Also, I'm annoyed about how few people start threads. I started this because it makes me sad when our BMB is so slow that we don't even have a FFFC thread at all (one of the most popular threads elsewhere). Buuut also what's the point when no one posts?
I agree about the annoyance of no one creating new threads. I think a big part of it is because there are quite a few people on the forum that insist on posting everything in already established threads.. got a complaint? Here's a spot. Got a concern? There's a place for that... literally everything you could ever want to discuss has a thread it "should fall under".. It's like a overly organized filing system. And there's good things about it but it also means that the board looks like Snoozeville when you log on and see the same threads all the time.
Also, I too pee in the shower. Usually when I forget to go before going in... I always get the urge to go when I hear all the running water.. And I'm not going to step out and go in the toilet when I'm all wet because that just makes a big mess.
I'm all for keeping things to specific posts, but like our randoms/symptoms threads go for weeks! Or we miss the daily M-F threads sometimes. I just posted the symptoms thread twice in a row because I knew no one else was going to start a new one.
Also it just makes me sad lurking other BMBs that have like 25 FFFCs by 10 a.m. and our thread isn't even posted yet.
There are definitely regular posters who do start threads and regular posters who do not. You know who you are. Lol.
@eazybreezy225 Ugh YES going pee wet is awful, so I would not get out to pee! I always hate being at the beach/pool and being wet and having to go pee. Like even if you dry off, if your swimsuit is still damp, your butt will be damp when you sit down and it's just the grossest.
I refuse to get out and pee soaking wet while making a wet mess of the bathroom when it all goes to the same place and I can just wash when I am done.
Pregnancy has definitely increased the frequency of that need...
My FFFC - I am totally a bad bumper. I lurk as often as I can, but I don't always have the time to respond and it makes me feel bad when I do want to jump in, like I don't belong.
I will continue to work to be better.
Me: 30 DH: 31
2 Dogs / 2 Cats
IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
IUI #3 11/2016 BFN IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
It annoys me too when we're all still posting on the same weeks-old thread, BUT I have a thing about not wanting to start a new one unless it's on a Monday and starting for the week, or maybe first of the month? Guess I'm a bit anal that way lol. I'll try to do one of them Monday if I remember!
Someone asked about Hospital Bag packing tips and I totally think that's deserving of its own thread. It can spin off to so many questions like - what did your SO do the whole time? Did your hospital provide x, y, z? What are things you thought were indispensable and what was something you didn't even use?... etc...
I looked at the other bmbs the other day and felt like ours seemed fine in comparison - but maybe that's cuz I know and like you all now!
Me: 36 | DH 35, Married 2007
TTC #1 June 2015 April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal June 2016 - HSG clear *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16 BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17 DS - 12/9/17 TTC #2 December 2018 BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19 DD - 11/1/19 My Chart
@txmomma16 I love when you jump in! I don't want to discourage anyone from posting because they don't think they're regular enough! And you certainly don't have to be a daily (or even weekly) poster to be welcome. I just am like...if you're someone who posts every day, why not start one of the threads every now and again?
FFFC: I went to go see the movie IT .. (totally epic btw, the movie is awesome) and never paid. We had vouchers for 2 free tickets.. which i didn't ever hand in. We just walked in, saw the movie and left, and I totally forgot all about it. In my defense, all the movie theaters around here don't have an employee that stands there and takes your stubs. The only time they do is if it's an evening showing on opening weekends of popular movies. The first few movies we saw after we moved here, I paid for our tickets on Fandango, waited in the concession line for 15 minutes, only for the employee to say, "oh, yeah, just go on in." Without even looking at my confirmation.
Also, all the theaters here do assigned seating. Which I love! We never have to stand at the bottom of the theater, staring into the crowd trying to find a place where we can all sit together. Our spots are reserved.
Sometimes I don't start threads just so I don't have to find a GIF (or think up a GTKY question for the weekly check-in *waves at the other Friday people*). I have literally started a post, spent 10 min looking for a GIF, stressed about whether it was worthy or not, and then decided not to post after all.
I'll be honest, I don't pee in the shower because I forget. It depends on the morning. I have to take my dogs out before showering on work days, and most mornings now I have to pee so I pee first, which means I don't have to pee in the shower. But if I'm getting in the shower and know I have to pee I just won't pee first. Lol. Also sometimes I don't have to pee but then have to in the middle. *shrugs*
Idea: anyone interested in doing a hot seat thread? Basically we do 1 or 2 people a week, we have a template of basic GTKY questions, no questions are off the table and then everyone chimes in with additional questions and the person on the hot seat answers them all in their hot seat thread
@Marley629 I'm still trying to wrap my head around exactly how it works but it sounds like fun to me!
