Yes, it's way too early for this discussion, but I CANNOT contain my excitement to wear maternity jeans again!!! I waited until I was probably 18 weeks before I started wearing them last time. That was stupid. I will be wearing them the second my regular clothes get at all tight because they are so damn comfy.
Share your favorite brands, where you bought them, etc. If you need special items (like scrubs), share that, too.
I LOVED Jessica Simpson's maternity line. Those jeans were the real MVP of my pregnancy last time.
I have a grown up job this time that requires me to wear suits fairly regularly. Any suggestions?
Together since '07
Married since '12
Off the pill since 5/14
BFP: 8/10/14 -- CP 8/22/14
BFP: 12/10/15 -- Prayers requested
Re: Maternity Clothes
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
First pregnancy I loved the Oh, Baby brand jeans from Kohls. They seem to have changed since, sadly.
My BFF swears by PinkBlush.
I need skinny jean recommendations!
for nice work clothes (I had several big conferences last time around) I was obsessed with this company from London, Isabella Oliver... Good news is most things fit well after pregnancy as well...
casual stuff i stayed as cheap as possible- pink blush, motherhood maternity, target etc.
I just lost 5 pounds, so I'm going to keep eating healthy in hopes of NOT gaining 50 pounds on my 5'2 frame.
also, were you on the m15 board?
Mama to a crazy toddler (J-5/28/15)
EDD 5-3-18
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
Edited for spelling.
For suits and things- I have a bunch of work maternity dresses that I lent to a friend who needed suits and she just threw blazers on over top of them. I think those were mostly motherhood maternity.
Old Navy's maternity pixie pants are a must. They are just stretchy on the sides, but fit me my whole second pregnancy and I wore them at least weekly post partum for ummm probably a year (hangs head in shame)
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
Edit to add: If you plan on breastfeeding, Latched Mama was my place to go! They're pretty affordable and super easy to use. Plus, no one knows they're nursing-wear!
BFP 2/25/14 EDD 11/5/14 BD 11/4/14
BFP 8/26/17 EDD 5/5/18
I bought two pairs of maternity Minnie pants from J.Crew. I never stopped wearing them because they are just elastic on the sides. It looks like they aren't currently selling them but you can find them online other places. These were awesome for more casual days. Towards the end, I wore a lot of dresses and stopped caring whether they were super professional or not.
Edited to add I am in Wisconsin
BFP#3 5/22/17 | MC 6/17/17 at 7w3d
Thank you to everyone else too! It sounds as though I might be able to get away with what I already have.
DS born 3/11
Angel Baby 3 6/28/11 9/5/17 BFP!!
divorced October 2014 9/6/17 hCG 88 progesterone 9.1 (prometrium started)
Married DH 10/15 DH's DS born 6/09 9/8/17 hCG 242!!!
Not preventing since 11/15 EDD 5/8/18 Adjusted 5/15/18
TTC since 1/1/16 9/27/17 we have a heart beat!