
High Cholesterol

Did anyone experience a raise in cholesterol since starting IVF medication? I just had my annual testing done at work and my cholesterol was 412. Last year was 257 and 2 years ago was 202. The testing is done in October and I started my IVF cycles in February after the test where cholesterol was 202. I did start the high fat diet almost 2 months ago,  so that might contribute but I wonder how much...
DOR (FSH 13, AMH 0.48, AFC 6-9)
IVF #1 -2016 March, antagonist, 5 eggs, 2 fertilized, 3DT - 8 cell and 6 cell no frag, chemical pregnancy
IVF #2 - 2016 June, micro dose lupron, 3 eggs, 1 fertilized, 3DT 6 cell, BFN
IVF #3 - 2016 November, estrogen priming + antagonist, 9 follicles, 3 eggs, none fertilized
IVF #4 - 2017 March, testosterone priming + micro dose lupron, 2 eggs, none fertilized
IVF #5 - 2017 May, A/ACP protocol, 4 follicles out of 7 seemed to get to required size, ovulated before retrieval, converted into IUI - BFN
IVF #6 - 2017 July, A/ACP protocol, 3 follicles one stopped growing, LH rising, converted to IUI - BFN
IVF #7 - 2017 September, antagonist, 5 follicles, 6 eggs,  3 immature, 3 injected, 1 fertilized, stopped growing day 3

Re: High Cholesterol

  • Studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't play as large a role in blood cholesterol as we once thought. Could you ask for a repeat lab to confirm findings? That's an awfully big jump! Have there been any other changes in your lifestyle? Activity increases HDL ("good") cholesterol, which helps lower LDL "bad") cholesterol. And were you strict enough about fasting for at least 8 hours before the test (nothing but water)? 
    ME: 33 / DH: 37
    MFI, NTNP x 10yrs
    6/2017: started IVF + ICSI cycle #1, antagonist protocol (menopur/gonal-f/ovidrel)
    7/17/2017: ER, 16 eggs retrieved, 15 mature and ICSI'd, 7 fertilized. 
    7/22/2017: 1 fresh day 5 embryo transfer, rest of embryos arrested at day 4 morula stage
    7/31/2017: BFN
    August: DH started clomid
    November 2017: Started metformin for egg quality
    March 2018: Planning to do IVF + ICSI, antagonist with HGH, freeze at 2pn stage for 2018 FET
  • Yes, I was fasting for 12 hours at the time of the test. The test was done with a blood strip machine, no blood drawn, so I guess it's not super accurate.
    I did stop going to the gym in February, because some studies showed that heavy lifting might increase the chances of infertility. So I guess there are a few things that might contribute to this. I started going to the gym again, added avocado and nuts to my diet, and I plan on redoing the blood work in the spring when I do my annual physical and we will see. 
    DOR (FSH 13, AMH 0.48, AFC 6-9)
    IVF #1 -2016 March, antagonist, 5 eggs, 2 fertilized, 3DT - 8 cell and 6 cell no frag, chemical pregnancy
    IVF #2 - 2016 June, micro dose lupron, 3 eggs, 1 fertilized, 3DT 6 cell, BFN
    IVF #3 - 2016 November, estrogen priming + antagonist, 9 follicles, 3 eggs, none fertilized
    IVF #4 - 2017 March, testosterone priming + micro dose lupron, 2 eggs, none fertilized
    IVF #5 - 2017 May, A/ACP protocol, 4 follicles out of 7 seemed to get to required size, ovulated before retrieval, converted into IUI - BFN
    IVF #6 - 2017 July, A/ACP protocol, 3 follicles one stopped growing, LH rising, converted to IUI - BFN
    IVF #7 - 2017 September, antagonist, 5 follicles, 6 eggs,  3 immature, 3 injected, 1 fertilized, stopped growing day 3
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