TTC After a Loss

TTCAL Week of 10/16

Well it’s Monday again...

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Status?
3. Rants/Raves
4. GTKY: What is your favorite store ?

Re: TTCAL Week of 10/16

  • 1. Old. 
    2. Status? TWW
    3. Rants/Raves It has been extra warm this yr and I love it!!! 
    4. GTKY: Target. I can’t wait until they put Christmas stuff in the $1 section  :) 

  • 1. Introduce yourself.   Sooooo Old

    2. Status? TWW 11 DPO

    3. Rants/Raves Had fun weekend with family and friends except that I got pink eye. 

    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store ? Target and Macy's 
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  • WTO CD15 - pretty sure I'm in the surge right now because lots of EWCM the last couple days and more so today.  I'll probably O in the next couple days but BD is on thru the 22nd.

    Rave - got another student so that's good.  One of my adult students had to leave because of a job transfer last month so I'm happy about picking up another one.  Only thing is it will make my Monday nights very long and DH doesn't like when I teach so late but what can ya do?  Thursday is my appt with the functional medicine doctor which should be good.  I'm kinda over my OB.  I'm sure he's great if you're pregnant.

    Favorite Store - Target for everything, Maurices for clothes, and platos closet for consignment yoga clothes
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. 2nd cycle here. Ttc since January. Loss in March and September.
    2.WTO CD 13
    3. Rant: Dh and i got poison ivy alllll over after working in the yard Friday. It's HORRIBLE.
    Rave: booked a hotel this weekend for our trip to San Diego next month! Can't wait!!!! It is so needed!
    4. Target
    @Mack2342 pink eye is horrible!! Hope it heals quickly for you!
  • @Mack2342 I hope your pink eye is gone soon!

    @vlagrl29 that is great you got another student!

    @kath525 I hope ur poison ivy is gone soon! Is there anything you can put on it? San Diego sounds good to me!!! 

    And who doesn’t love Target?  ;)

  • 1. Introduce yourself. Not new
    2. Status? TWW, CD12. BFN's and temp dropped this morning
    3. Rants/Raves Tried the new La Croix flavor Key Lime. I'm not normally a big fan of sparkling water but this is so good! I will definitely be buying more. 
    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store ? Target of course! 
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • 1. Been here since July/Aug-ish? Two miscarriages - Nov 16 and July 17. TTC
        for 5+ years. Moving on from IUI and trying naturally while switching REs for
        IVF (hopefully).
    2. Status? It's either O day or 1 DPO. 
    3. Rants/Raves: So I am way behind the times but we finally just got Netflix and
        I spent most of Sunday in bed binge watching a couple of shows. It was just
        what I needed (could have done without the migraine, but oh well). 
    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store ? No idea - Homesense? Urban Barn? 
    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • 2. Status? Benched. CD 40. WTO. 

    3. Rants/Raves: Depressed psychopath, table for 1 please. So, the good news is that next cycle I can get the progesterone biopsy and hopefully try again the following cycle! The bad news is, my 35-37 day average cycle that’s been closer to 32 days since my 4th MC, is on CD 40 and who knows when AF will arrive. Urgh! Frustrating. Super upset still about the job I applied for and didn’t get. It’s more the situation and WHO they hired instead that’s got me down. But, therapy today. So hopefully that’ll help me turn this sinking ship around.

    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store? Oh goodness. I used to love Borders. Maybe Amazon?

    Kath525 Sorry about the poison ivy! My DH gets it really bad too and has to be super careful. And yay vacation!

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • @tosh24 we just got a homesense kind of close to here. I heard it’s like homegoods? I’m dying to go!! Yay for Netflix!!! We just started the 3rd season of Schitts Creek. 

    @dpjennifer  I hope you have a good therapy session that makes you feel better. I miss Borders but yay for Amazon!! I still go to Barnes but wish they priced matched to Amazon! 
  • @Kath525 so does poison ivy. I hope that heals quickly 
  • @dpjennifer will doctor give you something to start AF.  Mine will after 35 days
  • 1. Been here a while.