Also @whiska I'm totally down for a hospital bag thread too.
I definitely don't think our board is cluttered, so more threads for the win! Unless they're AW threads. Or just like super unnecessary to be their own thread.
FFFC-I find our board boring most days and I am jealous of busy BMB's. I would be ok with every main topic we are all dealing with (picking strollers, hospital bags, anything really) having its own thread. The ONE TIME I commented on a random thread saying it could probably have been asked in another thead a bunch of you told OP nah, it was a good idea to make this it's own. I felt like an idiot
Me 29 I Him 26 Married 4/22/16
TTC 9/2015 **TW** BFP 2/1/16 I MC 3/21/16 (11w) TTCAL 6/15/16 BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
it kills me that the threads the get skipped the most are like, mon / tues / wed which is basically a thread for bitching. are you guys just all so happy positive rainbows that you don't have anything to bitch about? because shit, pregnancy in and of itself is enough of a reason to bitch all day every day. NOT to mention we added a positive component to each one so we can get more responses!
i have no problem starting all of these but lately i've been swamped and unable to log in til end of day, at which point, i'm not going to start the daily thread.
get on it folks.
i with you on being weirdly anal about not starting new "weekly" threads when it isn't a monday or beginning of a month or something but sometimes they've just gone on for ...soo...longgg...
also @kyrwyn gif's are totally just a bonus. i give no fucks if a thread is started with no content at all besides the title if it is one of the M-F daily threads that are the same every week. post away!
no time for personal FFFC's here. posting and running. eternally behind after being on vacation and all that.
OH. and there isn't a place for this per say, i just wanted to HIGH FIVE MYSELF for HULK-SMASH-DESTROYING the glucose screen this time around. i've been focusing so damn hard on exercising and eating well that it feels good to see some positive results, despite a weight gain that is darn near identical to my last pregnancy. i would like to obviously point out that i do NOT want anyone that didn't do so well on the GD test to feel bad. GD, biology, and pregnancy are all weird. don't blame yourself. please. hugs, love, chin up.
Met: September 2005Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014
I tend to stick to certain threads that are weekly because the others are too overwhelming sometimes. I'm with @whiska and fully support threads starting over each Monday.
About me: TTC#1: October 2015 dx: PCOS & MFI IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP July 2016: Blighted Ovum IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN FET February 2017 ~BFN IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17 Team Blue X 2!
I agree with @beary67 I stick to the weekly threads because the others get so big and long and I don't want to repeat what's already been said/answered. I guess I could start new threads, too.
I can't think of a FFFC right now. I'll come back if one comes to me
I have woken up flicking the bean unconsciously more times than I care to admit since becoming pregnant. My pregnant, sleeping self is a horny ass bitch.
@kvacmak I have scandalous dreams several nights a week but conscious, awake me is like EW NO DONT TOUCH ME. I guess because in dreamland I am my "normal" non-pregnant self but IRL I am puffy, refluxy, and out of breath.
@kvacmak I laughed at this and high five you for the confession!!! My dreams too are super horny, but in waking life I seriously want nothing to do with it. All I can think about is how uncomfortable it is now and I really don't have any energy for it! DH is going CRAZY!
I lurk and don't post because it looks like all the threads are the same when I look... Like, I don't read the intros at this point because most aren't even going to post again, over the sex of your kid... I look for the ones that appeal to me and read those and then I'm done and I'm like, well boo I suck and have nothing to add.
I'd be way down for more. I will be lost if I have this baby and don't have a BMB to read all night long. I seriously spent the first three months on the boards and in chat all night with the other ladies that were up nursing and it kept me sane. It's odd to me there aren't more "regulars" too... I feel like there are a handful, but at this point I knew the core group on my BMB and it was significantly larger, which made it busy and had a ton more discussion.
My early Saturday confession is that I HATE having neighbors now that I have neighbors. We built a new house and are on the end of a block, so we back up to a ton of yards that go down two side streets. We thought it was an ideal lot since we are the only two story and can see them but they can't see us. These people NEVER SHUT UP. Last night someone was outside playing country music at 10pm when I wanted to sleep. This morning some guy is shouting in his backyard at 7:30am at his dogs. One house got a pool-don't even get me started on them. I've seriously considered ordering about 20 packages of water beads from Amazon and dumping them in their pool so they will stop having parties. This is California, so everyone opens windows at night for the cool air and people have no concept that we can hear them. None, zero.
