May 2018 Moms

Healthy Habit Check-in - Week of 8/27

Check in here if you're working on, or need some encouragement to work on a healthy habit!

1. What healthy habit are you working on?

2. How is it going?

3. What is a small win from last week?

4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
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Re: Healthy Habit Check-in - Week of 8/27

  • I need a lot of encouragement since I want to be more active this time around than with my 1st

    1. What healthy habit are you working on?
    eating better and getting some type of exercise in 3-4 times a week

    2. How is it going?
    so far, ok. Went to the grocery yesterday and didn't buy a ton of crap. Mostly fruit, veggies, and lean protein. Exercise needs some improvement. I have to find some ways to fight the fatigue and get my butt in gear.

    3. What is a small win from last week?
    craving healthier foods over sugary/fatty foods most days, so I'll take it

    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
    I could never do one of those juice cleanses. I'd cave after 5 minutes. I really can't do anything too restrictive or else I'll fail at it
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  • I want to be more healthy this pregnancy too. I feel like first tri fatigue killed me last time. @Jennifer102011

    1. What healthy habit are you working on?

    I have been going to the gym and want to maintain that 3-4 times per week.

    2. How is it going?
    Good but I start back to school tomorrow so I am worried that is going to make it harder to get to the gym

    3. What is a small win from last week?
    been drinking yogurt, fruit & spinach smoothies for lunch instead of all the carbs. 

    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why? I suck at diets. But anything that cuts foods I like out completely would fail with me. I need moderation and lifestyle change not no carbs ever or something.

    DD is 3 and a new little one on the way! 

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  • @chocolatebutton3 unfortunately the fatigue spanned the entire pregnancy for me. combine that with nausea until the day I delivered at I was destined to fail from the start. Giving myself a free pass today since it's storming out. I usually walk 5+ miles a day at work, but need to get more exercise on the days I'm off.
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  • 1. What healthy habit are you working on? Getting in my workout/closing the rings on my Apple Watch every day. 

    2. How is it going? So far, it's been great!  I feel like first tri fatigue is hitting me hard in the evening, but I try to push through and at least get in some yoga if I fee too tired for a run. DH and I have been holding each other accountable and it's been helping. 

    3. What is a small win from last week? I did my speedwork workouts on the treadmill at my same pace. It felt great!

    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why? Low or no carb. I've been a runner for a while now, and it just doesn't go with distance running. I would also feel like I was depriving myself too much and would probably binge. Moderation works best!

    @Jennifer102011 I agree about being restrictive. Five minutes in, I would be like "eff this. I'm eating cupcakes."

    @chocolatebutton3 I am way better at working out during the summer, too. 
  • 1. What healthy habit are you working on? 
    Being more active. I work as a teacher, so I'm on my feet all day, but I would like to get a walk or a jog in at least 3-4 times a week. I think I'm going to try walking the dogs in the morning or early evening. Good for me and them. Also trying to make better snacking choices. 
    2. How is it going?
    Not going so far since I just started haha. 
    3. What is a small win from last week?
    Um.... I bought some healthier snacks?
    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
    I don't really think diets in general work. I think it's more about moderation, a lifestyle change, and a commitment to both of those things. But I think any sort of "cleanse" is just a bunch of BS marketing schemes. 
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  • @Jennifer102011Fatigue was okay second trimester for me. The nausea I had until DD was born for me too. Awful. So far I have mild nausea but nothing like last time. FX it doesn't intensify but I am not holding my breath. 
    DD is 3 and a new little one on the way! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @mileswithmyles low/no carb would kill me. I love bread too much
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  • Oh my other goal would be to get better at planning our meals for the week so we don't end up doing pizza or hotdogs all the time  :#:D
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  • @Jennifer102011Fatigue was okay second trimester for me. The nausea I had until DD was born for me too. Awful. So far I have mild nausea but nothing like last time. FX it doesn't intensify but I am not holding my breath. 
    I'm finding my nausea is much worse this time. Trying to snack more frequently to help with that and bought some lemon ginger tea. I was on medication the entire pregnancy from 8 weeks on to help with the nausea. Hoping it doesn't get that bad this time, but I'm not betting the farm on it
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  • rowboat4 said:
    Oh my other goal would be to get better at planning our meals for the week so we don't end up doing pizza or hotdogs all the time  :#:D
    I suck at meal planning too. I just hate going to the grocery so often for fresh fruit and veggies. My attempts to make freezer meals fails every single time.
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  • rowboat4 said:
    Oh my other goal would be to get better at planning our meals for the week so we don't end up doing pizza or hotdogs all the time  :#:D
    I suck at meal planning too. I just hate going to the grocery so often for fresh fruit and veggies. My attempts to make freezer meals fails every single time.
    I'm terrible at freezer meals. I don't mind going to the store for fruits and veggies, but the frozen bags of steam in bag veggies are life changers. 
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  • millette2015millette2015 member
    edited August 2017

