December 2017 Moms

Wednesday Ticker Change- 9/6

edited September 2017 in December 2017 Moms
1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 

2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
3) Any appointments this week/last?

4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)

5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about?

Re: Wednesday Ticker Change- 9/6

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    27 weeks, head of lettuce

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    Generally I feel pretty good if I eat well and sleep decently.   Otherwise I feel absolutely awful.  Also, I want all the Reeses Pumpkins.  All of them.
    3) Any appointments this week/last?  Appt next week.  I took my second glucose test today.  It sucked.  Man I hate that test.

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)
    We are getting a ton of purging done.  It's hard to look at the nursery until I get all the other things out of the way!

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Nah, just ready to be done.  The usual. 

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about?
    All the things my 6 year old asks me about.  I wish I knew more about the solar system, dinosaurs and the periodic table.

  • Options
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 27 weeks.

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? Feeling exhausted. Had a lot of RLP lately and it's very painful.
    3) Any appointments this week/last? Glucose test tomorrow

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.) Nursery is getting really close. I am starting to feel more ready than not.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? I am struggling to figure out what to pack to wear home from the hospital. I know it will be cold and after my last c/s I was really swollen so I just wore a maxi dress home (easy it was warm..) but in the cold I don't know. I hate pants right after bc it irritates the scar but I might have to get some loose pants and a baggy shirt - super fashionable.

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about? History. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    24 weeks a cantaloupe. 

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
     Definitely still in the evander Holyfield phase. 
    I feel more energetic, clear head, but I still take naps. By the end of the day my hips are sore. 

    3) Any appointments this week/last?
    the weeks are starting to blur together. I see my dentist on Tuesday next week. Apparently your mouth can be concerning during pregnancy? I haven't had any problems and it's covered by benefits, so why not?!

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)
    Registry was done at 12 or 13 weeks haha! I had time and I truly don't now so I'm glad that's done. I need all the big things like all of them. I got bored of painting my mural so I need to find a new wind to finish that lol. I'm having lots of stuff given to me second hand so I'm pumped about that. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    i have leg cramps, especially in my one calf. I'm wondering if compression stockings will do the trick. I need to call my benefit provider tomorrow. 

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about?
    chemistry. Right now, pelvic floor exercises, woman's health and physiology in relation to exercises. I wish I could have grasped anatomy better I really wanted to be a physio and now I really want to be a pelvic floor physio haha! 
  • Options
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 25 weeks

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? Feeling pretty good most days. like @andipandicWed121369  if my sleep gets messed up, I feel awful
    3) Any appointments this week/last? Last week I had a very quick one (first quick one of my entire pregnancy). Next one is the fun GD test, rhogam shot, etc. 

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.) 
    No real registry for this one, just adding a few items we may want the discount for or grandparents may want to buy as gifts. Nursery needs work--including ordering the crib and refinishing a dresser to use as a changing table--I'm starting to feel like we need to get on that. Furniture still needs to be moved out, too. We did get curtains in there that look nice, though. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? Just trying to remember what I packed last time! I know I had a bathing suit for DH in case I was in the shower while in labor and wanted him to get in with me--didn't use that and won't pack it for my scheduled c-section! I also remember I packed 2 pairs of slipper socks and had to give one pair to DH b/c he was so cold--he also kept making the nurses bring HIM blankets--so I'll be sure to pack his own warm stuff this time. Otherwise, I don't think I packed a ton we didn't need or forgot much, but I don't really remember. I probably have a packing list saved somewhere that I should try to dig up...

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about? Car maintenance. I often feel like I am getting ripped off, though the dealerships where we've moved are not nearly as bad as the last ones. I had a Chevy and now have a Hyundai, so maybe that is part of it, but DH still has his VW, and the dealership here is so much better than where we used to live! I still feel like it would be useful to know more, though the way cars are built these days I don't think  it's as easy to do some stuff yourself. 

