hi all! After a couple weeks of lurking I decided I'd come out and introduce myself. I work in retail management and DH and I have 2 fur babies together and he has a*TW* 9 year old stepson that we have half custody of. DH works in news journalism and we live in MI.
DH and I recently started going to a RE (DH had a vasectomy 8 years ago from a pervious marriage {ex wife was allergic to latex}) so we knew we needed help. We're both 31, and I went through infertility struggles with my ex-husband 7 years ago that lasted 3 years. We did 3 IUI's with clomid, all BFNs; he had low count and low morph, although at that time nothing was wrong with me. Now, I have been diagnosed with a slow working thyroid (currently on synthroid for that) and got my blood work back today that says my AMH is 1.4. I know Dr. Google says it's on the low side of normal. Any ideas?
Today is CD 1 and I'm going to be starting birth control pills to start IVF-ICSI. I'm nervous, but I'm strong. Just thought I would make conversation with some women going through the same thing. Thanks ladies for any feedback you may have!
Re: New here, but not to IF! (Child mentioned) TW
IVF #1 -2016 March, antagonist, 5 eggs, 2 fertilized, 3DT - 8 cell and 6 cell no frag, chemical pregnancy
IVF #2 - 2016 June, micro dose lupron, 3 eggs, 1 fertilized, 3DT 6 cell, BFN
IVF #3 - 2016 November, estrogen priming + antagonist, 9 follicles, 3 eggs, none fertilized
IVF #4 - 2017 March, testosterone priming + micro dose lupron, 2 eggs, none fertilized
IVF #5 - 2017 May, A/ACP protocol, 4 follicles out of 7 seemed to get to required size, ovulated before retrieval, converted into IUI - BFN
IVF #6 - 2017 July, A/ACP protocol, 3 follicles one stopped growing, LH rising, converted to IUI - BFN
IVF #7 - 2017 September, antagonist, 5 follicles, 6 eggs, 3 immature, 3 injected, 1 fertilized, stopped growing day 3
My story in signature spoiler. Children mentioned.
I don't produce FSH, so no natural menstrual cycle. DH has reduced morphology.
Summer 2014 IUI (with first husband): cancelled after almost a month of stims due to too many follicles
Time off to divorce, get back on my feet, find a new hubby and get married again 💑
March 2017 IVF#1: ~70 follicles, 13R, 10M, 7F, 3B = 2 PGS Normal (both XY) - no transfer due to ohss
Sept 2017 FET#1: BFP, Beta#1 (10dpt) - 253, Beta#2 (12dpt) - 528, DS born 05/31/2018 👨👩👦
Dec 2019 FET#2: BFN
Changed clinic, planning March 2020 IVF#2 - postponed due to the pandemic
April 2020 IVF #2: ~30 follicles, 24R, 12M, 8F, 4B = 2XY & 2XX, all normal
Sept 2020 FET#3: one XX embryo, BFP, Beta#1 (9dpt) - 161, Beta#2 (11dpt) - 519, Beta#3 (19dpt) - 7174, Due date 05/30/2021
DD born 05/23/2021 👨👩👧👦 - My family is now complete