June 2018 Moms

Symptoms Thread!


Re: Symptoms Thread!

  • @Amphibious22 girl, constipation can totally be a symptom of pregnancy.  You coukd always call your doctor's office to find out what they recommend to take for it.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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  • @chocomom2 I'm so glad I'm not alone! I think I'm gonna go get some metamucil after work. 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

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  • I'm glad someone mentioned the sweating. my last ones, I didn't have that issue. but I had to turn a fan on me this morning after just brushing my kids teeth. holy hot flash!
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
  • @catlady1215 I have hot flashes but typically only when I'm sleeping - which I guess is more night sweats, right? Not hot flashes? Either way, we keep the AC on blast every night so I know it's like 55 degrees in our bedroom but sometimes I'll wake up feeling like it is 90 degrees. 
  • Hot flash was probably my first symptom! I haven't noticed any lately, but I had a handful a week and a half after O - it was my first clue that something was up.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I never had hot flashes last time around so I didn't realize they were a symptom.  But I'm glad this explains why I was so hot last night! I accused my husband of not turning down the heat.
  • @Amphibious22 I've been dealing with that too! Staying hydrated isn't making a difference either. I agree, all cramps are scary. 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • Nausea is hitting here today too.  I didn't have much with DS and it started around 6 weeks with DD.  Hopefully it's not a continuous thing.  
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • symptoms are suppose to have good and bad days, right? riiight? I'm not having a horrible day here, queasy wise. appetite is still down and yuck taste in my mouth. but I'm feeling paranoid. damned if you do, damned if you don't!
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
  • @catlady1215 you bet. Mine are different or worse/better every day.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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  • @Amphibious22 I had constipation pretty bad when I was pregnant with my daughter 12 years ago.  In June when I went to my OB and had my IUD removed, she asked me if I was taking a prenatal and I told her the one I was taking makes me constipated and I had issues with it last time with my daughter as well and so she gave me a prescription for a pre-natal that has a specially formulated type of iron to help as well as a stool softener that is safe during pregnancy.  Let me just say, it works like a charm! :D:D I believe it's called Citranatal harmony if you want to look in to it.  It's also a capsule so doesn't have the nasty prenatal taste and smell.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @amphibious22 I eat a really high fiber diet so constipation is definitely usually not a problem for me, but I have been having some trouble this last week too.  I'm just counting it as a symptom.

    Me: 32 | DH: 36

    Married June 2005

    1/2016 - TTC#1

    4/2017 - Initial RE visit, Dx: Severe MFI (Varicocele, 14% motility, 3% progression, but normal count)

    7/2017 - Stage 3 endometriosis discovered during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst

    9/27/2017 - BFP at 10dpo (cycle 22), baby boy due June 9, 2018

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I've been having a lot of round ligament pain already. Don't remember feeling it this early with any of my past pregnancies.. I read somewhere that women who have uterine scar tissue (whether through previous c-sec or D&C) are more likely to feel worse round ligament pain than those who don't have that extra tissue to stretch through.. which I found interesting, yet it makes total sense. Gives me a bit of peace of mind, anyways.
  • @feare thanks for the advice! I will definitely ask my OB about it at my first appointment if this persists. It's really bumming me out. 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

  • Ugh! I just got super dizzy and hot flashy while I was cleaning DS’s playroom (bending down and standing up a zillion times). And now I am nauseous  :(
  • @bkrahn me too :frowning: and the worst is when I have to cough, lord help me if I am not pressing on my left side before and during.  Even getting up and out of bed is tricky already...and I'm like WHAT?!?! I don't even have a belly yet!!  It is AMAZING how pregnancies after the first have symptoms happening way sooner and way faster! I have had 2 c-sections and 1 D&C, so that is totally interesting to know! Thanks for that information, makes me feel better too.