    @disneyfan0511 I also wore a maxi dress home last time. I will probably do the same this time with a sweater or coat on top (or maybe not--we sometimes have quite warm temps in December), but I'd also consider yoga pants. I liked the feeling of being held in a little after my c-section, so wearing pants didn't bother me, as I recall. Last time was August, but I wasn't outside much at all--just got in the car, got home and went inside--so I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as you have a jacket and the heat in your car is good. But I'm also not in a super cold place. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    25 weeks - a baseball glove!
    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
     Feel good. Still no cravings
    3) Any appointments this week/last?
    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)
    1st baby shower was great! (So many baby girl outfits) Nursery should hopefully get painted this weekend.
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Rant- Just tried to explain our wishes about MIL being around for the birth and she took it HORRIBLY. Asked if she could stay home with the dogs instead of being in the waiting room (no one would be there- we need someone to let out the dogs... We don't have any family that lives nearby). And she took it as we only wanted a dog sitter. It's just hard to book a petsitter on zero notice...Then when we mentioned possibly having her stay at a hotel as well she lost it. Now they are claiming we hate them and maybe they shouldn't come and not see their first grandchild until she is a year old. That we claim they are horrible parents. No. we just want some privacy-and help with our pets. Why all the drama? Ugh.
    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about?
    This is hard... so many things.... math, psychology, science, ways to save on my taxes,  etc.... 
  • Options
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 26 weeks, kale

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? Tired. Thought I was craving PSL until I had one today... nope... will not be having any more this year...
    3) Any appointments this week/last? Did my GD test today and I'll get the results in a week at my midwife. 

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)
    Meh. We ordered a crib yesterday so that's a start. I got one of those free baby boxes a month or two ago and have been slowly tossing stuff in it... today I realized it's overflowing lol

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? We are traveling across the country tomorrow so we have to get up at 3am to get to the airport on time...  not looking forward to it. Also not really looking forward to visiting family... but it is what it is I guess.

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about? Psychology. Since going to therapy and coming to grips with just how fucked up my family truly is, I wish I knew better how to deal with it. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?  27 weeks, a lettuce?

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? feeling pretty good, though my back is starting to hurt especially when I'm trying to relax or fall asleep. Doc said this was all pretty normal at this stage and that there will be aches and pains. Craving/eating everything.
    3) Any appointments this week/last? Had a check-in yesterday which went well. I had my glucose test (fingers crossed I don't have to do the second one, sorry @andipandicWed121369) and we heard baby's heartbeat which is always cool. I'm measuring on track and one WILD thing that happened was that the nurse had to adjust the scale to the 150 lb marker eep.

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.) 
    decent. The nursery is like 60% done with a changing table, crib, and rocker. Still need a dresser and some decor, plus all the stuff. My shower isn't until 11/5 but my registry is done.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about? stocks and that kind of stuff. DH and I are pretty conservative with our money (pay the bills, save some, have fun with the rest) just because neither of us know absolutely anything about stocks and we both think it's too risky to get involved since we don't know anything. Would love to have a little knowledge about it so that we could invest.
    Me: 33 DH: 34
    Married: Oct 2015
    TTC #1: Sept 2016
    BFP: 10/19/16 ~ blighted ovum ~ D&C 11/23/16
    BFP: 3/24/17   <3  DD1 born 12/2/17
    TTC #2: July 2018
    BFP: 8/26/18 <3  DD2 born 5/16/19

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    Late to the party, per usual

    1) How far along are you
    ? How big is baby? 25 weeks

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings? I had a pretty shitty week last week but I am starting to feel better
    3) Any appointments this week/last? I had an appointment last Wednesday and my BP was high. I had a cold and tweaked my back that morning so I was sick and in pain. NP and Dr decided they wanted me to do a 24 hour urine catch, monitor and document my BP for a few days and come back in on Wednesday (yesterday). BP has looked great, did the stupid pee catch thing yesterday (thank god i work from home on Tuesdays) and went in. BP there was 118/75 and they were SO surprised it wasn't high. I am glad everything looks fine but I am annoyed they wouldn't just take my word for it and let me call them with my BP readings. I was DX with gestational hypertension with DS at like 37 weeks so I think they are leaning on that too much when it comes to things this time around. It's annoying especially because work has been laying off people left and right and I feel like I am never there with appointments all the time, tweaked back, working from home, etc. Better safe than sorry I know, but still frustrating nonetheless.  

