February 2018 Moms

FFFC 10.6


Re: FFFC 10.6

  • I threw my husband a bone and did the dirty night before last. I have been in so much pain for a week and kept turning him down. His response: maybe H will move up now and you’ll feel better. She did. I’m not telling him because I don’t want to hear “sex will make you feel better.” 
    FFFC I opened the baby names thread for the first time so see what H stood for in hopes you were using DDs name!
  • Sometimes the fact that this BMB is so calm annoys me and makes me feel like we are too scared to open up to each other and disagree. . 
    You want more openness? I can do that,  I've been debating whether to post one or not... here goes. 

    My ex was arrested in august and is currently out on bail.  I hope the judge and jury see through his mask and he gets the maximum sentence of 15 years.  By then our youngest child together will be almost 23 and all the kids will get to finish growing up with out his crazy situations,  lies,  and illegal activities. 
    @mamaof5already  I'm sorry you have to deal with this.  And can somewhat relate.  Although not illegal, my ex was emotionally abusive to me and I watch how he treats our kids like a hawk.  And he is very self centered.  I wish they didn't already know that if they need anything that they have to turn to me because their dad will always disappoint them.
     this is why in no longer Married to mine, he was abusive to me and the children,  not physically but emotionally,  mentally and verbally.  Long story short he became relijously extreme,  and started hard core  prepping and became anti-government and did a lot of drugs.  Cps told me i had 2 choices,  i could take the Kids and leave, or they cps would take the kids.  We all went through a lot of counseling,  but the divorce judge ruled he still got visitations with them.  Over the years he now only has mandatory visitation with the youngest 2, but i can see a difference in them when they see him and when they don't.  The older kids are so much happier and content with themselves since they stopped seeing him. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    older siblings: ds 16 dd 14 ds 13 dd 11 dd 7 
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  • Ooh I have one. I worry that this baby won't be as smart as DD. I know it all evens out in the end and I also know girls develop faster than boys, but she's pretty smart for 18 months old. Her pediatrician was blown away at her last check up. She knows most of her colors, some shapes, and has a crazy vocabulary. 

    so double FFFC I'm a snooty mom who thinks my kid is super smart and I know I won't be able to help but compare the two. 
    I worry about this too! Especially now that we found out we are having a 2nd girl. Everyone always talks about how happy and well behaved our daughter is. One friend even commented about wondering what the next baby will be like since our daughter lights up the room when she walks into it. I worry about people comparing. What if this next baby is more serious or just not as social...I don't want her to be in the shadow!
  • I threw my husband a bone and did the dirty night before last. I have been in so much pain for a week and kept turning him down. His response: maybe H will move up now and you’ll feel better. She did. I’m not telling him because I don’t want to hear “sex will make you feel better.” 
    FFFC I opened the baby names thread for the first time so see what H stood for in hopes you were using DDs name!
    Hahaha! I love it! I don’t remember I forgot I s shared it there or not, but its Haley. We don’t announce names until birth. Usually we just say Baby Last Name, but this time I’m being petty and tormenting people by putting H. 
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