Clearly this is more my bitching than a confession.
I post a lot, but I am guilty of never starting a thread. Initially, I thought there were certain people that started threads, but not too long ago realized anyone could do it. For most of the daily threads, I don't usually have much to say besides commenting on someone else's post so I never thought about starting a thread. My life is pretty boring and I work from home so I don't really have so many positive or negative days just a lot of blah.
@kvacmak I dittle my skittle at night a lot because I'm usually horny lately, but it also helps me fall asleep LOL.
I thought everyone pees in the shower sometimes. I usually go before I get in, but sometimes that hot water makes a little more come out LOL.
@tamaraaaa I've had that thought about after the babies are born. Another BMB was talking about how many people went to FB from their last BMBs and it was like between 40-100 for all of them. I'm like, "Well, we'll maybe have like 12?"
@clovelyone lol at "dittle my skittle". That's a new one for me.
Add me to the "horny but only in my dreams" group. My poor husband ... I don't want to be touch at all during the day, but have been having very realistic dreams at night. I don't remember this with my last pregnancy.
My Saturday confession is that I lied on my Amazon registry about baby's due date so I could get my completion discount sooner. We aren't having a shower or sprinkle or anything and so I'm not sharing the registry with anyone else. It's just for the discount and I want to get things ordered sooner than later.
Hahaha it would be sad if only 12 make it to FB! My BMB was 3 1/2 years ago and we have 104 in the main group, and probably 40-50 of us active every single day. There are also small groups. The mass leaving to FB didn't happen until after babies were born and the bump imploded though, but it was way easier for middle of the night convos.
@kaylawing I did something similar. I kind of have this thing where I don't want people to know the actual due date. So on all my "portals" (babylist, bru, bbb, Amazon) I used a different due date and they're all wrong
Me: 36 | DH 35, Married 2007
TTC #1 June 2015 April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal June 2016 - HSG clear *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16 BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17 DS - 12/9/17 TTC #2 December 2018 BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19 DD - 11/1/19 My Chart
@kaylawing I did something similar. I kind of have this thing where I don't want people to know the actual due date. So on all my "portals" (babylist, bru, bbb, Amazon) I used a different due date and they're all wrong
I was totally that way this pregnancy too. When we announced we said "baby will be here at the end of the Fall season" When people outright ask me when baby's due I say "around thanksgiving". And even though we already have a date for the c-section only our parents and local family members know it.
I think a big part of it has to do with how hyped up people get about an exact date.. I know it doesn't really apply to me because I have c-sections but it really grinds my gears when I hear other expectant moms being hounded about it. A vast majority of people don't realize that a "due date" is actually just a rough estimation for when your baby will finish fetal development. You're technically not "late" until it's been over 2 weeks past the "due date". Your baby knows when it's time. Just let it be.
Add me to the extremely horny while sleep category.. AFM... IF I find the energy to have sex I'm usually watching a lil porn while we do it.. Pregnancy has limited some positions and now it's just getting kinda boring and feels like more work than reward
I post a lot, but I am guilty of never starting a thread. Initially, I thought there were certain people that started threads, but not too long ago realized anyone could do it. For most of the daily threads, I don't usually have much to say besides commenting on someone else's post so I never thought about starting a thread. My life is pretty boring and I work from home so I don't really have so many positive or negative days just a lot of blah.
@kvacmak I dittle my skittle at night a lot because I'm usually horny lately, but it also helps me fall asleep LOL.
I thought everyone pees in the shower sometimes. I usually go before I get in, but sometimes that hot water makes a little more come out LOL.
Except for the working from home part, I literally could have written every word you said (except I'd never heard "dittle my skittle" either lol, but it's totally true about the falling asleep part!). I actually came up with an idea for a new thread yesterday, but now I can't remember what it was!
Also, up until about five minutes ago I had no idea how to quote people. I just never noticed that option below each comment until now, so thanks for inspiring me to look a little closer at the screen lol.
@SierraGood YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......ty for saying this!!! Sex is just too much work right now! When he wants it all I can think about is how damn uncomfortable it is and hes the only one getting anything out of it. He wonders why I don't want it!! So on that topic, I know there are a few different articles out there and I believe it may have been brought up before on here....BUT....are there seriously any good sex positions that actually feel good now?????
