My pants are already feeling a little tight, just wondering if this my own personal weight gain or if I could start showing around the 2 month mark?
2nd time moms, when did you start showing? 55 votes
Noticed a bump 2-3 months
Noticed a bump 3-4 months
Noticed a bump 4-5 months
Noticed a bump more than 5 months
Re: 2nd time moms, when did you start showing?
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
DS born 9/3/13; DD born 7/22/15; LO due 5/28/18
FS (age 5) and FD (age 2) to become AS/AD very soon!
I had a real baby bump at 18 weeks and cracked out maternity clothes then. But it took a bit longer to really look pregnant.
BFP 2/25/14 EDD 11/5/14 BD 11/4/14
BFP 8/26/17 EDD 5/5/18
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
But today, at 5w2d, I unbuttoned my pants after lunch because the
But, I will be honest, I also left the hospital wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans. I weighed less after having my child then I did before I got pregnant!
3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
Vanishing twin at week 6
Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013
2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
Oh and with my first it was much later when I started showing ... like 20 - 24 weeks when I really noticed changes. So this has been... unsettling lol
My pants are already tight this time at 8 weeks. Yes, its bloat, but also a lack of exercise (except chasing a 2.5 year old)
DS born 9/3/13; DD born 7/22/15; LO due 5/28/18
FS (age 5) and FD (age 2) to become AS/AD very soon!
ETA tag
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
DS born 9/3/13; DD born 7/22/15; LO due 5/28/18
FS (age 5) and FD (age 2) to become AS/AD very soon!
Baby H: 5/12/2016
I figure our tummies have loosened up a lot and are easily pushed out by bloat and food babies. Same thing happened to me at Thanksgiving after being pregnant lol