May 2018 Moms

Saturday Ticker Change - 9/23

I didn't see this yet, so I hope it's okay that I started it!

Your "ticker change day" is the day you switch over to being another full week pregnant (ie: 5 weeks instead of 4 weeks and 6 days).

If your EDD is 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26 this is for you! 

1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?

2.  How are you feeling?

3.  Any appointments coming up?

4.  Rants/raves/questions?

5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

Re: Saturday Ticker Change - 9/23

  • edited September 2017

    1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?

    5 weeks, a lavender bud or peppercorn, depending on which Ovia setting I use. 

    2.  How are you feeling?

    Pretty good, had some pretty bad cramps yesterday which had me a bit worried but also gas to accompany it. Thirsty. But last preg I didn't start to feel major symptoms until week 8, so fingers crossed for a repeat. 

    3.  Any appointments coming up?

    Not for three weeks! :Cry:

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    It's been a while since my last pregnancy so I feel like I'm having to learn the so's and don'ts all over again! I had to look up the foods to avoid, and can't remember when we're supposed to stop sleeping on our backs! The catch-up is weird. 

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    Halloween! My favorite! Last year DD "got" the awesomeness that is trick-or-treating, and she wants to be a witch, so I'm dusting off the sewing machine and pulling out the face paints. I love helping her dress up and imagine! And she wants me to be a witch, too, and I'm not gonna say no.

  • @christycalifornia thanks for getting this going! I feel like weekend ticker changes move a little slower since everyone is off doing fun stuff instead of avoiding work by bumping (that’s what I do at least). Also as a kid a witch was my favorite costume and I wanted to be one every year. I also wanted my mom to sew me a costume but she couldn’t so kudos to you for being an awesome mom! 

    1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
     7 weeks, blueberry per bump  candy heart per baby list ❤️

    2.  How are you feeling?
     Basically nauseous every 2 hours unless I eat something, and after 7 PM I’m pretty much sick feeling constantly until I just go to sleep. It’s not severe and I’m not puking so no complaints.

    Also sciatica pain in my hip is flaring up like crazy. I’ve been the chiropractor but any tips are appreciated!

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
     Thursday the 28th! Fingers crossed everything looks good  

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    Went to a concert last night with DH, tickets were purchased before we were KTFU and I was sick and feeling terrible the ENTIRE time. Just as the main act was starting my wonderful DH convinced me to leave and go home so we dipped out and made it home early so I could sleep and not feel terrible. It was one of his favorite bands so I felt bad but also blessed that he’s so wonderful. 

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    Oh man. Fall is my fave. But definitely crisp fall weather and leaves changing. I love this time of year! 

  • Loading the player...

  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
     5 weeks, size of an Appleseed! 

    2.  How are you feeling?
     overall good. Had some nausea and headaches yesterday, but I think the headaches are from stopping coffee (makes me nauseous). 

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
     Nope, still have 2ish weeks to wait!

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    More of a random, I keep forgetting I'm pregnant from running around after my daughter. In the next couple of months we have her first birthday, a cross country trip and a baby shower to host. I'm tired thinking of it.

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    Pumpkins! Fall leaves!

    <BabyFetus Ticker >
  • @bjkay22 Oh man, sciatica is the WORST. It was my main symptom in an otherwise uneventful pregnancy last time, and had me teaching sitting down in the last few months because I couldn't walk. I'm sorry it's flaring up so early for you! Changing positions as often as you can, as you're able eg try not to be sitting or standing for more than an hour without shifting or doing some stretches. I joined Massage Envy at the advice of my doc because I couldn't afford bi-monthly massages without the discounted price. It honestly saved me in pregnancy, but I can't recommend the service because it was harder to quit them than the gym. Massage is going to be big for me this time, too, I'm sure, because DD jacked my spine even more than it was before my last pregnancy. I also got a heating pad that I put under my top sheet so I could sleep on it on a low heat. Counter-pressure helps, too, if you can get your husband to help with that, and I tried yoga and I think it helped. But nothing more than regular massage with someone who knew what they were doing. 

    And props to your husband! Way to put your needs before his own!
  • Thanks for all the advice @christycalifornia! I’m hoping it doesn’t get any worse but it’s not looking promising. It does seem that sitting or standing in one position for a long time makes it worse so I’ll definitely keep that in mind. 

  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    6 weeks today, sweet pea. 