    2. I'm in TWW- about 4dpo. 

    3. I have a co- worker that has been telling everyone she "might be pregnant" ...for some context- she had to get her wisdom teeth pulled and didn't want to get x-rays or take meds... we had a discussion about this and it's like she has no sense- I told her if she thinks the ONE time she had unprotected sex would get her pg to tell the doctor and let them decide the best approach. Granted she admitted they only BD once on a Saturday and she didnt expect to ovulate until the following Thursday. The worst part is I hear her telling everyone we work with that she can't take pain meds now that her surgery is over- "because she might be pregnant." I'm dying. AND she knows about my loss and that I'm TTC. Seriously- I know she wants to have a second child and feels ready- but seriously if she gets KU before me and I have to hear about EVERY single symptom I'm not going to survive. She's defiantly one of those people who has to have something to complain about and I know being next to her going though a pregnancy isn't going to be pleasant- aside from my situation TTCAL. Ugh. 

    4. Target! God I miss target- I wish they were in Europe!!! 

  • @jchpg that sounds miserable.  I hope you get KU before she does so hopefully it won't be as hurtful or annoying.  I think even if we weren't in this situation that would be highly annoying! I would not survive without target! 
  • @jchpg Ugh that sounds torturous. When I'm around people like that I have to repeat "smile and nod, smile and nod" over and over or else I fear my face would sell out my inner monologue which looks something more like this...

    @Mack2342 Yuck! Sorry about the pink eye. I had an awful case about 5 years ago and it still haunts me to this day. Hopefully it resolves quickly!

    @sprkls8506 We don't have homegoods here where I live so I've never been in one, but a quick google search tells me homesense is much the same. I mainly go for their seasonal decor - love it!

    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • @jchpg ugh!!! Sounds super annoying!!! 

    @tosh24 yes!! The seasonal decor is amazing at homegoods and tj maxx. I’m hoping to get to the homesense for xmas decor! 
  • Not New

    O day up in here. I'm sure we'll BD ED for a few more days just to be on the safe side.

    I have a wicked case of the Mondays today and am finding myself not in the mood for people. The weekend flew by and I was not impressed when the alarm sounded this morning. I almost got shot out of a tree by a stupid grouse hunter that wasn't supposed to be hunting our land, so that was an adventure. I thought DH was going to bend his rifle around his neck. Being rushed to the ER for a gunshot wound would certainly put a crimp on the TTC process. On the bright side, we still have some beautiful leaves left although now that we've had our first freeze they're dropping like crazy. I'm soaking it up while I can.

    We don't have a Borders or Homesense so I'm curious what those are like, but I love Target (who doesn't) and Amazon is great for getting things that I'd otherwise have to drive over an hour for. For clothing I'm pretty flexible, I like Maurice's and Pink for all my cute lady things.

    @jchpg *throat punches your co-worker.  That sucks

    @dpjennifer I hope AF comes soon. That would be hard.
  • @sprkls8506 we've been using an anti itch cream and doing baking soda baths. I'm trying to get dh to go to the dr to get something perscription because his in on like 50% of his body and he's miserable. I've got like 5 patches the size of my hand which is bad enough! 
    @dpjennifer any suggestions for the poison ivy??
    @robyn2201 sorry about the BFN
  • 1. Not new, 2 MCs Jan & Sept 17
    2. WTO, CD 3
    3. Rant: my pregnant friend (whose EDD is the same as what mine would have been from the last MC) told me this weekend that being pregnant "isn't all it's cracked up to be." I'm like, gee I wish I had YOUR problems. Rave: This weekend we finished booking our trip to Sedona and I am stoked. We need this.
    4. Duh, Target.
  • sprkls8506 I love to browse at a Barnes and Noble (whenever I come across one, that is). But I do wish they would price match as well!  They'd get SO much of my money. And thank you, I hope therapy is a god-send today.

    Mack2342 I probably could get something to start AF. But honestly, I don't know when I actually O'd and this isn't a super late period for me (just the longest cycle in a while. I once went 56 days!). I had some uterus cramps yesterday, and my temp was still elevated, so I figure I'll just wait it out several days and see what happens. I have a feeling it's close (or so I hope).

    jchpg Ugh. Tell her to POAS or STFU!!!!