@Mandayno I thought I might be the only one!!!! Sex is like the last thing I wanna do cause it's so uncomfortable. I have found that doggy style with a bunch of pillows under me makes it suck a lil bit less.
I know it's almost Friday and I should wait but I just can't. I know it may be the new norm but I'm against early inductions just because you hit a certain amount of weeks. (I'm not talking about 40 or over). A hospital where I am from almost always induces their patients at 39 weeks. Whether they are dilated, effaced or neither at all. Now I'm sure that they give them this option and they probably jump on it as that's a big temptation, but I know multiple people just in the past couple of months who have went in with no signs of dilation or thinning that ended up as c-sections because they didn't progress. I'm just like maybe your body wasn't ready. It shouldn't gripe me because it doesn't effect me personally, but if you are having a perfectly healthy pregnancy, why not give your body a chance to do it on its own.
@maddilatti I agree all of this except the part where you feel it doesn't effect you (aka everybody). This stuff does effect everyone. The skyrocketing c-section rate is a public health problem. It is also skewing the medical proffession's perception of what is normal. Most OBs seem to be completely losing the ability to deal with variations of normal. So if you don't fit in the small box they have for normal they cut. And the csection rate does not just effect the current child it effects Every baby that woman ever wants to have.
I pee in the shower.
Also, I'm annoyed about how few people start threads. I started this because it makes me sad when our BMB is so slow that we don't even have a FFFC thread at all (one of the most popular threads elsewhere). Buuut also what's the point when no one posts?
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
And there's good things about it but it also means that the board looks like Snoozeville when you log on and see the same threads all the time.
Eta: spelling
Also it just makes me sad lurking other BMBs that have like 25 FFFCs by 10 a.m. and our thread isn't even posted yet.
There are definitely regular posters who do start threads and regular posters who do not. You know who you are. Lol.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
I refuse to get out and pee soaking wet while making a wet mess of the bathroom when it all goes to the same place and I can just wash when I am done.
Pregnancy has definitely increased the frequency of that need...
My FFFC - I am totally a bad bumper. I lurk as often as I can, but I don't always have the time to respond and it makes me feel bad when I do want to jump in, like I don't belong.
I will continue to work to be better.
2 Dogs / 2 Cats
IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
Someone asked about Hospital Bag packing tips and I totally think that's deserving of its own thread. It can spin off to so many questions like - what did your SO do the whole time? Did your hospital provide x, y, z? What are things you thought were indispensable and what was something you didn't even use?... etc...
I looked at the other bmbs the other day and felt like ours seemed fine in comparison - but maybe that's cuz I know and like you all now!
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17
TTC #2 December 2018
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19
My Chart
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
I went to go see the movie IT .. (totally epic btw, the movie is awesome) and never paid. We had vouchers for 2 free tickets.. which i didn't ever hand in.
We just walked in, saw the movie and left, and I totally forgot all about it.
In my defense, all the movie theaters around here don't have an employee that stands there and takes your stubs. The only time they do is if it's an evening showing on opening weekends of popular movies.
The first few movies we saw after we moved here, I paid for our tickets on Fandango, waited in the concession line for 15 minutes, only for the employee to say, "oh, yeah, just go on in." Without even looking at my confirmation.
Also, all the theaters here do assigned seating. Which I love! We never have to stand at the bottom of the theater, staring into the crowd trying to find a place where we can all sit together. Our spots are reserved.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
2 Dogs / 2 Cats
IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
As for starting threads, I'll try to do better.
Idea: anyone interested in doing a hot seat thread? Basically we do 1 or 2 people a week, we have a template of basic GTKY questions, no questions are off the table and then everyone chimes in with additional questions and the person on the hot seat answers them all in their hot seat thread
DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
MFI (SA #1Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
AMH .328 | FSH 13.2
Also @whiska I'm totally down for a hospital bag thread too.
I definitely don't think our board is cluttered, so more threads for the win! Unless they're AW threads. Or just like super unnecessary to be their own thread.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
FFFC-I find our board boring most days and I am jealous of busy BMB's. I would be ok with every main topic we are all dealing with (picking strollers, hospital bags, anything really) having its own thread. The ONE TIME I commented on a random thread saying it could probably have been asked in another thead a bunch of you told OP nah, it was a good idea to make this it's own. I felt like an idiot
Married 4/22/16
BFP 2/1/16 I MC 3/21/16 (11w)
TTCAL 6/15/16
BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
i have no problem starting all of these but lately i've been swamped and unable to log in til end of day, at which point, i'm not going to start the daily thread.
get on it folks.
i with you on being weirdly anal about not starting new "weekly" threads when it isn't a monday or beginning of a month or something but sometimes they've just gone on for ...soo...longgg...
also @kyrwyn gif's are totally just a bonus. i give no fucks if a thread is started with no content at all besides the title if it is one of the M-F daily threads that are the same every week. post away!
no time for personal FFFC's here. posting and running. eternally behind after being on vacation and all that.
