How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 5 weeks. Appleseed or sesame seed
How are you feeling? not too shabby. The diarrhea I had last week is gone. Getting tired in the late afternoons. No nausea or vomiting yet, but I have had several gag attacks (if that's a thing!)
Any appointments coming up? not until October 4
Rants, raves, questions?
GTKY: Whats the best thing you can cook? Feel free to drop us a recipe Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty good cook. I like to make challenging dinners and love to make everything from scratch. One of my favs is Julia Child's beef Bourgogne, which if course I can't have right now because it's summer in wine.
Me: 31 DH: 32 Dating since: 11/17/2001 Married: 9/26/2009 TTC: June 2016
6 weeks - Ovia app says the size of a ladybug so there's that
How are you feeling?
TIRED except today. And pregnancy brain is ridiculous ok top of mom brain. No morning sickness so far but I didn't have it with DD.
Any appointments coming up?
working on scheduling an appointment. I'm still unsure about my doctor but the other hospital I would deliver at I've heard bad things too. Considering a midwife but I don't even know where to start with that.
Rants, raves, questions?
My toddler is a rant in herself. She's a hot mess.
GTKY: Jambalaya. It's my go to. We have it weekly.
How many weeks are you? How big is baby? i don't really know this yet, so my ticker day will probably change when I figure this out for sure. Unofficially, five weeks.
How are you feeling? sick lower back pain, don't want to eat, the usual.
Any appointments coming up? I'm such a procrastinator, no! I better call tomorrow.
Rants, raves, questions? Do those morning sickness remedies they sell at baby stores ever work? I'm not sick enough to need meds I don't think.... But it still sucks!
GTKY: Whats the best thing you can cook? Feel free to drop us a recipe Enchiladas, chili, I'm so bad at actually following recipes though.
Re: Monday 9/11 Ticker Change
How are you feeling? not too shabby. The diarrhea I had last week is gone. Getting tired in the late afternoons. No nausea or vomiting yet, but I have had several gag attacks (if that's a thing!)
Any appointments coming up? not until October 4
Rants, raves, questions?
GTKY: Whats the best thing you can cook? Feel free to drop us a recipe
Dating since: 11/17/2001
Married: 9/26/2009
TTC: June 2016
EDD: 5/14/2018
6 weeks - Ovia app says the size of a ladybug so there's that
How are you feeling?
TIRED except today. And pregnancy brain is ridiculous ok top of mom brain. No morning sickness so far but I didn't have it with DD.
Any appointments coming up?
working on scheduling an appointment. I'm still unsure about my doctor but the other hospital I would deliver at I've heard bad things too. Considering a midwife but I don't even know where to start with that.
Rants, raves, questions?
My toddler is a rant in herself. She's a hot mess.
Jambalaya. It's my go to. We have it weekly.
How are you feeling? sick
Any appointments coming up? I'm such a procrastinator, no! I better call tomorrow.
Rants, raves, questions? Do those morning sickness remedies they sell at baby stores ever work? I'm not sick enough to need meds I don't think.... But it still sucks!
GTKY: Whats the best thing you can cook? Feel free to drop us a recipe
How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 6 weeks, baby is the size of a sweet pea or a ladybug.
How are you feeling? Bloaty and crappy today.
Any appointments coming up? first appointment is September 29. I go back for one more blood draw this week.
Rants, raves, questions? Nope.
GTKY: Whats the best thing you can cook? Feel free to drop us a recipe