May 2018 Moms

ER Visit and Question?

Hi all, 

I'm not sure this is TW-appropriate, but better safe than sorry! So TW: scary symptoms and loss mentioned.

Okay, yesterday after a BM (sorry--TMI!) I noticed some light brown/vaguely pink spotting. I'm 8w3d (so yesterday, when this all happened, I was 8w2d). I had one day of brown spotting very early on (something like 3w5d), but the pink tint had me freaked out. So, my husband and I went to the ER. When we were there, they did various blood tests and an ultrasound. My first OB appointment is coming up this week, so it was the first time we'd seen the baby! Everything seemed good to me--the baby measured 8w3d and had a heartbeat of 152 bmp. And then they discharged us. But I didn't meet with the OB on-call, and they didn't really offer any explanation other than, "Sometimes, spotting can mean a miscarriage. Unfortunately, a lot of pregnancies end in miscarriage." Needless to say, I'm a little weirded out and concerned. The spotting seems to have stopped for the time being, and I'm of course going to follow up with my doctor on Monday, but I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this around the same time in their current pregnancy or previous ones and been offered an explanation. I'm a FTM, so even though everything seemed positive, being discharged without any rationale for why this might've happened wasn't exactly reassuring. 

End TW

Thanks everyone! 

Re: ER Visit and Question?

  • I'm only sharing what I have read from others but spotting can be very normal, sometimes with or without reasons. Definitely follow up with your OB is the best thing to do but it sounds like at this point you were not miscarrying. I think the OB will have more answers than we do.
  • If baby measured correctly and had a strong heartbeat, it's a great sign. 
    From what I've heard and experienced personally, almost every time a pregnant woman goes to an er with spotting, they are warned about a possible miscarriage. So try not to worry too much about that.
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  • I have good and bad stories I can tell a out spotting and bleeding, but seeing blood does not always me an miscarriage. I work with a lady who didn't find out she was pregnant til she was 4 months because she had what seemed like a normal period every month until then and no symptoms, but she now has a healthy baby. My mom had heavy bleeding early on...she didn't know she was pregnant yet with my brother (18 years ago) and she rode something at an amusement park and started bleeding a lot. Turns out she was pregnant and he's now 18 and perfectly fine. Hang in there, I know it's scary.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • I went in last Monday for red bleeding. They were able to find a HB on u/s and OB said "sometimes there is bleeding for no known reason."  I go back for a follow up tomorrow. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My midwife said that spotting is perfectly normal. For what it's worth, I've spotted during all my full term pregnancies. 
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