May 2018 Moms

Crazy Dreams Week of 9/15

Anyone up for starting a dream thread? I feel like we're all reaching this point now and I'm sure there are going to be some doozies! 
Angel Babies 1&2 2/14/09
DS born 3/11
Angel Baby 3 6/28/11                                                         9/5/17 BFP!!
divorced October 2014                                                       9/6/17 hCG 88 progesterone 9.1 (prometrium started)
Married DH 10/15     DH's DS born 6/09                            9/8/17 hCG 242!!!
Not preventing since 11/15                                                 EDD 5/8/18        Adjusted 5/15/18
TTC since 1/1/16                                                                9/27/17 we have a heart beat!

Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy TrackerBabysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

Re: Crazy Dreams Week of 9/15

  • @charlestonchew that would be hilarious!!!

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • Loading the player...
  • But my dreams are nsfw  >:)
  • @ivyvines6 shall we do a crazy dreams 'after dark'? lol
    Angel Babies 1&2 2/14/09
    DS born 3/11
    Angel Baby 3 6/28/11                                                         9/5/17 BFP!!
    divorced October 2014                                                       9/6/17 hCG 88 progesterone 9.1 (prometrium started)
    Married DH 10/15     DH's DS born 6/09                            9/8/17 hCG 242!!!
    Not preventing since 11/15                                                 EDD 5/8/18        Adjusted 5/15/18
    TTC since 1/1/16                                                                9/27/17 we have a heart beat!

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy TrackerBabysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  •  Had a dream last night that my SO died. And on the way to the funeral I was mugged on a bus and someone took my engagement band. I kept calling his voicemail to hear his voice but he had changed it to the generic, canned,  "please leave your message after the tone." 

    Basically my SO woke up to me tightly clutching his chest, and crying.
  • I can't even sit through DH telling me about his dream . Seems like they are way more interesting to the dreamer and not the listener. Just my opinion. 
  • holli0801holli0801 member
    edited September 2017
    Yyaassss!!! So many weird dreams... from having twins... to orgies with DH, this shit is crazy...  :#
  • Last night I dreamt that I had constipation (I do IRL, too), and that I was flirting shamelessly with Dr. Cox and trying to find somewhere private to be alone with him.  Then I had one that I was having another set of twins.  Ugh.

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • Bit of back story... My grandmother is insane, and she's a super bitch at the drop of a hat. We don't talk. At all. She doesn't know about this pregnancy, and she's not invited to my wedding either. Anyway...

    I dreamed last night that her boyfriend showed up at my house and was screaming at my back door because I didn't include him on the invitation to our wedding, and he and SO got into a fist fight over it. I came out from the bedroom carrying J and said we didn't even invite her. So he abruptly stopped fighting and went out to the car and started yelling at my grandmother.

    I go out to the car and she's holding up an envelope that looks like a cartoon version of my invitations. I tell her that we didn't invite her because she always causes a scene, and we haven't spoken in several months. She starts screaming at me, and SO interrupts her to tell her I'm pregnant and can't handle the stress. (Side note: wtf?) She then starts telling me that I should hope it's a girl so I can teach her how to breastfeed herself, because that's how girl's nipples work. 

  • @ivyvines6 Me reading your post:

  • So last night/this morning, my house was being burglarized by Danny DeVito, then MH and I were trying to have sex but kept getting interrupted.  Thanks, pregnancy hormones!

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • @ladystinson that's hilarious!!! You definitely need to find a gif for that one!

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

  • ladystinsonladystinson member
    edited September 2017
    @sandbar517 Trying to find a gif, I came across this short article... maybe he would like them lol 

    gifs are hard to find, But I did find these pics lol

    Image result for putin on a bear
    only gif I could find with an animal, but that's a cute puppy!
    puppy putin GIF
    Eta: tag
    Angel Babies 1&2 2/14/09
    DS born 3/11
    Angel Baby 3 6/28/11                                                         9/5/17 BFP!!
    divorced October 2014                                                       9/6/17 hCG 88 progesterone 9.1 (prometrium started)
    Married DH 10/15     DH's DS born 6/09                            9/8/17 hCG 242!!!
    Not preventing since 11/15                                                 EDD 5/8/18        Adjusted 5/15/18
    TTC since 1/1/16                                                                9/27/17 we have a heart beat!

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy TrackerBabysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • ivyvines6 said:
    We were doing LSD at an orgy. I have never in my life done LSD!! I think it was from an episode of criminal minds. 
      I like how you're not denying the fact that you may have had an orgy in the past :D 
    Haha! I haven't but I guess I was less appalled at that than the LSD
    I mean I have no problem with either personally, I just thought that was humorous 
  • I had a dream last night that I was at an ultrasound and was told I was having twins. Just like my first pregnancy. I woke up half convinced because it was so real. 

    I have one kiddo.  He was definitely a singleton. I need sleep, guys. 
  • I had a dream that my son drowned which is terrible.  The really bizarre part was that he and my dad (we were kayaking) were both walking on the water before it
    Mama to a crazy toddler (J-5/28/15)
    EDD 5-3-18

  • I don't recall what I was dreaming but I woke up screaming - that was a first! Scared the hell out of DH and the cat lol Thankfully did not wake up DS down the hall. 
  • I had no idea crazy dreams were a thing! I had 2 and then saw this thread so had to post.

    Had a totally weird and random dream the Simon Cowell was trying to lure me away from my husband to be with him. I don’t even watch any shows he’s on. So strange!

    My other crazy dream took place in my office and my company was bought out by a larger firm. The president of the larger firm came in and pretty much tried to take was really emotional for me as I love my job and this dream gave me so my much anxiety!

    Both dreams were so realistic and vivid, I felt like I was really there. I usually love good dreams, but now I’m not so sure I’m looking forward to more of these!
  • I keep having reoccurring nightmares about Disney World.  :|
  • @pandakov, it's the nightmare just going there or does something happen?

    I just dreamt that we found a rope buried in our front yard. We pulled on it and it went all around the neighborhood and fires started in everyone's lawns. We were running around putting it out with a hose. Apparently it was part of a plot and we got in trouble with Santa Claus. 
    Also, through the dream there were giant roaches. 
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