Baby Names

Helppp. Ronald Edward IV

My husband is a IIIrd and it's really important to him that our son carry on the name. I really, really don't like the name Ronald or any derivative I can think of like Ron, Ronnie. I also don't love the name Edward but have less distaste for it. As such, I was thinking of either going with a nickname for Edward or some sort of nickname for a fourth. So... what say you?

Teddy I like this best but I don't like Ted... can you be Teddy as an adult?

Ivey For IV. This was my plan for years but now it's getting so common as a girls' name, right? Bonus points that Ivey is a (male) family name on my side

Court I've seen online this is a nickname for a 4th but from what I understand it's derived from a stretch... quart --> court or cort

Quade It means 4th born

Ives Like Ivey above but maybe more masculine...? But it feels weird to not pronounce it "eeves" like a European would.

I've also heard Chip is a nickname for the 4th

 Other ideas?

DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018

Re: Helppp. Ronald Edward IV

  • The only suggestion of yours that I like is Teddy. I think Ives/Ivey is too much of a stretch. Also, I wouldn't really worry about what he would want to be called as an adult since he has many options with both Ronald and Edward to decide on his own. However, if you strongly dislike both Edward and Ronald, it's not unfair for it to be a deal breaker for you.
  • I'd say just call him Teddy, and other nicknames may follow just naturally for you (not necessarily derived from his name.) You won't get to decide what he's called as an adult anyway, so I wouldn't put too much thought into that. With a name like Ronald Edward, he'll have plenty of respectable options. 

    Just curious, what does your DH go by?
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  • Adding, I know a kid named Royal for the same reasons and he goes by Rory. Not too much of a stretch for Ronald, I don't think. (And I do agree with the first response that Ivey and Court and Quade are a bit of a stretch.)
  • It's entirely possible that a nickname will develop organically over time. My parents nn for me is just Bug. I don't even like bugs, it just happened. 
  • Another traditional nickname for Edward is Ned...not sure if you like that any better than Ted though
  • I love Quade.. you could name him whatever and just call him Quade. That's my favorite.
  • I think any of the nicknames related to "fourth" are too forced.  I like Teddy but if you hate the name Ronald and he ends up choosing to go with Ronald/Ron/Ronnie, will you wish you named him something else?

    What will his last initial be?  I ask because maybe his intials would lend themselves to a nickname, like Ronald Edward Davis could be Red? 

  • Ronald nn Ronnie, Naldo, Roald (like Roald Dahl)
    Edward nn Ned, Teddy, Ted, Ward, Edison (the son of Ed)
    Will his Initials spell something? REG-Reggie
  • I was just curious about the Teddy name...I have never heard Teddy used for any name except Theodore?
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  • psuxray07 said:
    I was just curious about the Teddy name...I have never heard Teddy used for any name except Theodore?

    its common in the older generation.......Ted Kennedy's name was Edward
  • My favorite of those options is Teddy.  What does your DH go by?
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