    2.  How are you feeling?
    Like crap. I was almost over a nasty cold I've had for a week and half, then I woke up from a nap with a new sore throat. I am pissed. I'm also really nauseated despite bumping up my B6/Unisom dosage.

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    First appoint is Friday. Nurse intake and dating and viability scan.

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    I am so over being sick and I pretty much hate everything right now. Haha.

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    Butternut squash soup and Thanksgiving!

  • I sit with y'all now since I lost 12 days from what my LMP to what my dating ultrasound said. 

    1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
     6 weeks...ladybug

    2.  How are you feeling?
     Unmotivated and exhausted. I'm slightly nauseous if I don't eat. Another vote for sciatic pain already  and I'm so bloated I may pop  

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    Not until late October 

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    Even though I know I probably ovulated late, it was super hard mentally to lose those almost 2 weeks.

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?

    7 weeks, the size of a blueberry!

    2.  How are you feeling?

    Exhausted, nauseous, craving all the candy. Also, my least favorite pregnancy side effect from my first pregnancy has returned. Hysterical crying/laughing after sex...

    3.  Any appointments coming up?

    I’ll have my first appointment on October 6th

    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    rant: my toddler is really trying my patience. Such a bossy pants.

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    Fall festivals, pumpkin patches, etc 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?

    7 weeks.  Blueberry
    2.  How are you feeling?
     Exhausted  so hungry but don't really feel like eating  acid reflux

    3.  Any appointments coming up?

    mid October
    4.  Rants/raves/questions?

    Too tired to even think about this - ok I guess that's a rant!

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    Sleeping in cool weather (no a/c here). 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Lurking... @lincbeesmom omg I'm not the only one crying after sex??? 
  • Lurking... @lincbeesmom omg I'm not the only one crying after sex??? 
    It didn’t happen until closer to third trimester last time but apparently it’s rearing it’s ugly head early this time. 

    HYSTERICAL unstoppable crying. Then I laugh because I’m crying then cry because I’m laughing. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @Poppy0419 oh, MAN! That's hard. On the one hand it's only two weeks, but on the other it's TWO WEEKS! Feel what you feel, and sorry for the disappointment. 
  • Sorry I am late to the party. I had class yesterday and the struggle with MS was real :( 

    @christycalifornia - thanks for starting it :) Sorry you were dealing with cramps. I feel the same way - this is my 4th pregnancy but my last one was 4 years ago so I forgot some stuff. 

    @bjkay22 - I am sorry MS is being rough on you too. Sciatica is the worst! My chiropractor gave me stretches to do at home to help with sciatica. I will look for that paper with how to do them. If I find it I will post it and tag you. They really helped. (This was 2 pregnancies ago so sadly I don't remember what they were.) FX for a great appointment for you on Thursday!

    @loko08 - I am glad the symptoms are being mild for you. Did you stop coffee cold turkey? Maybe if you add a little back and slowly ween of it will help with the headaches. 

    @firefliesandfjords - I am sorry you are dealing with a cold. Being sick while pregnant sucks! I hope you are feeling better soon!

    @poppy0419 - Welcome! I am sorry you lost 2 weeks it is so hard to go backwards :( 

    @lincbeesmom - I am sorry that your least favorite symptom has returned. It sounds terrible.

    @heelsidehero - Ugh! I am sorry about the acid reflux. I had that pretty bad towards the end last time - yuck!

    1.  How far along are you?  How big is baby?
    6 weeks yesterday, sweet pea

    2.  How are you feeling?
    Not great :( Exhaustion really hit me this week and morning sickness is starting to rear her ugly head. I am stuck in a cycle of nothing sounds good to eat, I am not hungry but if I don't eat I feel like I am going to puke everywhere so that's fun... The bloat is making getting dressed in the morning a challenge since no one knows I am pregnant at work. Also, I am so thirsty like there is not enough water in the world thirsty.

    3.  Any appointments coming up?
    First appointment is tomorrow! But it is only with the nurse. I think the schedule me to come in again in 2 weeks to see the Dr and get an US.

    4.  Rants/raves/questions:

    I am super excited to have my first appointment! I think it will make everything feel more real.

    5.  GTKY: What are you looking forward to most for Autumn? Bonus points for gifs!

    I used to love the fall leaves but now I live where the leaves don't change  :'( I love Thanksgiving and the cooler weather.

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