Nadia loves chilling in the yard on these little chairs. She's not herself today because of the 3 shots and blood test from her 15 month check up yesterday. Poor thing. She did finally break the 20lbs mark! Tiny little toddler
I'm capturing more videos these days than pictures now that Damien is walking. He has 2 molars that emerged recently unbeknownst to us. That would explain all the excess drooling lately.
He's now kind of saying his first words. "Dada" is most definitely his first word (we think....he seems to call me Dada too), much to my husband's delight. He also refers to his stuffed dog and our bulldog as "Dagdag" though it sounds more like "dgdg" with the "a" being very faint.
My personal favorite is his dancing, a few weeks ago he started slightly bouncing to music but now he's got a full on jig...let's just hope he doesn't get his dancing skills after his Dad! I love toddler dancing though, so cute.
Jackie turned 15 months yesterday. She's enjoying playing outside since it's been nice, despite being a mosquito magnet and having a tendency to. Get it under her eyes and swelling up. She helped wash the car and dog, also known as pouring water all over herself.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
we had several sick days this week. All 5 of us were down for the count with a virus. The bottom photo is a canvas I had made of a photo of the girls from a photo from when they were 4 weeks old or what would have been 37 weeks gestation.
Alyssa at the park this morning! She's running and climbing like crazy! She's mastered climbing onto the couches and our bed. She's still not saying much besides Mama when she wants me, sometimes when she's climbing it sounds like she's saying up so I have a feeling that will be her first word.
Lily has been taking naps like a chap this week even though she's got 2 more teeth coming in. Lily and mommy got flu shots today and she was only sad until the nurse handed her a sheet of princess stickers. showing off her juice box skills.
Late to the party! Ethan went to meet my aunts two new Mastiff puppies Daisy and Duke! They're 3 months and daisy weighs 31lbs and Duke weighs 41!!! Ethan loves to bang the pot lids together and I snapped the other picture while at the grocery store. Lol.
Also late. It just seems like we're way too busy lately to have time to take pictures, which is exactly why I know I need to take them. Anywho, here are Miles and DH both looking mostly unimpressed after Miles's haircut yesterday while they left me to pay
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Late also. LO turns 16months this Monday. Had some horrible two weeks likely teething. Still no definite words although if I say "titi" for soppy cup he will cry. I may ask "where's titi" he'll look for it
Re: HDBD 9/27
Nadia loves chilling in the yard on these little chairs. She's not herself today because of the 3 shots and blood test from her 15 month check up yesterday. Poor thing. She did finally break the 20lbs mark! Tiny little toddler
He's now kind of saying his first words. "Dada" is most definitely his first word (we think....he seems to call me Dada too), much to my husband's delight. He also refers to his stuffed dog and our bulldog as "Dagdag" though it sounds more like "dgdg" with the "a" being very faint.
My personal favorite is his dancing, a few weeks ago he started slightly bouncing to music but now he's got a full on jig...let's just hope he doesn't get his dancing skills after his Dad! I love toddler dancing though, so cute.
Alyssa at the park this morning! She's running and climbing like crazy! She's mastered climbing onto the couches and our bed. She's still not saying much besides Mama when she wants me, sometimes when she's climbing it sounds like she's saying up so I have a feeling that will be her first word.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Lily has been taking naps like a chap this week even though she's got 2 more teeth coming in.
Lily and mommy got flu shots today and she was only sad until the nurse handed her a sheet of princess stickers.
showing off her juice box skills.
Henry took his first unassisted step this weekend, but neither of them are walking much still. They'll be 16 months on Sunday.
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018