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  • @Dashaina SO good to know I'm not the only one! I was like no way, its wayy too early to be feeling this! I always get it when I stand up too quickly.. which looking back, I remember feeling the same thing with DD, but for some reason I had forgotten! already preparing myself for when that lightening crotch feeling becomes a thing again  :s
  • Finally get to join the sore nipples club! Went from just sensitive to sore last night.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Also, one nipple seems to enjoy becoming erect more than the other. Hoping it doesn't show through my clothing. Awkward. :/
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Insomnia. I was up for 3 hours last night.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • @silvergreen bahahahahahahaha

    On that note, my tenderness went away for the most part, either that I just got used to it, idk.  But my latest FUN symptom (eyeroll) is the sore under armpits.  Idk if any of you have this, a friend of mine also gets it during times of her cycle not necessarily preg, well my friend asked her midwife and apparently there are milk ducts and stuff all up under there (good thing I don't use deodorants and stuff under there, yes I wash regularly don't worry)and sometimes they get idk stimulated by hormone levels fluxuating and then they feel tender/sore.  Well I had it on my right side a few days and now it is gone from there and under my left side.  Fun times here! lol
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • @Dashaina I've certainly experienced sore armpits before and always wondered what was up with that. I always assumed it's because I sleep with my arms under my pillow at night, lol. I never linked it to my cycle, but now I'm curious if that's the case!

    I have also become much more conscious of what I use on my body in the past couple of years. I also don't use regular deodorant - I use the Crystal brand which creates a natural mineral salt barrier on your underarms to prevent bacteria from forming. I was skeptical, but it really does work!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @silvergreen me too! (about the crystal stick) ha!  Yeah I actually use this app called Ovuview (it's only on Android) and it is imo the best fertility tracking app ever. My favorite on Ios is Lily. Anyway... I tracked the pit soreness thing for about a year and kept thinking it was my lymph node.. It always flared up right before ovulation for me. Then I casually mentioned it to my friend the other day and that's how I found out what it was. It makes sense in terms of mammalian anatomy since we have milk glands running all through that region as well. The human body is such a complex and fascinating study! Speaking of pits... I did an experiment with shaving VS not... And found that I don't stink when I stop shaving and not using soaps with unnatural scents in them... So like a homemade soap with essential oils works... Now the caveat to that is it drives me nuts the feeling of pit hair after about a week and I start getting really hot and sweaty... Then I just have to get rid of it... So I don't know... Maybe I'd get used to it... Women here are not big on hair removal, unless they have been americanized. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • @sabby2 definitely feel you on the insomnia! I've been tossing and turning the past few nights and waking up hours before my alarm. I worked a 12 hour day yesterday and I've got another 10 today and all I want is to sleep! 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

  • @sabby2 and @Amphibious22 welcome to my world over the past week...ugh.  And then I have to be patient and kind and loving to my Littles all day and I feel like I'm on a short fuse of bursting into tears and screaming. :frowning:
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Dude! I've had that annoying arm pit thing for the years now. I've been either pregnant or nursing for 3 years straight. It's such such  weird feeling and sometimes it's downright painful. 
    DD:3 | DS:1
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @dinodna3 OMG the struggle is real!! And I whatsappd my friend to ask is there was a solution and she said nah.. Just gotta stick through it. I really don't remember having this during either pregnancy (not saying much, since I suffer from legit mom brain).and now I'm sweating and itchy there and am just like WTH body?? 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • So this is my third pregnancy and with all of them i always get a bad cold either right before i get my bfp or like the day afterwards.  I am just so over this cold im on day 5 and finally feeling a little better. 

