May 2018 Moms

When to announce the pregnancy?

I was wondering when you lovely ladies plan to make it public that you've got a bun in the oven? Are you telling some closer people now, or waiting to tell anyone, or sharing with the world right away?

As for us, we've already told our parents and siblings about the pregnancy, and some close friends. My logic is that these are people I'd want to support us if we had a miscarriage anyway so they might as well share in the joy too. Also I just suck at keeping my mouth shut. We aren't sure when to tell the broader world (ie make it facebook official, tell my work etc) so I'm curious what other people plan!


Re: When to announce the pregnancy?

  • I am "officially announcing" via our Christmas cards. I'm going to do a "this years top 10" and have the new baby be #10. 
    My parents knew almost immediately. My BFF was the first person I told - she knew the second the line popped up. I've accidentally slipped and told two others. Not sure if DH has told anyone yet. We are telling close friends and family when the moment is right. 
    I always wait until 12 weeks, at least. I'd much rather be out of the scary stages and know the pregnancy is viable. I've had to un-announce before and that was pretty terrible. 

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  • We told our parents and a couple close friends within the last week for the same reasons that others have mentioned, they'd be the ones to support us either way. We won't announce it officially until at least 12 weeks. I was thinking of doing it around Halloween. 
  • Immediate family knows now along with a few friends that happened to be around last weekend when we had a lot of drinking going on... and I wasn't  :D:D 

    The rest of our friends we'll probably tell in a few weeks after my first doctors appointment. 

    If we do some kind of announcement (FB/IG etc) it won't be until 2nd trimester. 
  • Our parents, a few close friends, and my siblings know now. (Also my bosses know, but they're really in the close friends category) We're planning on announcing during our wedding reception 11/5
  • We've only told my twin sister. I still feel nervous about letting even our parents know but we might do that after our first scan, which is next week. After that I might tell a couple close friends. MH is against a big reveal but I imagine we would let everyone else know a little ways into second tri.
  • kpc914kpc914 member
    edited September 2017
    A few close friends and coworkers know. We told my aunt and uncle and their daughter. My aunt is like a second mom to me and has terminal cancer. Her health is rapidly declining and I wanted her to be able to share in our joy as long as she can.

    Waiting until after 8 week scan to tell our parents. 

    Not doing a big FB reveal or anything, probably tell most extended family  and our siblings late Oct since I am in my cousin's wedding in Nov and I will be 15 weeks along. Other than that....I am sure the "official reveal" will be via my mom's annual xmas cards lol. Might send our own this year, not sure yet. 
  • I've asked my DH to follow the same rules this time that we did before, parents and siblings after the first appointment, still almost two weeks away, and then extended family after our first ultrasound, which is currently scheduled for 10/30! That seems like a long time, but I don't really mind, it means less annoying questions/comments. If we had a loss, we would just probably tell people after it was all finished up. We're going to a professional baseball game with our close friends at the end of the month, so they will likely figure it out then as I won't be imbibing with them.

    As far as social media, once again the annoying questions and comments pushed me to only post something after our 20 week ultrasound last year which should be right before Christmas this time. Maybe a fun Christmas photo
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
  • We're telling our families tomorrow (six weeks) and a couple close friends know.  I may have to tell my new job, just because I'm already sick and I don't want them to think I'm lazy lol.  I'll post on facebook around Halloween.
    Mama to a crazy toddler (J-5/28/15)
    EDD 5-3-18

  • We have told our immediate families and my two best friends. We will wait until after our first appointment to tell anyone else and most likely until 12 weeks for a big announcement  :)
  • We are telling a few close family members and I had to tell work so I could get a fetal badge for radiology.  

    Otherwise we will wait until the genetic tests come back before we "go public" with the news. 
  • We told our parents and siblings at just over 4 weeks, my closes friends at 5 and I’ll tell my boss tomorrow (almost 6 weeks) then we’ll tell everyone else and Facebook at 12ish weeks.  I wanted to tell my closest family and friends in case something happened.  I have to tell Work because I work as a physical therapist assistant in an outpatient pediatric setting part time but this weekend I am working inpatient so they’re are certain patients I won’t be able to see (chemo, radiation, shingles etc).  
  • edited September 2017
    Right now only DH and my BFF know. I do plan on telling a few of my close friends and close family members as I would need them if something happened. I am not sure when yet. I won't be telling my boys until we see the heartbeat. Work will depend on how MS goes
  • My best friend, two close coworkers, sister, and our school nurse know now.

    TW  I was glad I had told our nurse at school as she was very helpful and reassuring this morning when I had a little bit of spotting and started to panic.  She checked back in on me later, too, she is a sweetheart.  No more has appeared since this morning but the whole experience woke me up enough that I'm feeling more cautious now about telling people.  End TW

    My parents are coming to visit us in a couple of weekends and I think we will tell them then even though it will be before my first appointment.  My 9/26 appointment is called a "confirmatory" and then the next one is at 12 weeks; I'm not sure if there's an u/s before 12 weeks but that will likely dictate when I feel comfortable telling MH family.

    I won't put it out to anyone else until 12w.

  • We will most likely tell everyone after our first ultrasound in mid october. I'll be around 11-12 weeks. We announced at 9 weeks with DS. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • DH and I are struggling with this a bit. We have a wedding this weekend, and I'll only be 5 weeks. However, the groom was our best man and I don't think they would buy the excuse of "I'm not drinking because I'm on antibiotics" routine. I don't plan to tell our parents until at least after the first ultrasound. 
    Me: 31 DH: 32
    Dating since: 11/17/2001
    Married: 9/26/2009
    TTC: June 2016
    BFP: 9/01/2017
    EDD: 5/14/2018

  • I told my graveyard partner/good friend pretty quickly and DH told his bff right away. We told my parents last night and will tell my mil and sister in the next week. We'll probably tell everyone else after our first u/s at 10 weeks. I think a few coworkers suspect but they haven't said anything. I'm getting big brother and big brother again shirts for the boys to take pictures in at Disneyland with our "Baby Lastname" Mickey ears that we used to announce DS2.
  • @dinonugget we were contemplating announcing that way as well!  So cute!
  • @dinonugget I love it!  We've had passes the last few years and that's kind of what sparked the idea. 
  • @mileswithmyles this is what we did last time. We have annual passes and go constantly so it was fitting. 
    We have annual passes too! Definitely stealing those picture ideas ;) Last pregnancy I took a picture of the blue baby Mickey ears on my bump
  • @ccvslp I can't believe people call people out for that! I mean at least if they are pretending clearly they aren't ready to announce yet so mind your own business. I mean it's different if it's a sister or a maybe a best friend but idk! Good luck being sneaky! I admit I did pour out a beer and fill it with water when I had a friend over for drinks the day I got my BFP. Definitely wasn't ready to say anything and we had already had drinks planned...
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