OH. and there isn't a place for this per say, i just wanted to HIGH FIVE MYSELF for HULK-SMASH-DESTROYING the glucose screen this time around. i've been focusing so damn hard on exercising and eating well that it feels good to see some positive results, despite a weight gain that is darn near identical to my last pregnancy.
i would like to obviously point out that i do NOT want anyone that didn't do so well on the GD test to feel bad. GD, biology, and pregnancy are all weird. don't blame yourself. please. hugs, love, chin up.
Met: September 2005 Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014
TTC#1: October 2015
dx: PCOS & MFI
IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
July 2016: Blighted Ovum
IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
FET February 2017 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
Team Blue X 2!
I agree with @beary67 I stick to the weekly threads because the others get so big and long and I don't want to repeat what's already been said/answered. I guess I could start new threads, too.
I can't think of a FFFC right now. I'll come back if one comes to me
I do occasionally pee in the shower.
But it would totally gross me out if my hubs did it. Total hypocrite over here.
My pregnant, sleeping self is a horny ass bitch.
I also don't give a damn about my pubic hair. Especially when preggo.
Married May 2014
DD born August 2016
Baby #2 due December 2017
@kvacmak I have scandalous dreams several nights a week but conscious, awake me is like EW NO DONT TOUCH ME. I guess because in dreamland I am my "normal" non-pregnant self but IRL I am puffy, refluxy, and out of breath.
I'd be way down for more. I will be lost if I have this baby and don't have a BMB to read all night long. I seriously spent the first three months on the boards and in chat all night with the other ladies that were up nursing and it kept me sane. It's odd to me there aren't more "regulars" too... I feel like there are a handful, but at this point I knew the core group on my BMB and it was significantly larger, which made it busy and had a ton more discussion.
My early Saturday confession is that I HATE having neighbors now that I have neighbors. We built a new house and are on the end of a block, so we back up to a ton of yards that go down two side streets. We thought it was an ideal lot since we are the only two story and can see them but they can't see us. These people NEVER SHUT UP. Last night someone was outside playing country music at 10pm when I wanted to sleep. This morning some guy is shouting in his backyard at 7:30am at his dogs. One house got a pool-don't even get me started on them. I've seriously considered ordering about 20 packages of water beads from Amazon and dumping them in their pool so they will stop having parties. This is California, so everyone opens windows at night for the cool air and people have no concept that we can hear them. None, zero.
Clearly this is more my bitching than a confession.
@kvacmak I dittle my skittle at night a lot because I'm usually horny lately, but it also helps me fall asleep LOL.
I thought everyone pees in the shower sometimes. I usually go before I get in, but sometimes that hot water makes a little more come out LOL.
DD - 12/28/17
TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
Add me to the "horny but only in my dreams" group. My poor husband ... I don't want to be touch at all during the day, but have been having very realistic dreams at night. I don't remember this with my last pregnancy.
My Saturday confession is that I lied on my Amazon registry about baby's due date so I could get my completion discount sooner. We aren't having a shower or sprinkle or anything and so I'm not sharing the registry with anyone else. It's just for the discount and I want to get things ordered sooner than later.
April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
June 2016 - HSG clear
*TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
DS - 12/9/17
TTC #2 December 2018
BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
DD - 11/1/19
My Chart
When people outright ask me when baby's due I say "around thanksgiving". And even though we already have a date for the c-section only our parents and local family members know it.
I think a big part of it has to do with how hyped up people get about an exact date.. I know it doesn't really apply to me because I have c-sections but it really grinds my gears when I hear other expectant moms being hounded about it. A vast majority of people don't realize that a "due date" is actually just a rough estimation for when your baby will finish fetal development. You're technically not "late" until it's been over 2 weeks past the "due date". Your baby knows when it's time. Just let it be.
AFM... IF I find the energy to have sex I'm usually watching a lil porn while we do it.. Pregnancy has limited some positions and now it's just getting kinda boring and feels like more work than reward
Also, up until about five minutes ago I had no idea how to quote people. I just never noticed that option below each comment until now, so thanks for inspiring me to look a little closer at the screen lol.