    ELeighMay Ugh! Sorry you were almost shot. Stupid people!!!! 

    Kath525 Actually, I am not allergic to poison ivy at all!  I've grabbed it up by my hands, put it in the trash bag, and then washed my hands. And DH gets it from being in proximity or touching something I touched or who knows! It's ridiculous. I know he uses some sort of anti-itch poison ivy cream (Maybe some variation of Cortizone)? But sometimes his is so bad he's had to go to the urgi-care/family doctor for meds (steroids?).

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • @tosh24- Yes that GIF Is EXACTLY what I'm holding back from doing....
    AND isn't binge watching the best?!?

    @Mack2342 sorry about the pink eye. Hopefully it clears up soon- that's never fun. 

    @vlagrl29 good luck with your new doc. I finally got an appointment with a fertility specialist- but not until Nov 28th- I'm glad at least its scheduled, but I'm hoping for a nice surprise this month so I dont have to go :)

    @kath525 so sorry about the poison ivy! That sucks. I hope it clears up quickly.

    @dpjennifer sorry for crappy day and the LONG cycle. whew- I cant imagine that. Mine is around 31 days and it feels crazy long. 

    @ELeighMay- Id love to throat punch her! Sorry about the hunting mishap. I'm glad you were not hurt. Hopefully that idiot will stay off your land. 

    @cassafrass15 I think @tosh24 's GIF applies to your friend too.  :#

  • @Mack2342  Pink eye is the WORST! I swear, I can walk into Costco and get it from someone on the other side of the building. I get it so easily it's pretty rediculous.

    @dpjennifer  jchpg The guys that were hunting tried to tell my DH that they had permission from the owner. This was seriously his face. I about passed out laughing.

  • @dpjennifer lucky duck! We were stringing Christmas lights on our trees and our property backs up to a forest preserve. One of the trees had a big vine around it... Of course we didn't think about that fact that it could be poison ivy (i would have recognized the leaves if it had any)... So we were all over that tree and vine. I think I have talked dh into going to the dr by bringing up the fact that this is fw and bd-ing while itchy doesn't sound fun!
  • @jchpg - glad you got an RE appt on the calendar and I'm also hoping you don't need it.  My mind keeps going back and forth on seeing an RE.  Originally I thought I'd get a consultation for one in Nov but then people have said even the consultation is like at least $300 and I'm not willing to spend that kind of money until we get closer to possibly actually wanting to go that route.  The other option is to do just a couple months of clomid with my OB and if after 2 months nothing then I would go see an RE.  I'm just not wanting to deal with all of that right now.  I really just want the natural route for a bit longer.  It would be different if either of us had some fertility issues but neither of us do.  Gut is telling me not to right now and I'm more of a natural homeopathic type of person anyways especially with all the yoga I do.  I want to give this route a really good try before going medical next year.  plus my OB has pissed me off with the infertility label.  It doesn't go with all my positive mantras.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. Kicking dust around for a while now.
    2. After 3 losses, followed by 5 long months of testing and surgery schedules – I AM OFF THE BENCH! Feel like I need to celebrate somehow that won't make me gain weight. All went well with the surgery and I’m just waiting for AF to come sometime next week and figure out timing for baby aspirin/progesterone with the clinic. Finally feeling hopeful that our rainbow babe is in sight!
    3. Rants/Raves: All raves here!
    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store? Would have to say Target or HomeGoods.

    OB today mentioned that I should cut carbs to ensure timely ovulation (apparently they can mess with your cycle) .  Anyone heard this before?


    And catching up with all of you TTCAL ladies….

    @mack2342 & @kath525 Sorry about the ailments! Hope you feel better soon.

    @vlagrl29  & @eleighmay Happy BD’ing.

    @robyn2201 Sorry about the BFN. I love the La Croix!

    @tosh24 What have you been watching on Netflix? I need some new shows.

