December 2017 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change 10/3:

1. How many weeks pregnant are you now? What Foods have become your favorite this week?

2. Have you had any baby showers yet or is one this weekend?

3. Any appointments this week? 

4. Rants/Raves?

5. GTKY---In light of it being October 3rd, and that's the day that Aaron Samuels asked what day it was; what's your guilty movie pleasure?
BabyFetus Ticker Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change 10/3:

  • Since Tuesdays are light, and in honor of hitting 3rd Tri I'll answer first.... 
    1. How many weeks pregnant are you now? 
    What Foods have become your favorite this week?
    28 Weeks! Hello 3rd trimester!! Give me all the sweet things... 
    2. Have you had any baby showers yet or is one this weekend?

    1st Baby shower is this weekend thrown by my MIL with DH's family. It should be a nice time... Although we have to drive about 5 hours to get there.... oy. 
    3. Any appointments this week? 

    2nd sonogram tomorrow! Cant wait to get another peak at LO and see how he's growing! Last time he was measuring 4 days ahead.... so I'm curious to see where he's at now! 
    4. Rants/Raves?

    Raving that DH has been really great lately with giving support both with the pregnancy, preparing for LO, and getting through the loss of our dog. I want to think of something nice to do/get him. 
    Mini Rant that I put in time to register at both BRU and Target, and not one person has bought something from BRU.... I even have different categories of stuff at BRU so it wouldnt be so 'duplicate-y'.... grr. 
    5. GTKY---In light of it being October 3rd, and that's the day that Aaron Samuels asked what day it was; what's your guilty movie pleasure?
    Definitely I always watch Mean girls when it's on TV, and Bridesmaids, and most of the Bring it On's... although the odd numbers are the best. 1, 3, and 5.... 
    BabyFetus Ticker Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • KayLee77KayLee77 member
    edited October 2017
    1. How many weeks pregnant are you now? What Foods have become your favorite this week?

    29 weeks. I don't have anything specific that is my favorite. 

    2. Have you had any baby showers yet or is one this weekend?

    No baby showers for me. 

    3. Any appointments this week? 

    Had an appt today with an ultrasound to check on my placenta previa.  I'm happy to report  that my placenta moved. Huge relief here that I don't need a c section and I can finish my clinicals for school.  Next one is in 3 weeks then it's every 2 weeks. Can't believe how fast this is going. 

    4. Rants/Raves?

    Our car seat came in the mail a few days ago and it's making all more real that I will have a 3rd child soon! 

    5. GTKY---In light of it being October 3rd, and that's the day that Aaron Samuels asked what day it was; what's your guilty movie pleasure?

    Ooh bridesmaids is great. 

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  • 1. How many weeks pregnant are you now? What Foods have become your favorite this week?
    28 weeks, I can't pick a favourite, just eating anything sweet and chocolate. Brownies are a strong contender at the moment  :D

    2. Have you had any baby showers yet or is one this weekend?
    No baby shower yet, mine is on 25th Nov. 

    3. Any appointments this week? 
    28 week appointment with my midwife on Thurs, just a check up. 

    4. Rants/Raves?
    The leg cramps have started :s , last few nights I've woken in agony. I've been drinking lots of water before bed, but that's just making me need to pee 20 times in the night. Any advice ladies? 

    5. GTKY---In light of it being October 3rd, and that's the day that Aaron Samuels asked what day it was; what's your guilty movie pleasure.
    Dirty dancing is a must for me, it never gets old. I used to play the ending over and over as a kid, would probably still do it now if I had time lol. 
    Also love movies like "The Break up" and "Knocked up"... Can't beat a good rom com. 
  • ShyToniaShyTonia member
    edited October 2017

    1. How many weeks pregnant are you now? What Foods have become your favorite this week?

    31 weeks this week! I've pretty much eaten alllll the same stuff since before being pregnant. People always joked I ate like I was pregnant before I was pregnant lol. But I do love salads for some strange reason right now. And I just alwaysssss have donuts. 

    2. Have you had any baby showers yet or is one this weekend?

    I had mine already! It was lovely. We just did one big one to eliminate me having to go to multiple ones lol.  
    3. Any appointments this week?
    Just had the growth scan today  
  • I'm trying to fix my post and it won't let me. Ugh. Lol
  • Just had the growth scan today........
  • I just tried fixing it like four times. Grrrr. 
  • Just had the growth scan today. Adaline is growing perfectly! She's in the 60th percentile which Dr said is perfect. She's about 4 pounds 4 ozs and is measuring a week ahead! She is also breech. I will go back in 3 weeks for another scan to see if she flips! Other then that everything is great!
  • @kate0506 I'm right there with you girl. Two nights ago I woke up with such bad cramps in my right leg that have seemed to just linger. I notice I get them when I stretch in the middle of the night or early morning so I try not to do that. Lol
  • kate0506kate0506 member
    edited October 2017
    @ShyTonia it's agony isn't it? I also get it when I first get out of bed and stretch my legs lol. Also waking with bad back in the middle of the night and morning. Oh the joys!  :D I do find the cramps are not as bad when drinking plenty of water, so for the time being I'll take peeing 20 times in the night over leg cramps xx
  • I've noticed the past couple nights that while sleeping if I stretch my legs in a weird way, it will throw my muscles into spasms and then the rest of the day my legs hurt so bad. 

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  • @KayLee77 yup totally what happened to me the other day. Today is the first day I woke up since the pain went away. And I am a crazy water drinker! But I guess I need to drink more @kate0506 I had cut back at night to limit per breaks but no more. I'd rather pee slot then have that happened again. Lol.  Fun fun. 
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