TTC after 35

TTCA35 weekly check-in: 9/11/17

Let us know how you're doing!

Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment)

CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):


Questions for the group:

GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation?

Re: TTCA35 weekly check-in: 9/11/17

  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):CD12

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): went in for follie check today had 2 on right side a 20 and 24 so prob ovidril tonight and IUI on wed. Prenatal,vitamin D, Cosq10

    : I hate how emotional this journey is and the fact since going thru treatments everyone and thier uncle is pregnant. 

    Questions for the group:

    GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation? My favorite place to visit is Gatlinburg Tennessee my favorientation vacation would have to be Riviara maya mexico. My husband and I went just the two of us first time out of the cointro and first time that just him and I went away ourselves.
  • I'll start...

    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment)
    : I got my IVF calendar Friday so I'm on BCP for 3 weeks, starting last Thursday.

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD6

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): IVF4, prenatal, vitamin D, overhauling diet for more antioxidants, Brazil nuts, red raspberry leaf tea, no processed foods, no refined sugars or carbs, all organic (as much as possible)

    : Shopping organic is pricey!!!  But I'm hoping worth it.

    Questions for the group: Anyone know where I can buy acai berry in a juice versus a pill? I'm not a smoothie person but would drink juice. Otherwise I'm probably good with my daily blackberries and strawberries but the RE's nurse mentioned acai is being studied for fertility.

    GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation? A transAtlantic cruise where we flew to London then had a day in Lisbon and a day at the Azore Islands before heading back to Florida. Love being at sea!
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  • @Labluver2 I hear you, I'm seeing pregnant women everywhere and the facebook announcements are out of control!!! That's awesome about your two follie sizes and so close together, saying a prayer for you as you trigger! Good luck with the ovidrel, that one always makes me itch later but better than the Menopur burn!

    Someone on here has to get a bfp soon!!! But then I remind myself, this group is small in part because we had several bfp's a couple of months back so they've moved on. So it does happen, we have to remind ourselves that!
  • edited September 2017
    @Labluver2 crossing my fingers this is your month!! 

    @Momifbysea are they changing your IVF protocol at all?

    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment):  waiting for AF to show her ugly head so I can get this party started

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):  NA

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):  IUI with injectables- my meds arrived on Saturday which just made everything very real. 900 ius of gonal-f and 250 mcg of ovidrel for the cycle also taking prenatals, CoQ10, metformin and vitamin D

    GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation?  Disneyland is always my favorite vacation, i also went on a Caribbean cruise in 2010 and that was a lot of fun 

    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • @Momifbysea try Yogi tea they have a berry detox one that is made with acai berries. They also make a reD rasberry lead one which is what I drink. 

    Good luck moving forward with your IVF this round. Your time is due for a BFP. Does your office do a guarantee program? 
  • @Labluver2 I'm drinking a cup of the Traditional Medicinals red raspberry leaf tea daily. I'll look for the Yogi one you recommended, thanks! Yeah, im trying to keep the faith that this round will work. They don't have any guarantee program and they've been honest with me that at my age the odds are not in my favor. I appreciate their realism but of course hope I'm the one to beat those odds!

    @harleyquinn0621 no they're not changing my protocol at all because the re is satisfied with the number of eggs they're getting, it's just they're of poor quality. Which is what has led me to trying the new diet to see if I can turn back my clock a bit. That and prayer!
  • @Momifbysea egg quality can be so frustrating - GL! 

    well ladies CD1 has arrived- so i need to call my RE today and make an appointment for my baseline ultrasound. I know they prefer CD2 but i have a couple of major meetings i can't miss at work in the morning and the morning is the only time my RE does ultrasounds so we are going to have to settle for a CD3 baseline scan 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited September 2017
    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment):  CD 13 WTO and going to OPK starting tomorrow.  BD EOD CD10-20.  It's on girls and I'm putting all my efforts in for the rest of the year and I couldn't feel more relaxed shockingly.

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):  

    PNV, fish oil, vitamin C, CoQ10, Maca Root  -  DH is taking vitamin, maca root, coq10, vit C

    :  My new Jade yoga mat came in a couple days ago so there are no toxins in my mat.  I finally nailed the inversion transition I've been working on for quite some time - classic headstand into forearm stand.

