March 2018 Moms

Friday Ticker Change

1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 

2. How are you feeling? 

3. Any appointments next week? 

4. Rants, raves, questions?  

5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?

Re: Friday Ticker Change

  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 15 - Hass Avocado.  

    2. How are you feeling? Mostly okay!  I thiiiiink I was dealing with really horrible heart burn (it didn't feel like normal heartburn though, so confusing) but I've started taking 6 tums a day on a schedule and being super careful with my diet and that has helped a lot.

    3. Any appointments next week? Not until the 17th I believe.

    4. Rants, raves, questions?  Just excited about how big she is.  I so wish I could see her and I'm bummed I'll have to wait until 20 weeks.  Last time I saw her was 8 weeks and she still looked like a gummy bear lol.

    5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?  Had a dream last night I went to an amusement park based on LOTR and I saw my ex and his wife there and I was trying to avoid them and then I had to drive out of the parking lot in this comically large truck but there were crowds of people and they would not GTFO.

  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 18 weeks- artichoke

    2. How are you feeling? 

    Terrible heartburn(after drinking water even), Charlie horses at night, but I have energy back so I am happy for that.

    3. Any appointments next week? 

    Anatomy scan on Monday!!!!

    4. Rants, raves, questions?  

    My contractor was supposed to be here between 8 and 9 this morning and still isn't here at almost 11. He also was supposed to be here the end of July. We are getting all new windows and a couple new doors.

    5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?

    I don't remember per say but I always seem to have a lot of sex dreams.

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  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 17! Pomegranate/Chipmunk.

    2. How are you feeling? Good, mostly! Woke up (at 5 am) feeling kinda crappy, but it’s mostly worn off. Can’t wait to finish work and while away the three day weekend w/ my H.

    3. Any appointments next week? Anatomy scan next FRIDAY! Basically the earliest possible day they could schedule it, but not complaining. 

    4. Rants, raves, questions? Anyone remember my ranting about my employer’s maternity coverage? They just announced it’s going to be much better next year! I’ll just owe a copay for my delivery + possibly my midwife’s fee. 

    5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?  Have been having a reoccurring dream that my husband rejects my sexual advances. He’s like, that is not realistic. Also had a dream that I ultrasounded myself and identified my baby’s vulva. Prescient? TBD.

  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 
    20 weeks!! HALF WAY THERE! Baby is a banana!

    2. How are you feeling? 
    Like a never ending eating machine. Luckily I like healthy food again so I try to snack on veggies and fruit.

    3. Any appointments next week? 
    Yes, 10.13 for anatomy scan and I took the whole afternoon off work for it, so I am looking forward to it!

    4. Rants, raves, questions?  

    5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?
    Last night.. I dreamt about my chiropractor and his wife. I told them I was having a girl and they are also pregnant and they wouldn't tell me what they were having and I got upset and tried to leave their office and they wouldn't let me. Like... wtf? My chiropractors are the coolest people ever and I already know that they aren't finding out gender until he/she is born. So weird?

  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 

    19 weeks! Baby is as big as a crepe. I'll be delivering at 37 weeks so over halfway there for me! Soo crazy!

    2. How are you feeling? 
    Good... no complaints!! I was diagnosed with ICP (cholestasis of pregnancy) a month ago now but fortunately with medication the symptoms haven't been too bad. Also feeling slightly more energetic now.

    3. Any appointments next week? 

    Yes, I have my anatomy scan next week as well as an appointment with a liver specialist and MFM.

    4. Rants, raves, questions?  

    I'm starting to get that feeling of wanting to get things ready... but DS1 is using the nursery still and I can't switch him to his new room until after Thanksgiving! I'm also just getting really excited to see my boys be brothers together <3 AND not bump related butttt it's gymnastics week on the Olympics channel this week and I've been glued to the TV! 

    5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?

    Last night I had a dream that DH and I went to a wedding with another couple who is also expecting. There were some gangs there and they decided to fight and the gang leaders made me and my pregnant friend sit somewhere else without our husbands. So weird...

  • So many anatomy scans happening!  So excited for you ladies :)
  • @scoogy19 - your dream makes me laugh lol. I keep having random dreams that my DH is in a secret underground fight club. I'm side eye-ing him all the time to see if he really is? haha!

    *Disclaimer - I know he's not. But I still tease him about it. :D

  • @crossfitbabybump lol that's funny!! I have really crazy dreams while pregnant  :D and I never know where the heck they come from...
  • @scoogy19 - right!? they've calmed down a bit compared to a few weeks ago though! lol
  • @crossfitbabybump Just saying here..."first rule of fight club is...never talk about fight club". Maybe your H is just following the rules...

    (I hope you know I'm JK)
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 

    19 weeks ((hi due date buddy @scoogy19))... Mango

    2. How are you feeling? 

    We’ve been traveling all day to spend a week back east with family. So really tired? Ha. The acid reflux is pretty crappy but overall I’m glad to be mostly past the throwing up stage. 

    3. Any appointments next week? 

    Anatomy Scan on the 16th just to confirm boy before we announce.

    4. Rants, raves, questions?  

    I’m just ready for more consistent movements any time now. I broke our rule about not telling anyone until the anatomy scan tonight because we stopped to see my grandfather in the hospital and I wanted to tell him in person that it’s probably a boy and we are going to use Joseph as part of his name to honor him.


    5. GTKY - What was the last crazy dream you remember?

    I’ve had a bunch of weird ones and some are sex dreams but I can’t remember the most recent one because I’ve had a bunch of pregnancy insomnia this week.

    I’ll tag everyone tomorrow maybe. I’m tired. :)

  • @kalawa - hahahaha yes! He always says that to me too! :D
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