Working Moms


My 5-year-old just started kindergarten and another mom from the class asked if our family would get dinner with theirs one weeknight at this place that does a kid's night. The kid's night is Wednesdays when my girls have swim lessons, so I sent the invite for after that (7pm). That's probably also when we normally eat dinner on a given night. The other mom responded that her kids are in bed before 7 and she was thinking more like 5pm for dinner.

I found this shocking, but googling around now shows me that 7 may be an appropriate bedtime for a kindergartener (school starts at 7:30 - she wakes around 6:30). But I just can't fathom making a 7pm bedtime work, let alone a 5pm dinner...I am still at work at 5pm! Normally we are just getting home around 6:30 and then there is so much to be done (dinner, homework, bath, some amount of fun or leisure I would hope) and that's on days we don't have any extracurriculars.

I am just boggled. What time do you get home and what are your evening routines like?

DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018

Re: Bedtime

  • Mine is much younger than yours, he's only 19 months, but his bedtime is 7.  We get home around 5-5:30, play for a bit then do dinner at 6 and bath time at 6:30.  
    A bunch of my friends have 4 year olds and their bed time is all in the 8:00 range.
  • I try to get my soon to be 5 year old in bed between 7 and 7:30. If she napped that day it is usually about 45 mins before she finally goes to sleep. I am rethinking letting her stay up a little later since she doesn't go to sleep right away. 

    We are usually all home by 5. Dinner at 5:45, bath 6:30, finishing up stories by 7-7:15. 
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