    Questions for the group: 
    Is it better to drink Red Rasp Leaf or take it in a capsule form.  I'm one of those people that would rather take a pill.

    GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation? 
    Hawaii without a doubt - 1 week in Oahu and 1 week in Kauai  for our honeymoon.

    @Momifbysea - I think you'd really benefit from reading that egg book.  It's all about egg quality.  I'm really only doing the supplement stuff.  I don't want to change up my diet because we can't afford organic at this time and I'm in a happy spot so I don't want to feel stressed worrying about every little thing.  Honestly you really should be taking coq10 ubiquinol form every day for egg quality if you aren't yet.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • MomifbyseaMomifbysea member
    edited September 2017
    Edited to add @vlagrl29 I'm way impressed with your yoga! Ive never done a headstand in my life, go you!!!

    I don't know about the red raspberry lead yes versus pills being better but I have trouble swallowing pills any bigger than BCP, seriously, so for me it has to be the tea. Okay so week two of this new diet and I feel so much healthier! Don't know if it's just in my mind but I'll take it! Question does the coq10 come in anything I don't have to swallow in big pill form? I would even rather inject it if I could and that's saying a lot cuz I hate needles!
  • @Momifbysea it is in some foods but your best bet is the capsules. It supposed to be the best antioxidant for your eggs. They suggest 400mg for women and 200mg for men. You can do it! Do it for your eggs!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • IUI #5 is done now the dreaded wait. I also hate taking pills I find it easier to take if I drink them with my shake in the morning. I drink shakology which is packed with 70 superfoods. I didn't start drinking it for this reason but I've been on it for 2 years now and it's really helped me esocially with my sugar cravings. 

    @Momifbysea my Dr also thinks mine is egg quality as well. I've been drinking the rasberry leaf and taking Cosq10 also eating healthier I don't always eat organic tho bc I can't obsess over every little thing. I also do yoga but can't stand on my head lol. 

    @harleyquinn0621 I normally go for baseine on cycle day 3 so you should be ok. Good luck this cycle.
  • @labluver2 good luck on your tww!!

    I'm so nervous about this cycle but trying to relax- I'm scared it won't work and then I'm scared it'll work too well; RE is trying for 3-4 follies.... multiples with my history of cervix issues would be a huge problem but she knows of the issues and thinks it'll be ok so... here goes nothing :)

    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • When I first started I was so upset when I had only 2 follies I didn't realize that they were talking about mature follies I thought they ment in genneral. I felt so much better that when the Dr explained that I have a good amount of follies on both sides just that 2 mature and they really don't want more than that bc of multiples tho if I got more they prob would do it bc of my age and the fact it hasn't worked yet and it's my 5th cycle. Good luck we are all due for a BFP!!!!
  • artemis618artemis618 member
    edited September 2017
    Hi ladies!  I've taken a bump/IVF break over the summer but am getting back to it (with a new RE and new protocol) since time is not on our side.

    Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment):   Not really TWW at this point - expecting AF this weekend so I can go in for baseline u/s for IVF#4.

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):  CD26/13DPO, annoyingly I've started spotting in the days before my period the last three cycles - but I mostly blame coming off of drugs and then trying vitex to regulate things because I ovulated way late (for me) the last two months - then a day early this month.

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):  Upcoming cycle will be IVF#4 - natural start microdose lupron flare, which scares me for many reasons including zero suppression that could lead to a dominant follicle, the flare which includes LH flare which some think is bad for egg quality early on in stims for AMA, and potential to ovulate thru MDL - but hey, I guess we won't know till we try it.  Trying to trust...I *think* almost worst case (second to no response) would be that we convert to IUI - which we've never tried and is actually covered by insurance.

    I've actually cut back on my supplements, though it doesn't seem like it :p. I also read _It Starts With the Egg_ almost a year ago after my *TW* loss, but my diet hasn't been great lately (sugar is my problem).  PNVs (megafood baby and me), ubiquinol (increased to 300 2x daily after last IVF result), vit C (500), D (5k), E (400), low dose aspirin, fish oil, NAC (600 2x), inositol when I remember.  Edit:  I think I'll also add melatonin in for stim cycles since I'm not having to worry about suppressing ovulation thanks to trigger.