    @dpjennifer Sorry things aren’t going great. Hopefully things get better for you.  I’ve often thought about going to a therapist as well since this whole process sucks. And RIP Borders :(

    @jchpg HA I wish it happened like that. I mean I guess in theory it could, but so so so unlikely.  Torturous. 

  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited October 2017
    @msstephanielynn - happy dance!!  So glad you are off that bench.  I've never heard of carbs affecting O.  I have really regular cycles too and always O around the same time every month.  I do consider myself somewhat of a healthy person.  I am pumping my body full of antioxidants.  with supplements and green/berry smoothies.  I'm focusing on egg quality at the moment although I've never been told mine were bad but I figure it can't hurt.  I had way more EWCM this month than last so not sure if that's because  of what I'm doing or not.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @msstephanielynn I've read a few things about it playing into egg quality. 

  • 1. Introduce yourself. D&E on August 4th
    2. Status? WTO, CD 8.
    3. Rants/Raves
     I've got a cold and I am just so tired. Still getting bummed out having so many pregnant women all around me. Being in toddler classes with DD, it's hard to avoid all the pregnant moms. Found out another friend is due in January, the same due date I was supposed to have. Those January due dates hurt me more than others. 
    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store ? Probably Home Goods or Target. 

    @msstephanielynn Yay!!! And I've never heard of carbs affecting anything TTC related. 
  • Yeah I thought it was a weird comment. I think I will reduce, but not eliminate since lower carb has helped me lose weight in the past as well. Double win?

    @vlagrl29 I have heard that staying very hydrated can help with CM. I need to get some more green/berry smoothies in. Mind sharing your recipe? 

    @Fishee333 - I know exactly what you mean. It seems like everywhere I go with DS, everyone has a "complete" family (meaning they are done by choice), has a newborn or are pregnant with another on the way. Secondary IF sucks in it's own special ways. 
  • vlagrl29 I'd be wary of doing Clomid with your OB. All the IF girls in TTGP recommend only doing Clomid with an RE because the RE actually tracks it and knows more about what they're looking for. Clomid can really F you up from what I hear, which is why there's a lifetime limit on the number of cycles you can do with it (I think 6?). With recurrent PG loss you can see an RE and usually have it covered by insurance. And I know you're against the IF label, but if you own the IF label, then insurance usually has to pay for RE treatments to an extent as well. It sounds like you're really stressing yourself out over everything and the IF label. Maybe take a few months off of trying? Just to reset your mind/emotions? Then try again?

    msstephanielynn YAY off the bench! I've never heard of cutting carbs. That sounds awfully specific considering that this is a field of medicine where statistics say 50-75% of RPL is undetermined even after testing. I don't think cutting carbs will just miraculously produce whatever they want!!!  But hey, maybe I'm just too much of a cynic lately? And my therapist is AMAZING!  (now to be fair, the first therapist I saw was an utter disaster. But then I found someone familiar with IF/MC and who could relate and actually help me).

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited October 2017
    @dpjennifer - yeah I know deep down seeing an RE for it would put my mind at ease and I have no issues with that except anything fertility related is not covered by my current insurance.  we are changing insurances in 2018 so I can check that out then.  On the plus side we got a bit of a tax refund that i've put in the savings in case we do need to see an RE next year.  I'd take a break but I just came off a break lol - sept was the first month back from the break and it's important to me to at least give it a good last try before going the medical route.  Just where I'm at now mentally everything around me needs to be positive.  I need to let the labeling go - let it go :)

    @msstephanielynn -  I went to sprouts and got a huge bag of frozen berries, cherries, and kale. I add water and a banana to it.  I'm going to get some spinach to add as well.  Adding a banana or apple to it makes it taste a bit sweeter.  I've heard to can also add almond milk.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • vlagrl29 Yeah, don't let the label bother you. Plus you never know, maybe your last PG was actually a fluke cycle that resulted in a child, and you really have had some sort of issue all along?  Heck, as long as you can get the new insurance to pay for the testing, I'd let them label you anything they want!!!  :) Just remember that whatever 'box' the insurance puts you in, does not define who or what you are. Just make sure they check the box that has them pay!!!

