Let's discuss our LO and their clothing.
What size does your LO wear? Shoes?
What sorts of woes do you experience with clothing or shopping? What clothes do you find most convenient and what colors, etc do you prefer?
My son's still wearing size 12m and everything's a bit loose. His jeans need to be a size 9m, although because he's tall, he needs a 12 or 18 months. Thank goodness for adjustable waist jeans! My son is wearing a size 4 in shoes. We have some Nike and a few Garanimals shoes that are so cute. We also did splurge on some stride right even though he's only started walking.
When we go clothes shopping, I have a lot of trouble finding shirts that have a good length. As I mentioned, my son is tall so a lot of regular 12m shirts are too short and he ends up showing his buddha belly. The best shirts I've found are the Cat & Jack ones from Target. Worst are either Osh Kosh or some of the Garanimals Tshirts from Walmart. They're TOO SHORT.
My favorite types of clothes are just Tshirts and shorts for him. They're easiest to work with, along with rompers. My LO lived in Walmart rompers and ones from Target as well. Sadly, they don't sell many rompers past 18m so we shall miss them sorely.
Re: Fashion Fun
He's wearing a size 5 shoe but even those are a little big on him. He currently rocks his Adidas on most days but I picked up some cute Carter's ones. They look good but they are super slippery on the bottom so they aren't great for walking.
@Delitachan While I do like OshKosh, I find they shrink so much! I no longer will put them in the dryer for that reason. Made that mistake once, never again.
My husband thinks Damien dresses too "cute," he wants him in "cooler" clothing. What he fails to understand is that clothes he likes are often outside of my budget, plus I often find their sizing is geared towards older toddlers. I do my best though. I like the way Damien looks. It also doesn't help that my Mom buys a lot of his clothes and she's obsessed with Prince George. She's doing pretty well balancing what we prefer and what she's wishing we'd put him in though.
We're steering away from onesies since I love how easy separates are during diaper changes. He wears a lot of cargo shorts (copying my husband's style in that sense) and t-shirts/shirts. I'm not very restrictive on colors. He looks really nice in reds and yellows (in my opinion) but lately he's been in darker shades of various colors.
Miles has a lot of hand me downs from my little brother (turning 16 next month
For shoes, I just dropped his size 4 sandals in the closet this morning. He hasn't been able to wear them for a couple of weeks, but I finally admitted it today. He's got one new pair of Garanimals size 5 sandals that seem huge, and some on clearance New Balance size 5. And more hand me down shoes, including a pair of girls shoes that had to be from my youngest sister (age 24, jeeze mother do you throw nothing away?).
For colors, it's whatever works. A lot of bright colors mostly, he really doesn't have much in the neutral or dark spectrum, except for bottoms.
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Poor girl is the third child, so over half her clothes are hand me downs from big brother or sister. I'm using fewer onsies on her now, mostly tops and shorts, or a couple of rompers. She has dresses for church, but she can't climb well in them so I don't use them much for every day. Honestly we are kind of just at the practical stage with clothes and all the kids. If it fits, isn't stained or dirty, is weather appropriate, and the colors go ok, they can wear it that day. I wish I could do the cute outfits and hair each day, but we are just too busy for that, and my older kids want to dress them selves anyway. Maybe with the change of seasons I'll start trying to plan more cute stuff for Nadia.
We have a lot of hand me downs, which I appreciate, but I kind of wish I had chosen more of the clothes we do have.
Honestly we have a lot of people comment that he should be a baby model, but I don't have the energy to do all the necessary things for that. We live super close to Kohl's headquarters, but even that is kind of an ordeal, so I have been mulling over trying to put him on Instagram in his outfits to see what happens, but also kind of scary out there on the interwebs.. So obviously very undecided. I don't even take most of the pictures of him...DH is all over that too. #mamastired
I buy from Gap (outlet or on sale), Old Navy, Carter's, Osh Kosh and Target. I've gotten a couple nice things handed down of bought them used.
I love dressing her!! But since she goes to daycare everyday it has to be cute basics and not expensive stylish stuff- I'm also pretty plain so certainly not a style icon haha
We get lucky that my mom and sister like to buy her cute stuff that I generally wouldn't splurge on (like my mom is getting her Uggs for Christmas)
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I see that we both are having eventful Friday nights @egirl1025??
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Right now he has a pair of Nike, a pair of patriotic converse and some Stride Rites. He also has some crocs (not allowed at the daycare) and some sandals (not allowed at daycare).
How often do their feet grow?
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
I just ordered these in size 8 for him! They're so cute and they squeak! Haha. (Squeaker has on/off switch for sanity)
Jackets are generally 2T so they fit over everything.
In terms of shoes, she has a pair of Tsuskihoshi shoes that were expensive but have great reviews for beginning walkers- and she wears them every single day to daycare. We have a couple of cute shoes that she wears on the weekend. She’s in a size 5 right now for shoes.
We get everything pretty inexpensive because they grow so quickly- Carters, Old Navy sales, BabyGap sales or outlet, Target are among our favorites.
Shes generally just in leggings and a top for school and we have a couple cute outfits for the weekend, nothing crazy girly and frilly, but I definitely try to dress her pretty cute most of the time. I try to get a mix of patterned and plain tops and then patterned and plain pants so that it’s easy for DH to pick out one thing that is plain and one that is patterned and chances are they will match haha
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Target once again has a cartwheel code for 20% off all jeans for the family. Just in case your LO needs any