May 2018 Moms

Wednesday Ticker Change 10/4

Your "ticker change day" is the day you switch over to being another full week pregnant (ie: 5 weeks instead of 4 weeks and 6 days).

If your EDD is 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, or 5/30, this is for you! 

1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?

 2.  How are you feeling?

3.  Any appointments coming up?

4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?

Re: Wednesday Ticker Change 10/4

  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    10 weeks, a golden snitch  :#

     2.  How are you feeling?
    Still nauseous but it's more manageable and food is starting to sound better. I've been having lots of growing pains in my pelvis area, especially at night. 

    3.  Any appointments coming up? A week from today!

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? I'll stick to raves today. I've been listening to LO's HB every day. Best sound in the world.The weather has been so beautiful out. Also, Rockies wildcard game tonight! 

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
    I was obsessed with horses and wanted to be a jockey. Too bad I'm 5'11....  :D
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  • @rachelg777 My OB actually scolded me for buying a doppler.  She said that it would make me anxious if I couldn't find the HB.


    I wanted to snap at her and say, "Listen lady....I have PTSD from my consecutive losses. END TW
    I weened off my meds in order to support a healthy pg so my anxiety is already through the roof.  And, if you want my anxiety level to be manageable you will encourage me to listen to the HB!!! In reality if I cannot find it within 5 minutes I give up.  My baby moves all over the place.  Last week it was to the left of my navel, this week to the right.  I love my doppler. 

    @hcrish I only have had nausea, no puking, which actually sucks because I think that would actaully make me feel better!

    1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    10 weeks....Bump says strawberry.

     2.  How are you feeling?
    Worst day of nausea yesterday. Not so bad (not so great either) today.  NOthing seems appealing except salt n vinegar chips!!!

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    I have my NT scan in the next 2 weeks.  Because I am high risk it needs to be done at the hospital.  I do my genetic DNA blood test on Friday.  We will find out the gender with this test.  I am AMA (37) so I am petrified there will be something wrong.  But, I did read that most genetic problems usually spontaneously abort before they get to a point that they are detectable.  

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    See Above about my OB doctor telling me she didn't want me using doppler. (Meanwhile it took her a long time to find the HB and she was going to send me for a US until I pointed to where the HB would be. Sure enough, there it was 170.

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
    I wanted to be a clown....for reals. I was devastated because I had asthma and they had hay at the circus which I was allergic to.  My dreams were shattered at a young age. 
  • So glad to be here for another week!!

    1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    8 weeks! Raspberry!

     2.  How are you feeling?
    MS hit. Thankfully mine really is just in the morning but it lingers through cafeteria duty every day... The food aversions are also so so real. Thankfully the gas pain has let up due to more careful eating and smaller meals a day so that's awesome!

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    First ultrasound on Friday! trying to think positive and hope for the best! I can't wait! It makes me so nervous just thinking about it. 

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    I normally love pumpkin spice anything and right now I can't even handle the idea. I'm missing the season :(

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
    I think I've always wanted to be a teacher. I didn't really know what but it's always been there in my mind. 

    Married: 12/19/15         

    BFP: 9/4/17             
    EDD: 5/16/18
    DD born 5/10/18
    Postpartum Complications

    BFP: 10/1/19
    EDD: 6/12/20
  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby? due date was moved, so I'm on Wednesdays now. 7 weeks, playing die or blueberry

     2.  How are you feeling? sick, tired, aversions to all food. I got zofran this week

    3.  Any appointments coming up? not till 9 weeks

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? a mom always... I wanted to be a teacher for a long time, but changed by high school
    BabyFruit Ticker

    June '14 February Siggy Challenge
    Picture of DH and I on top of Mayan ruins, Altun Ha, in Belize

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  • @allie0320 I know how you feel about pumpkin spice. I just said this to my husband the other day, I'm always in 1st tri during fall and miss all the good flavors and candle scents!

    BabyFruit Ticker

    June '14 February Siggy Challenge
    Picture of DH and I on top of Mayan ruins, Altun Ha, in Belize

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • allie0320  I want to like pumpkin spice because I love pumpkin soup, but I can't get into it. 
    @lscal20 Moved forwards or backwards?  

  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby? 6 is a sweet pea

     2.  How are you feeling?   okay.  Nauseous off and on and tired.   Mild cramping that comes and goes.  Hopefully just baby getting comfy in there.  
    3.  Any appointments coming up?    2 weeks.  OB doesn't do initial appointments until 8 weeks

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    not too many rants or raves.  I'm just very very impatiently waiting to be 8 weeks and see that healthy heartbeat.

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?    teacher nurse and police officer 
  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby? 8 weeks. 2 days..Raspberry.  (I'm bored. And I just like filling these out. Sue me.)
     2.  How are you feeling?  Pretty good. As long as I eat often enough to not be hungry, the M/S stays away. 
    3.  Any appointments coming up?    This coming Monday will be my last apt. with my RE. Then I graduate to my normal obgyn. It will be kinda sad not having weekly ultrasounds. 

