September 2017 Moms

PGAL Check-In 9/6

It's been a while and I know some of our PGAL regulars are no longer PG :) but I've missed this thread! And I am still PG even though so many babies have come.

How far along are you?

What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise?

What's going on with you in other aspects of your life?

Any Questions? 

GTKY: What's your favorite thing about fall? (Sorry, showing bias as it's my favorite season.)

Re: PGAL Check-In 9/6

  • How far along are you? 37+4

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? gestational diabetes is mostly managed. Baby has been doing well, with lots of movement and great ultrasounds, though as my OB said, "this is not a small baby." Induction is scheduled for two weeks from today so it is really the home stretch! I am hoping he will come on his own before that.

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life? 
    school started last week and it's not BAD by any means, but I've been absolutely exhausted each evening. And everyone is asking how I'm feeling ALL THE TIME which is starting to get irritating, though well-intentioned.

    Any Questions?
    Just wondering how everyone is doing. I'm a little lonely, feeling like I'm the last one on th board who is still pregnant, even though I'm sure that isn't literally the case.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing about fall? (Sorry, showing bias as it's my favorite season.) cooler temps, pumpkin flavored things, changing leaves, and cider. Our anniversary is in October and just about all our family birthdays are in fall too, though my LO is going to squeak in in the final days of summer. 
  • How far along are you?

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise?
    soooo ready to have this kid out of me. As much as I understand, logically, that it won't be any "easier," I'm jus ready to stop aching. GD has been pretty well controlled with just diet. I was 2cm and 60% effaced at my appt on Monday. I have a scan on Friday and an NST after that. Curious to see what they estimate his weight at. You know, if he's not here yet to physically weigh. I've been having some painful contractions, but nothing regular (sporadically but meaner than "normal" BH).

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life?
    im super ready to be done with work, but I'm still plugging away because every day I'm at work pregnant is a day I can be at home with my newborn.

    Any Questions? 
    GTKY: What's your favorite thing about fall? 
    the cooler weather!! And the changing leaves. 10/7 is our 7 year wedding anniversary, and it's crazy to think we will be celebrating as a family of three. 
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  • How far along are you? 38 weeks

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? c/s scheduled for Tuesday because baby is breech and my pelvis isn't big enough to try for vaginal delivery.

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life? 
    I'm off today for a pre op appt at the hospital. Ran some errands and now I'm chilling in bed! Tomorrow is my last day at work, Monday I have blood work and meeting some friends for coffee and Tuesday is the big day! 

    Any Questions? 

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing about fall? (Sorry, showing bias as it's my favorite season.)
    changing colours, sweaters and leggings, warm drinks :) 

    TTGP history (*TW*):

    Started TTC Oct 2015
    BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
    Re-started TTC Aug 2016
    Started IF testing Nov 2016
    Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
    BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

  • @jena333-2 so glad your GD has been managed!!! That's great. And my 7th anniversary is 10/10!

    @BigBadWolf12 ahhhhh Tuesday is so close!! That's great that you're going out with friends on Monday before the big day.
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