  • Anyone had any bleeding? I've had period like pains come on suddenly and then some bleeding when going for a wee twice and I'm just convincing myself it's all over  :'(
    It's happened on 2 separate days now but not consecutive days. (Friday and today)
    Had bloods taken yesterday to get hcg level and will have them tomorrow to compare levels and pray they are going up not down.
  • @rachielaw I had some light bleeding/spotting after sex two weeks ago. By morning it had stopped, thank goodness. Still scared the crap out of me 
  • Gassy, exhausted, craving ribs like a mo-fo, and if I don't continuously drink chug water my lips crack open from dehydration. Pregnancy is just as beautiful as I remember.
    Grayson Matthew Due 11/4/16
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • @kittiesandcoffee. Oh man. Now I wan BBQ! 
  • @rachielaw I had spotting at 6 weeks and about 13 with DS.
    I had some this time before testing. For maybe 3 consecutive days. 
    I am rh- so I had to get a rhogam shot but spotting can be totally normal. My dr likes to check things out just to be safe anyway. 
    Hopefully yours is nothing and this eases your mind a bit!
  • Is anyone else having "pregnancy brain" yet? I keep saying things incorrectly. Last night we had my MIL over for dinner. I asked her what she wanted to eat (instead of drink) with her dinner. Then we were talking about my son's upcoming 1st communion and I called it 2nd communion. I don't remember when the momnesia kicked in in previous pregnancies but this seems early...
  • edited October 2017
    Pregnancy dreams are SO weird!!! I had like three weird very vivid dreams last night!!  If you feel like reading about them, continue; otherwise stop here.  

    **TW-Gun Violence**

    I was at a Thrivent Financial meeting with my family in an old school building in a sketchy neighborhood.  When we got done my dad was sitting in the driver's seat of the white cadillac escalade and there were some people outside of the building.  My 7 year old daughter and I were walking to the vehicle and my daughter turns around and yells at the one man, "you need to brush your hair" two times.  I look at her and tell her to get in the car and tell her it is not ok to say those things.  The man looked at me and said "I'll call you next week" with a very angry look on his face.  We got in the vehicle and the man started throwing apples at the vehicle as we backed up then started walking towards us and pulls out a gun.  My dad drives away slowly and I think I should get my phone out and take pictures of him so we have evidence!  He shoots at the vehicle a few times and then I woke up.  

    **End TW**

    The second one was that one of my co workers and a gal from high school and I were driving to a party by a town near my hometown when the skies all of the sudden were turning black and rotating and signs or tornado activity was all around us!  We pulled into the town and went into the little old town hall and hung out there until the storm passed.  It poured but there wasn't a tornado.  I went outside and my vehicle and husband were there so we got in the car and I started driving and the only road out of town was completely under water.  We started driving through it and I got super nervous so I stopped and backed up then a minute later a guy on make shift waterskis with a homemade motor on them went by us and couldn't even get through the water because the motor part of the ski kept sinking.  Then he backed up and put the motor ski on top of the other ski and was slaloming through the water that was over the road.  That's all I remember for that one.  

    Like I said...pregnancy dreams are the weirdest!!!  Here's some eye candy for you if you read all the way through that.  :) 

    Image result for Chris Hemsworth
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I have just had cramping and a back ache- probably from a tilted uterus.  It is very strange I feel so "normal".  Hoping it stays this way as I have some friends who are really sick this time around! 
  • This thread is making me feel better that I’m not feeling too much. Besides some cramping, sore nips and being tired, I’d never know I was pregnant. I only tested on a whim, not because I felt pregnant. 
  • I also have crazy vivid dreams! There's always something really stupid about them.. Alot of times I dream I forget I'm pregnant and go partying, and  then realize afterwards.. Or something really bad happens, like one time I dreamed a plane crashed right beside our car, and we starred running real fast, but we couldn't get out if the city... And I can barely sleep until my alarm, I wake up an hour earlier, even though a month ago I couldn't wake up in time for my  life!

    My boobs and nipples hurt like hell, which is probably the worst.. I have the armpit-hurting thing too and some nausea coming and going, but no actual MS yet.
  • @dodoknits that armpit milk duct thing is No Joke!!  I think we have a club of women here who have/are experiencing it.  I too only have queasy that comes and goes after lunch, but fortunately no actual sickness. My vivid dreams are something pretty normal to me (I have them pg and not) but they do ramp up a notch when I'm pg.  I'm 7 weeks today.
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