Hi all!
My first baby is due in September and I haven't bought my cloth diaper stash yet. I have enough newborn-18 lbs disposable diapers to last while I make my purchasing decisions. I've done TONS of research on various styles and brands, and I've narrowed down the brands I THINK are best, but I still need other moms' opinions!
What are your favorite brands for pockets and all-in-ones? What are the pros and cons of your favorites?
Any hybrid (AI2) cloth diaper brand recommendations?
And finally, when you were purchasing your cloth diapers, what helped make your decision about the brand(s) you purchased?
Thanks for your help!
Re: Favorite Cloth Diaper Brands: POCKETS, AO, AI2s
I use Thirsties duos covers with fitters I sewed myself. I chose Thirsties because of the "two-sizes-fits-all" system with a smaller and a larger "one-size"-style diaper.
My preferred washing routine is a prewash with oxygen bleach powder and then a heavy stain wash with an Ecoegg wash ball or Ecover wash powder. I also add an extra rinse if I'm using the wash powder. You don't really need a special detergent, and stripping is something I only do if the diapers have contact with something containing petroleum jelly. I sun-dry or air-dry the pocket cover and run the inserts in my dryer. A lot of people prefer Tide for their diapers so that could be a good option for you.
Pros of the Alvababy/Little Bloom/Littles & Blooms diapers is that they're cheap, virtually the same size and quality of Bum Genius diapers, and come in a huge range of styles and patterns. Cons are that Alvababy doesn't sell Velcro in One Size pockets and LB inserts are awful. Do get Alvababy inserts or make your own. Another possible con is that both are "China Cheapies" which a lot of people have their own reasons for not liking. I've never had issues with my diapers and say that it's a good and inexpensive way to get a good stash for your baby, so don't discount China Cheapies just because they're from China and are cheaper than name-brands like Bummi or Charlie Banana.
Married for two years to my Honeybear and expecting a little Honeybee on our homestead in Belgium.