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.) 
    There has literally been no prep. I have an 18 month old so I don't need anything for the most part and baby girl is not getting a nursery since she'll be in our room and we plan to move next spring or summer. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? I am having a hard time connecting with baby girl. We can't agree on a name, there really isn't any prep to do to get excited for, I am not really showing very much so no belly love or anything, chasing after DS, etc. Just feeling a little down and of course guilty about feeling this way.

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about? Negotiating. I am such a wimp, I feel like an idiot that I have never negotiated my pay, a car price, etc etc. I need tips on how to negotiated without coming across as a bitch. Because, you know, I am a woman so being stern means your a bitch, right? Le sigh.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

  • Options
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?  26 weeks - Lettuce

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?  Leg cramps are no joke.  No new cravings, just milk
    3) Any appointments this week/last? OB visit today.  Probably going to schedule the glucose test

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)  We are painting the nursery on 9/16.  We have a crib already.  Registered a few weeks ago.  Shower is on 10/21, our 5 year wedding anniversary.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about?  401k, IRA, retirement stuff.  
    ****Trigger mentioned****
    Us:  37, 38, unexplained IF
    TTC for the second time
    Married 10/21/12 to my wonderful wife
    TTC with frozen donor sperm and science
    since 2/2014

    7 IUIs, 1 cancelled due to too many follicles, 6 BFNs.
    IVF #1 & 2 Failed
    IVF #3 20 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized with ICSI, 6 made it to day 5
                 2 blasts transferred 7/17
    Beta #1 7/26 ***BFP*** 144
    Beta #2 7/28 271
    Beta #3 8/4 1972
    8/15 - Officially pregnant with TWINS
    9/1 - Baby B no longer has a heartbeat, Baby A is holding on!
    9/29 - MMC
    Genetic testing revealed Trisomy 15
    Next cycle will be FET without PGS testing. 
    3/27 - FET transferred 2 "excellent" blasts 
    Beta #1 4/5 ***BFP*** 107 (9dp5dt)
    Beta #2 4/7  244  (11dp5dt)
    Beta #3 4/14  2038   (18dp5dt)
    4/25 - Confirmed pregnancy. Baby measured 1 day behind, FHR 132
    5/9 - 2nd U/S - Baby measured one day ahead, FHR 178
    12/21 - Baby Boy born
    12/10 - FET transfered 1 3BB blast
    Beta #1 12/19 - 88
    Beta #2 12/21 - 230
    Beta #3 12/18 - 3066
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    So this is my first comment, and I know I should do it on the intro post but I'm so introverted it made me nervous. I thought this would be a good compromise. 

    1) How far along are you
    ? How big is baby? 
    27 weeks

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    Feeling great. My biggest cravings are salad and fruit. Although, I finally caved after 5 months and had a chai tea latte, and now I want one every day. 
    3) Any appointments this week/last?
    My appt next week has the GD test. They gave me the orange bottle. I can't figure out why they pretend to make things taste better. I had to drink barium once (pre-preggo) for an upper GI x-ray, and they made it watermelon flavor.  You can't improve the taste of barium!

    4) How are your baby preparations going? (Nursery/ Registry/ Etc.)
    We have all the big pieces for the nursery ordered or in place, so now I'm just picking up little things for storage. My SIL is throwing me a baby shower 10/21, and I've already received tons of gifts from the registry. It's like Hanukkah every day at my house. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    When I was taking the tags off some new maternity shirts, DH asked if I bought new dresses. Dresses! But then he called me Twiggy, so I guess that makes up for it. 

    6) GTKY:  What do you wish you knew more about?
    529 plans, or saving for college in general. 
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    Welcome to the Wednesday group @babybison !   
    Also, I passed my glucose test.  Yay!  :)

    @flowerpower5838  I totally understand how you feel about not connecting with the baby.  After 2 losses, my hubby and I both really struggled with this.  In the last 2 weeks though, LO has really increased his activity in my belly and I feel like the more he makes himself known, the better we both feel.  He gave DH a good solid kick last week and I could tell that it really helped my husband relax.  So, I guess this is my long way of saying that you're normal and not to beat yourself up too much.  It will get better.

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