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • @dpjennifer that is exactly how I feel!!! Altho my insurance doesn’t care about that label. So far they still won’t pay!! 
  • @vlagrl29 i get why the label is a hard thing. If I don't get and stay pregnant by January I'll be assigned that label as well. I've been having a hard time with that as well. It is hard. Everything about this is hard. But like you said, we've just got to try to stay positive. I guess anything that gets us one step closer to a take home baby is worth it, even a stupid label!
  • UGH, SIL's lo just arrived and the text message group chat (complete with a barrage of photos) that I got stuck in with DH's family has me wanting to vomit. There should really be a way out of those. And, OF COURSE she'd have a girl, which is what we were having. It's going to be a miserable day here. The funny part is I am actually getting a cold, so I don't even have to fake the illness to get out of visiting. I think it's the first time I've welcomed being sick in my life. Thank you universe, for doing me a single solid for a change. Now to get through the next seven hours at my desk without bursting into tears.
  • @ELeighMay I’m sorry. I would prob want to burst into tears too. I hope you have some distractions at work.  
  • So I have a follow up for my mammogram today. I was talking to the nurse about possibly taking meds for getting pregnant and I just started crying. Still waiting for the dr. 
  • sprkls8506 I vote we just call it a day and fast-forward to tomorrow and start again. Hang in there girl.
  • @ELeighMay @sprkls8506 I'm so sorry you're having a rough day. This too shall pass!

    @dpjennifer yeah maybe I wouldn't mind the label if ins covered it but they don't, all our fertility testing had to be coded as irregular periods to get it covered so I don't think the IF label will work for me in that way. I'm glad DD came when she did because I was on cobra and needed the maternity coverage before my time was up on it. It's just hard for me too when they can't pinpoint anything so we are giving ourselves a full year TTCAL and then look for RE. I gotta believe in miracles and this break I took reminded me what my focus should be on - all the great things in my life and also last year was sad with the loss and I wanted this school year to be happy. I may be cray cray but deep down I know this is what I need.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ELeighMay Sorry. Feel free to cry in the bathroom for hours on end. Or go home early!

    vlagrl29 I don't understand the label thing, but no fears cause I'm cray cray in a totally different way. :) This whole thing is stressful and upsetting and everyone reacts differently. What you're feeling is valid. Sorry that you're being given a label you don't feel is representative and that it's not even helpful to your situation with insurance paying and whatnot. Urgh!

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.


  • @ELeighMay sorry you’re having a rough day with the birth announcement. I think there may be a way to mute/remove yourself from a group text if you have an iPhone? Never done it so I’m not sure, but I thought I had heard that at one point. Just take care of yourself today, and things will look up soon!

    @sprkls8506 hugs to you! It’s ok to cry when you need to, just let it all out... 

    @fishee333 I’ve got a cold too, and it sucks. Hope we both feel better soon! 

    @Mack2342 sorry about the pink eye!

    @vlagrl29 I second what @dpjennifer said about the label.. try not to let yourself stress over that. You’re in a good place mentally now, so ignore that label, and keep giving things a good try. I’m in the same boat as you with the insurance - mine doesn’t cover anything fertility related, which really sucks. 

    @Kath525 ugh sorry about the poison ivy! That sucks!! 

    @dpjennifer sorry about the job. Hopefully AF comes soon for you! 

    @jchpg ugh I would so want to slap that coworker in the face. People can be so frustrating sometimes!

    @cassafrass15  I would also like to slap your pregnant friend in the face as well... 

    @msstephanielynn  YAY for being off the bench!!


    1. Introduce yourself. Not new anymore. MC in July, D&C in early August. 

    2. Status? WTO CD 7
    3. Rants/Raves - I’ll be using OPKs for the first time this month, so I’m weirdly excited to start those. I wrote to my ob last week with a question about my short luteal phase the last two cycles, and I’m annoyed that she hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I mean I get that it’s not the most urgent question, but a response would be nice. 

    4. GTKY: What is your favorite store ? I love sur la table, or any store that sells kitchen things really. 
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