 14 weeks to 2/1 due date, though I have this feeling I'm gonna pop early (we shall see). With the holidays coming, that's not a lot time, eek. 5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? Hmmm, maybe learn calligraphy better so I could do that as a side gig lol.
@clc515 - I love calligraphy, and wish I had that talent. My handwriting is atrocious. Half the time I can't even read what I just wrote minutes earlier! I scheduled the Baby Basics/Infant Care class when I'm 36 weeks - hoping I don't deliver before that or I won't have a clue on what to do after baby is born!
@jennifer_m21 Lol I also wish for a pinterest worthy home! I'm sadly lacking in the style department even with the freedom to do what I want lol. Hope you get your bigger place you can go to town on decorating soon!
We signed up for a baby basics class the last week of November. In hindsight, probably could have done it in Dec but it's just such a busy month. We already did the hospital tour where I was the least pregnant girl there lol. 36 weeks isn't TOO close to your due date so hopefully you'll still be fresh and remember everything and be ready to go.
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 23 weeks - a bunch of grapes
2) How are you feeling? Sunday night I went to sleep and woke up an hour and half later to find I had bled through my pants... I’ve had some spotting and light bleeding this entire pregnancy but nothing like this. It stopped after a couple hours but I spent the day in the hospital. Everything is perfect with the baby but they cannot find out where the bleeding is coming from. So physically I am okay, mentally scared though. I have an anterior placenta so kicks up until this week have been sporadic but I am thankful to be feeling them more and more.
3) Any appointments this week? I had a follow up with my Dr today where we just listened to the babies heartbeat and it was great.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? I miss sleep...
5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? Photography - I have a pretty good DSLR and I wish I could spend more time figuring it out so I could quit my job and take pictures for a living.
@diesel11111 How scary! Glad baby is okay and hopefully it was a freak bleeding thing that doesn't happen again. I also have an anterior placenta and I didn't start feeling baby kicking regularly til the last 10-14 days (I'm 3 weeks ahead of you) so it's coming!
ETA -- love photography too. Are you going to get professional pics done of LO or will you take them yourself? Good time to practice if you're awake enough haha.
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 24 weeks, a cantaloupe, at my US today, they said 1 lb, 9oz
2) How are you feeling? So tired. I have had some hard deadlines at work, so working late is not helping. Heartburn and quite a few headaches lately. The weather changing makes that worse.
3) Any appointments this week? I had an u/s Wednesday. Second anatomy scan. They couldn't see all of his brain. So today, another u/s with a perinatologist.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? Just want to sleep! 5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? I would love to completely decorate my home. Landscape my yard. The works. I enjoy getting crafty. I would love to paint and learn how to crochet better.
@clc515 one of my good friends does all of DHs pics and doesn’t charge so I’ll have her do baby’s too - but I do love to do random photo shoots of my boy so I can practice. Although it was way easier when he just sat and smiled... at 13 months he’s so freaking quick!
Re: Thursday Ticker Change 10/26
5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? I wish I had a Pinterest-worthy home! I could spend all day buying and redecorating all the rooms of our place, but since we are currently renting, it's not an option. Can't even paint our walls! Hoping to buy a bigger place next year.
5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? Hmmm, maybe learn calligraphy better so I could do that as a side gig lol.
We signed up for a baby basics class the last week of November. In hindsight, probably could have done it in Dec but it's just such a busy month. We already did the hospital tour where I was the least pregnant girl there lol. 36 weeks isn't TOO close to your due date so hopefully you'll still be fresh and remember everything and be ready to go.
23 weeks - a bunch of grapes
Sunday night I went to sleep and woke up an hour and half later to find I had bled through my pants... I’ve had some spotting and light bleeding this entire pregnancy but nothing like this. It stopped after a couple hours but I spent the day in the hospital. Everything is perfect with the baby but they cannot find out where the bleeding is coming from. So physically I am okay, mentally scared though. I have an anterior placenta so kicks up until this week have been sporadic but I am thankful to be feeling them more and more.
I had a follow up with my Dr today where we just listened to the babies heartbeat and it was great.
I miss sleep...
5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
Photography - I have a pretty good DSLR and I wish I could spend more time figuring it out so I could quit my job and take pictures for a living.
ETA -- love photography too. Are you going to get professional pics done of LO or will you take them yourself? Good time to practice if you're awake enough haha.
24 weeks, a cantaloupe, at my US today, they said 1 lb, 9oz
So tired. I have had some hard deadlines at work, so working late is not helping. Heartburn and quite a few headaches lately. The weather changing makes that worse.
I had an u/s Wednesday. Second anatomy scan. They couldn't see all of his brain. So today, another u/s with a perinatologist.
Just want to sleep!
5) GTKY: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
I would love to completely decorate my home. Landscape my yard. The works. I enjoy getting crafty. I would love to paint and learn how to crochet better.