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?
    May feels so far away!

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?    Teacher/Librarian. And that's what I am! 
    2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN
    3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
    Vanishing twin at week 6
    Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013

    2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
    3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
    8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
  • @justsuzie Of course! They are bad news for them because they get a bunch of anxious moms calling in worried. I'm not telling mine I have one. :) Mine started on the right but now tends to stick to the left! It's cozier over there. ;)

    @allie0320 yay for your US on Friday!
    @JenniatONU Yay for graduating to the OB though!

  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    9 weeks (after dating US moved due date back a week) so, still Wednesday change over
     2.  How are you feeling?
    pretty good, less nausea although I did have a frosty from Wendy's last night that came back up about an hour later, which would be the first time vomiting. Still very bloated and these boobs now have their own zip code 

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    Had the first one a little over a week ago, next one is for 11/2
    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    Just started a new (returned to previous job) job, when are you all planning to tell employers?

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?

    Always a mom, then teacher and for a little bit a lawyer. Ended up a pediatric nurse, go figure. 
  • @trauen812 I am starting a new job Oct 16. I am gonna try to keep it on the DL for as long as I can, or at least until I've somewhat proved myself. I am also a nurse but I took this job specifically because it will be a little easier pregnant I think. All days and although I will be seeing patients I will have minimal to no patient care, since I won't be exposed to many dangers, no one really needs to know yet right? Different from my last job when I had to tell at 6 weeks because of xrays in the trauma bay, I did not enjoy telling that early. 
  • trauen812trauen812 member
    edited October 2017
    @rachelg777 congrats on the new job! And I did the same, pediatric doctors office with a large staff with young ones. And I'm right there with you, we haven't even told family yet *tw* because of our previous loss we are a little gun shy *tw* really don't want to tell my boss before my mom lol Do you think you will wait until you are showing? 
  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    Just got my EDD after an ultrasound so finally am able to know! 7 weeks 

     2.  How are you feeling?
    sometimes good, sometimes not. Mostly dealing with cramping, spotting and super random bouts of nausea. Dinner has sucked lately bc nothing sounds good at that time.

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    Just had one yesterday due to my spotting, got to see the little squish. Next one is in 2 weeks and will get to see it again!

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    I wish my dr could let me know if my spotting is normal or due to something. It's driving me crazy. I haven't been able to work out in a week bc of pelvic rest. I'm going to blow up if  I don't come off it soon.

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? I can't remember honestly, in high school I thought police officer.
  • @trauen813 thank you! I completely understand. Yes I think so, I probably won’t show for a while since I’m a FTM and I’m tall... plus baggy scrubs. So I’m thinking maybe around 20 weeks I’ll spill the beans... we will see. What about you?
  • 1- 6 weeks today! Bringing up the rear of our birth month! 

    2- feeling good- sciatic nerve pain but found out today that baby is in my uterus, not an ectopic again! Praise God!

    3- 2 weeks for my real "first appt" at 8 weeks

    4- nothing- happy to be pregnant with my 4th and final baby! 

    5- I wanted to be a teacher, which I did become! 6 years in downtown Phoenix. Then I became a SAHM, and have a successful etsy shop now! Almost 10k sales! 
  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    9 wks, grape
     2.  How are you feeling?
    Still blah. All day nausea but I've been trying b6 and unison the past 2 days and it has ever so slightly gotten better
    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    10/10 dating ultrasound and heart beat
    4.  Rants/raves/questions? 

    Had an ultrasound Monday and it was so quick and didn't get to hear the heart beat but Dr said everything kooked good.
    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
    A vet for a really long time.
  • @disney7278 I've thought about venturing into Etsy! What's your shop

    Married: 12/19/15         

    BFP: 9/4/17             
    EDD: 5/16/18
    DD born 5/10/18
    Postpartum Complications

    BFP: 10/1/19
    EDD: 6/12/20
  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby? 8 weeks today - Raspberry, or my fave from Ovia - Lego!

     2.  How are you feeling? Last week was nausea almost every day, today feel ok actually, but sore boobs and heartburn/gas continues, and peeing every minute...

    3.  Any appointments coming up? Had my first appt Monday - but it was just blood work, urine cx and history stuff... first ultrasound is the 17th and I can hardly wait!! So I bought a Doppler and will try to find the hb this weekend;)

    4.  Rants/raves/questions? Mostly just want to know if there is actually a baby in there! I need confirmation!

    5.  GTKY:  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? A trapeze artist, then a vet, then finally a nurse and that's what I am!
  • Not a Wednesday change (anymore), but @klynneculpsmith, I used to think the same thing!  So weird, I could just never "see" myself as an "older" woman.  I used to tell my family all the time that I didn't think I would live to see 30.  Also glad I was wrong  :)

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

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