My husband is a IIIrd and it's really important to him that our son carry on the name. I really, really don't like the name Ronald or any derivative I can think of like Ron, Ronnie. I also don't love the name Edward but have less distaste for it. As such, I was thinking of either going with a nickname for Edward or some sort of nickname for a fourth. So... what say you?
Teddy I like this best but I don't like Ted... can you be Teddy as an adult?
Ivey For IV. This was my plan for years but now it's getting so common as a girls' name, right? Bonus points that Ivey is a (male) family name on my side
Court I've seen online this is a nickname for a 4th but from what I understand it's derived from a stretch... quart --> court or cort
Quade It means 4th born
Ives Like Ivey above but maybe more masculine...? But it feels weird to not pronounce it "eeves" like a European would.
I've also heard Chip is a nickname for the 4th
Other ideas?
DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018
Re: Helppp. Ronald Edward IV
Just curious, what does your DH go by?
What will his last initial be? I ask because maybe his intials would lend themselves to a nickname, like Ronald Edward Davis could be Red?
Edward nn Ned, Teddy, Ted, Ward, Edison (the son of Ed)
Will his Initials spell something? REG-Reggie
its common in the older generation.......Ted Kennedy's name was Edward