    :  Two things:  Yay for insurance still covering my meds (despite having a two cycle insurance lifetime cap on IVF)!  So grateful.  I wasn't sure they would be (because for my last OOP cycle we just piggybacked off of the previous cycle's meds prior authorization, but just this morning confirmed my glorious $0 copay (hit my OOP max for the year long ago with all this business) with the pharmacy.  So just paying for the omnitrope, which makes it a bit less painful, especially with high stims.

    Also, recreational adult ballet class is so fun!  I recently returned to it after over a year and a half away (last time I'd gone before recently was before I was married) and really enjoy it.  Sometimes the disconnect between what my head wants my body to do and what my body will actually do is a little frustrating, as is my rusty dance brain, but overall it's a lot of fun.

    Questions for the group:  
    Has any of you tried any of the Circle and Bloom meditations?

    GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation?  
    This would have to be our honeymoon last year - before *TW* loss and all of this stuff...  We went to Melbourne and Cairns and Sydney - it was a long flight over for the first time DH and I flew together!  We'd been on trips together before, but driven or for some reason flew separately or some asynchronous combination of driving/flying.

    @labluver2 Hope the TWW goes quickly for you!

    @harleyquinn0621 GL with this IUI cycle!
    About me:
    Married 6/18/16 (Me 42, DH 44), TTC #2
    Natural BFP 8/10/16 --> mc our NIPT-normal little girl at 11w5d on 10/1/16 :(
    As of 12/2016:  AMH 1.42, FSH 6.1, AFC ~10
    Self-benched Nov-Dec 2016 for
    IVF #1 Jan-Feb 2017 (OCP, testosterone primed antagonist w/HGH - ER 2/2/17 - 12R, 7M ICSI'd, 3F, 0B)
    IVF #2 Mar-Apr 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 4/8/17 - 10R, 8M, 8F, 5B, 1 PGS normal)
    IVF #3 May-Jun 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 6/4/17 - 14R, 5F, 3B, 0 normal)
    **New RE**
    IVF #4 Sept 2017 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 9/28/17 - 33R, 18F, 10B, 4 PGS normals!)
    FET #1 (medicated) of one PGS normal 4AA XX 11/2/17 - Beta #1 11/11/17 (153), Beta #2 11/13/17 (324), mc at 5w1d on 11/19/17 :(
    IVF #5 Dec 2017 - Insemination of 9 frozen eggs from 2012 (8F, 1B, 0 normal)
    Jan 2018 - Natural cycle ERA (normal/receptive) & stimming for
    IVF #6 Jan-Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/3/18 - 17R, 6M, 4F, 0 blasts)
    IVF #7 Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/26/18 - 19R, 9M, 9F, 4B, 2 PGS normals)
    FET #2 Apr 2018 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 4AA- XX 4/5/18 - Beta #1 4/14/18 (67), Beta #2 4/16/18 (231)
    Rainbow baby girl born 12/16/2018 (via c-section, induced at 39 weeks)

    FET #3 Dec 2019 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 3BB XY 12/16/19 - Beta #1 12/24/19 (139), Beta #2 12/27/19 (482)

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @artemis618 - welcome back!  I took a mental break too for the summer.  Felt good to clear my mind out.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • artemis618  welcome back and good luck!!! also, yay for the $0 copay on the meds!!!!
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • @artemis618 welcome back, Ive missed you around here! Here's praying for a good next chapter for you now that you're refreshed and recharged a bit! I believe breaks are so important to keep us healthy. I'm getting my meds for IVF #4 next week so we will be kind of close on those maybe? Do you have an estimated retrieval date in your tx calendar?
  • Baseline scan went well...I'm starting 150 IUs/ day of gonal-f for the next 3 days and then getting my  estradiol levels drawn Monday morning 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • @harleyquinn0621 are you just doing gonal or are you doing clomid/femera as well? Fx for nice follie growth. 
  • Labluver2 said:
    @harleyquinn0621 are you just doing gonal or are you doing clomid/femera as well? Fx for nice follie growth. 
    Thank you! Just doing gonal-f . I asked her about doing a combined cycle of femara with gonal- f but she said with my age she would rather do just injectables 

    i didnt realize there is overfill in the gonal-f pens...they ordered me 3 300 iu pens and the nurse said there is like 100 iu extra in each that they will draw out for me later....that's like a free pen! Haha I was so excited 

    when is your beta draw ? 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • @harleyquinn0621 I get my gonal in a vial not a pen.  I get 400IU but only take 75IU and normally only need it 2 days there was 2 times I needed to take a few days longer.

