Jackie was supposed to be a flower girl last weekend, but she fell asleep before the ceremony even started. I blame jetlag (which is still messing with her nightly sleep after 3 nights home). She was pretty cute and had a blast playing with Grandma and Papa and their dogs. Poor pups didn’t quite know what to make of her, but loved the extra toddler treats she’d drop.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
It's been a rough couple of days with Damien, not sure if it's the incoming teeth or something else. We've been very lucky thus far and haven't had any issues with his teething, other than drooling, but maybe this time around it's finally caught up with us.
Poor baby has had an on and off fever since Sunday night. I am totally exhausted and feel like crap, but these newborn-esque snuggles make it all worth it
Ignore the fact that DH just dumps his gym bag contents on the floor. This kid loves his kitties. The kitties are still a little wary. He's going to be a good big brother.
Got a good lipstick kiss on the kid this weekend at a friend's party. And yes, there are grown men playing with blocks in the background without the toddler.
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Henry is walking more each day. Neither of them will keep socks on, so I tried socks and shoes this week, and that seemed to help, but Henry is convinced he can't walk with them on. If we go in the car anywhere with socks on but no shoes, I always have to put them back on both babies when we get to our destination.
We had a great time in Vegas but man did we miss Ethan. Lol. He had his first sleepover at my dad and stepmoms house. I was super nervous and left them a typed list of instructions (yes I'm that mom) but all went well! He loved playing with our suitcase when we got back.
LO is still being abnormally difficult and I can see like 4 teeth protruding so I think he's just miserable. Walking better with ease and loves his new spoutless cups. Still no words, just babbles. Likes stacking toys and playing with the rings. he had a specialist appt and he weighs 22.7lbs and 32 inches now
Re: HDBD 10/18
Poor baby has had an on and off fever since Sunday night. I am totally exhausted and feel like crap, but these newborn-esque snuggles make it all worth it
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Nadia loves the play kitchen at our friend's house. I can't believe she's almost 16 months old!
I tried on in my other daughter's old Madeline Halloween costume. I think I'll alter it to fit Nadia for this year. Tiny little thing
Ignore the fact that DH just dumps his gym bag contents on the floor. This kid loves his kitties. The kitties are still a little wary. He's going to be a good big brother.
Got a good lipstick kiss on the kid this weekend at a friend's party. And yes, there are grown men playing with blocks in the background without the toddler.
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Henry is walking more each day. Neither of them will keep socks on, so I tried socks and shoes this week, and that seemed to help, but Henry is convinced he can't walk with them on. If we go in the car anywhere with socks on but no shoes, I always have to put them back on both babies when we get to our destination.
LO is still being abnormally difficult and I can see like 4 teeth protruding so I think he's just miserable. Walking better with ease and loves his new spoutless cups. Still no words, just babbles. Likes stacking toys and playing with the rings.
he had a specialist appt and he weighs 22.7lbs and 32 inches now