My baby is now 10 days old. When we were in the hospital, a nurse gave him a pacifier. Im not sure if that's why, but he had trouble learning to latch. I took the pacifier away and he started getting good at latching. But a little too good. Because now he wants to nurse 24/7. I know he's getting tons of milk because he's peeing and pooping like crazy and he's gaining plenty of weight. He will also fall asleep on my boob, so I try to gently slide him off, but when he realizes he's no longer latches he cries bloody murder to be put back on the boob. This goes on for hours, sometimes like 6 hours or even more. I start to lose my mind. I can't leave the house or do anything but just sit in one spot and nurse all day. The doctor said don't give him a pacifier until he's at least 2 weeks old, and lots of sites online say to wait until 3 or 4 weeks. Plus he seemed to have some nipple confusion earlier and I don't want that to return. But I can't continue this constant comfort nursing forever, I'm losing my mind and my nipples are destroyed and I have no time to do chores or pump any milk for my husband to give him.
Re: Constant nursing