    My Beta is on the 27th hopefully I make it that far I normally get AF 2 days before my Beta so I never make it that far. Only my first cycle did I make it for my beta and that was the cycle where I just did femera aND not gonal.
  • Thanks, ladies!

    @Momifbysea Thanks for the well wishes :) I don't have a calendar yet - AF just came today (a day later than expected; always one of those rare times we actually *want* to see AF) and I'm not too familiar with this protocol (apparently I start everything all at once?), I think maybe around month end for retrieval - though the body does what it wants to, so we'll see!
    About me:
    Married 6/18/16 (Me 42, DH 44), TTC #2
    Natural BFP 8/10/16 --> mc our NIPT-normal little girl at 11w5d on 10/1/16 :(
    As of 12/2016:  AMH 1.42, FSH 6.1, AFC ~10
    Self-benched Nov-Dec 2016 for
    IVF #1 Jan-Feb 2017 (OCP, testosterone primed antagonist w/HGH - ER 2/2/17 - 12R, 7M ICSI'd, 3F, 0B)
    IVF #2 Mar-Apr 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 4/8/17 - 10R, 8M, 8F, 5B, 1 PGS normal)
    IVF #3 May-Jun 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 6/4/17 - 14R, 5F, 3B, 0 normal)
    **New RE**
    IVF #4 Sept 2017 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 9/28/17 - 33R, 18F, 10B, 4 PGS normals!)
    FET #1 (medicated) of one PGS normal 4AA XX 11/2/17 - Beta #1 11/11/17 (153), Beta #2 11/13/17 (324), mc at 5w1d on 11/19/17 :(
    IVF #5 Dec 2017 - Insemination of 9 frozen eggs from 2012 (8F, 1B, 0 normal)
    Jan 2018 - Natural cycle ERA (normal/receptive) & stimming for
    IVF #6 Jan-Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/3/18 - 17R, 6M, 4F, 0 blasts)
    IVF #7 Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/26/18 - 19R, 9M, 9F, 4B, 2 PGS normals)
    FET #2 Apr 2018 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 4AA- XX 4/5/18 - Beta #1 4/14/18 (67), Beta #2 4/16/18 (231)
    Rainbow baby girl born 12/16/2018 (via c-section, induced at 39 weeks)

    FET #3 Dec 2019 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 3BB XY 12/16/19 - Beta #1 12/24/19 (139), Beta #2 12/27/19 (482)

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • edited September 2017
    i had my estradiol drawn today and then got a call advising me to increase my gonal f dosage to 225ius for the next two days. Unfortunately i was at work when they called so i didn't get to ask any questions but i feel like this means i'm not responding as well as they want me to? i'll call them later and leave a voicemail asking i guess .... i go in Wed morning for an ultrasound and another estradiol  draw 
    Me: 36 years old   DH: 42 years old
    Married: 05.2012  
    TTC #1 Since April 2016
    HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF

    spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017-  Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d  ic/chorio
    September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
    spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018  EDD Aug 30th  It's a GIRL!
    Cerclage placed on 03/02BabyFruit Ticker  Cerclage removal 08/02
  • @harleyquinn0621 I think that's normal for adjustments to be made, that's why they have us in for such frequent monitoring. I think you'll do really well! Let us know how Wednesday goes!

  • Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment)
    : sort of a TWW supposed to get AF next week but wasn't 100% trying 

    CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): DPO 6

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Taking prenatal vitamins 

    : none yet lol

    Questions for the group: WHY AM I ALWAYS GETTING FAINT LINE ON MY OPK?? Do I drink too much water? I test 3 times a day this cycle and never got a full matching line. Before there was nothing than 5 days leading faint lines then absolutely nothing! I am charting my BBT too so I kinda think I O around CD 18-20. Cycle usually 29-32 days 

    GTKY: Thinking back, what has been your most favorite vacation ?
    Summer gallivanting around Europe south of France is awesome!!
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