Hi ladies! I'm 3wk +4days today and a FTM, yay! I'm so excited and grateful to God for this amazing blessing!! My edd by my Lmp calculation is may 24, 2018.
We just relocated to a new city for work and Bam, I find out I'm pregnant! I'm just starting the search for a provider and trying o figure out what my insurance covers etc. Any of you ladies still searching for one? It's hard to do it at work during work hours and be discrete since none at works knows yet! Would love some buddies still navigating the appointment making stage if any of you are due at the end of the month Iike me :-).
Thank you!
Re: Anyone else still looking for a midwife and/or OB?!
It's all exciting but tons of information!
Poppy any leads on a new provider?
Ivy i hope you stay safe!! I'm praying for you all down there!
Fireflies when is your appt? It's a long drive but I'm happy you are with an OB you trust :-). Excited for you!!
I picked my OB based on a friend opinion and experience. But I'm in a few community FB groups and see women asking for OB recommendations frequently (mostly in "mommy groups"). So my suggestion is joining a few local FB groups, perhaps some geared towards moms, and ask! I usually start with the place that has the most recommendations.
This is also how I found a pre-k for my kid lol. #someoneelsedidalltheresearch
Some things I plan to ask, just to be sure the bases are covered: What do you do in the case of an emergency that requires hospital transfer? How do you handle breech birth? When would you consider an induction? Do you have a pelvic floor physical therapist you recommend in case it becomes necessary? Have you worked with someone who has experienced birth trauma, and how do you handle that? I'm sure I'll have more questions as time goes on...
My first nurse appointment is scheduled for the 29th, and I see my OB on November 3rd. I go in tomorrow for a third hCG draw, and there will probably be some tests scheduled between my nurse and first OB appt since I'm high risk.
Yall the other hospital is apparently bad. I just want to go home to my old OB and my old hospital and I'm getting seriously emotional about this. I'm from freaking HOUSTON where I could have a MILLION different OBs or hospitals.
My new OB seems nice, and I will have an opportunity to meet everyone in the practice, even though only my doctor and one other do deliveries. I'm just not fond of the hospital they deliver at. I've read reviews that they take the babies from the room every time they need to vitals on baby or mom, and are in no rush to bring them back. DS never left my side in the hospital so I definitely don't like that. I'll just be very vocal about it and hopefully it works out.
I don't have things settled yet because the midwives associated with our hospital have a waiting list, so I won't hear if I made it in for a few weeks. As a back up I have an appointment with a family doctor who does obstetrics on October 10. I feel like in Canada we have less control over choosing who we want as the doctor? Although maybe I could have pushed more to find someone else.
i am strongly considering a birthing center. I have an OB here I got for annual exams, like her, she is nice... but I haven't gotten into the nitty gritty yet. I'm not thrilled with the two hospitals she delivers at so that is a big turn off...
but it don't worry! Plenty of people switch late in pregnancy, and that's okay! Take your time, find the right one... if you have trouble getting there in person bc of work, you can call and ask if there is an email you can send questions (hospitals especially will accommodate) so you could start there..
ps, I'm 3.5 weeks as well. Typically, your first appt isn't until 10-12 weeks anyway. You got a little time!
Married June 2012
BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
BFP Oct 2013- twins! A&H born May 2014
BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17
My beloved doctor is retiring in December:-( I'm planning on trying out a practice at the giant teaching hospital up the road from us. The practice has one OB and two midwives. I've had four natural births so far and really don't want unnecessary interventions. I'm hoping they won't mess with me too much despite having diabetes! My last kid was 9 days late, and my doctor at the time was so chill and just kept monitoring the pregnancy. Usually they won't let you get away with that with diabetes, even if your blood sugar is perfect. Oh well, in the end, all that matters is a healthy baby and healthy mama!
Side note: You may find that you don't need pain medication as well! The only time I thought I could have used some was after I'd been pushing for over an hour. Actually at that point what I could have used was eating beforehand, not pushing in a stupid position, possibly a joint, and not being induced, but I'm not bitter about anything. :P
I didn't love my legs being numb but it didn't take too long to wear off and I was super distracted by my new squish to care too much.
This has basically been my obsession since we found out we were pregnant! As we were TTC I saw a midwife group who do home births for my annual pap, and at that stage we wanted a home birth and were approved with them just waiting to get pregnant. Fast forward to infertility treatments, 2 rounds IVF and finally pregnant we have no idea what we want. We thought maybe now we would do a midwife group at a hospital, but the one we toured last week I did not see myself giving birth there.
We're currently considering a birth center, but then we're thinking may as well home birth?
Loosely planning both our mothers will fly over and be here for the birth. Hubby and the mothers would feel safer if we were in hospital or the birth center.
Our RE will be our OB until week 8 when we can move to someone else, hence why I've been shopping as I'm trying to figure out what birth I want so we can choose, and I'm only 5 weeks!
We're interviewing some doula's and chatting to friends who are helping us with info, a great review of the birth centre but still have to decide what is best for baby and us...
I hope instead maybe a midwife group as part of a hospital or something is available? That's our alternative too.