    1. What healthy habit are you working on? I love food. A lot. So I'm working on making healthy choices. Especially in this first trimester when I'm so nauseous that if I want to eat at all, it's rarely anything good for me. 

    2. How is it going? so far, so good. I've been having smoothies for breakfast and making sure there lots of high protein easy to go foods in the fridge to bring with me to work. Evening snacking is my downfall though. Chips and ice cream... mmmmm...

    3. What is a small win from last week?
     I injured my back recently, but was able to start walking again last week. Sounds like a small win, but to me it was huge. I'm very active and not being able to take the dog and my son for a walk in the evening was brutal. 

    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
    Most diets fall in this category for me. I'm not a dieter. I believe in everything in moderation. But the juice cleanse @Jennifer102011 mentioned would NEVER happen. Ever. 
  • 1. What healthy habit are you working on?
    Working on lifting weights 3-4 times a week specifically squats.  I tore with my son and was in labor for 28 hrs and hope squatting and working out more will make delivery smoother this time. 
    2. How is it going?
    Well I went for a bike ride yesterday and my butt is killing me since we did trails.  Planning to do a squat workout during nap time in our home gym (best thing ever with kids!).  
    3. What is a small win from last week?
    I made it to the grocery store and didn’t buy a Twix bar.   Seriously been craving twix hard core for a couple weeks but that’s normal outside of pregnancy for me...Twix is my weakness lol. 
    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
    I don’t really “diet”. I lost over 20 lbs last summer with just increasing work outs and focusing on veggies, proteins and high fat diet.  Plus I’m still nursing my 20 mo old so I can eat so much right now lol.  
  • @Jennifer102011 that would be my question! Talk about being hangry haha 
  • @Jlr025 I did this portion control/meal delivery service for a while. The calorie total for the meals you got each day was 1000 calories. They allowed you a 70 calorie snack. After 3 days on it, I decided that 1000 calories put me in the homicidal range. Once I upped it to 1300-1400 per day, I was a much more pleasant person. So I know I'd be a serial killer on a juice cleanse. 
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  • 1. What healthy habit are you working on?
    Gotta start doing kegals, 30 squats a day, and start taking folate on top of probiotics and my regular vitamins for a while.

    2. How is it going?
    I'm really emotional and still processing, but I'll be ok. Probably? 

    3. What is a small win from last week?
    I cooked dinner three times last week! I've normally been better about that, but lately I've been to exhausted to be bothered. (Now I know why)

    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
    Vegan. My parents, and four younger siblings staying at home were vegan for the past few years, and it was really hard to be around them.
  • 1. What healthy habit are you working on?
    I went vegan back in January and can't decide whether to stick with it while pregnant. I changed my diet because I get migraines and when I stopped BF ds2 they got really bad and unmanageable with 2 little ones. They are hormone triggered and I read that vegans produce only about 1/3 the estrogen that non vegans do. It has reduced the migraines a lot even though I am not too strict with it. I don't  worry too much about ingredients in baked goods and allow myself little tastes of things I really fancy. 
    I might ease up on it though as estrogen goes up loads during pregnancy anyway, and I'm not sure how good it is for the baby. I've almost cut out dairy completely, but may add a bit of meat back in. Unsure?
    2. How is it going?

    Not sure yet...
    3. What is a small win from last week?
    Not been fancying anything sweet, so no deserts!
    4. GTKY: What diet would you never try, and why?
    atkins or anything too extreme? I think it's important to get all the nutrient groups.
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