1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 22 weeks... baby is the size of a zucchini.
2) How are you feeling? I have been feeling tired, but remarkably well. Still waking up randomly overnight needing to eat.
3) Any appointments this week? Two! I see my OB tomorrow for the normal checkup and MFM Wednesday for the A/S.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? I am so anxious about the A/S since our last kid's was when his cleft was diagnosed. I'm really glad we did the gender pachage scan early so that we could celebrate that news separately. I just can't seem to chill out... 48 hours to go! Anyone have good time-killing, android game recommendations? 5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? The Azores (Portuguese Islands) and Italy. Part of my family came from the islands, but I also loved my last trip to Italy and would love to see more of it!
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 24 weeks - a cantaloupe
2) How are you feeling? Tired. Lots of hip pain causing me to lose sleep
3) Any appointments this week? Glucouse screening....yay?!! Sigh.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? Still haven’t felt much movement. I get a heavy feeling in my pelvis which I assume is her when she settles down there. But no kicks. I know several people that are less pregnant than me and getting kicks all the time and I’m starting to get worried. And maybe a bit jealous.
5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Oh man we have a huge list. With husband being a pilot we get flight passes where we basically only pay the taxes and airport fees. But we just haven’t had the opportunity to use them yet. I would love to do Ireland/Scotland/new Zealand. Italy. So many places.
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 24 weeks, size of a cantaloupe I think (pregnancy brain)
2) How are you feeling? Tired but ok other than this weird nausea that we think is a virus my husband and I both have.
3) Any appointments this week? Yes!! Just a checkup but curious if I’ll be getting the glucose test this week.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? Someone has decided when I wake up to pee it’s time for a dance party in my belly...I do believe she has her days and night mixed up!
5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? I’d love to go to Germany but I’m terrified to fly so not looking like that’s ever going to happen.
@pandappanderson she may be laying weird and that’s why you can’t feel her. I’m 24 also and the last few weeks she’s been going crazy with the movements, but everyone is different! I’m sure all is well Mama!
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 22 weeks. Size of a coconut.
2) How are you feeling? Usually ok. Randomly get ligament pain or headache. Still often tired.
3) Any appointments this week? No. Had my a/s last week which turned into a second one at the place that's more affiliated with the hospital bc they couldn't get good pictures of the baby's spine and I have history. Everything looked good in the end. Although I had to take another specific blood test for Down's syndrome bc by original came back abnormal. I have another appt in a week.
4) Rants/Raves/Questions? Not really. I'm probably just too tired to think of any. 5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? So many places. Italy, France, England, Australia, New Zealand, back to Israel, back to Hawaii, Costa Rica. The list goes on and on. Of course most places I won't end up going due to lack of funds and time. Oh well. A girl can dream.
Re: Monday Ticker Change | 10.16
5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? The Azores (Portuguese Islands) and Italy. Part of my family came from the islands, but I also loved my last trip to Italy and would love to see more of it!
24 weeks - a cantaloupe
5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Oh man we have a huge list. With husband being a pilot we get flight passes where we basically only pay the taxes and airport fees. But we just haven’t had the opportunity to use them yet. I would love to do Ireland/Scotland/new Zealand. Italy. So many places.
That's awesome for the flight perks.
24 weeks, size of a cantaloupe I think (pregnancy brain)
Tired but ok other than this weird nausea that we think is a virus my husband and I both have.
Yes!! Just a checkup but curious if I’ll be getting the glucose test this week.
Someone has decided when I wake up to pee it’s time for a dance party in my belly...I do believe she has her days and night mixed up!
5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I’d love to go to Germany but I’m terrified to fly so not looking like that’s ever going to happen.
2. I've had lots of headaches and some heartburn. Also have lots of back problems after being on my feet all day at work.
3. I had one Wednesday last week and my fundal height was measuring at 25 rather than 22. Dr isn't worried because my a/s 2 weeks prior was normal.
4. Holy crap am I so irritable with people lately. Something that normally would only be a little frustrating is now completely grating on my nerves.
5. So many places!! I'd love to see Italy, Germany, France, Greece.. the list could go on for quite a while!
22 weeks. Size of a coconut.
5) GTKY: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? So many places. Italy, France, England, Australia, New Zealand, back to Israel, back to Hawaii, Costa Rica. The list goes on and on. Of course most places I won't end up going due to lack of funds and time. Oh well. A girl can dream.