July 2017 Moms

STM+ Check In

How old are your other kids?

How's their transition to having a new baby going?

What has helped the most?

What are you still having trouble with?

Anything else to add?

Re: STM+ Check In

  • How old are your other kids? DS1 is 5

    How's their transition to having a new baby going?
    great! He is a huge help and loves him so much. Said the other day that Jameson was his best friend! So sweet 

    What has helped the most?
    that DS1 started kindergarten this year. Makes it much easier because during the day I only have 1. He is in school from 9-4!

    What are you still having trouble with?
    getting into a routine to make dinner, clean, and do laundry. Having a very hard time! 

    Anything else to add?
    everyone said going from 1 to 2 is hard. I didn't realize how hard and how much we would have to change things! I wouldn't change it for the world though 
  • How old are your other kids?
    DS turned 2 in June

    How's their transition to having a new baby going?
    Overall, it's good. He loves the baby and is mostly gentle with her. She's fascinated by him and sleeps through his antics, fortunately!

    What has helped the most?
    1. Saying "yes" all the time - "Yes, I will hold you when she's done nursing." (Rather than no, I can't hold you right now.)
    2. We talk about how the baby is talking to him, looking at him, smiling at him, etc. We try to bring her to "life" for him. 

    What are you still having trouble with?

    His sleep is horrific and he won't stay in bed because the baby is in our room. I'm at a loss and really fed up 

    Anything else to add?

    This is HARD! We have good days and I think things are fine...then bad days come and I'm a mess. I dreaded the newborn days but she's been a breeze. I had no idea how hard the toddler's adjustment would be.
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  • How old are your other kids?
    DS turned 4 in May

    How is the transition going?
    It has been pretty good so far. DS smothers LO with hugs and kisses and talks about how much he loves her. Hearing him say stuff like "good morning beautiful sissy" seriously melts me. 

    What has helped the most?
    Similarly to @virginiaunicorn11  I try to watch the way I word things. "I would love to play with you when I'm done feeding Sis" instead of "I can't right now". It's also helped that DS is a bit older and more independent. 

    What are you still having trouble with?
    Bedtime routine! Since DS had been quite small, we have had the same night time routine. Adding LO has made that more challenging and my DS (who thrives on routine) has had some sleep disruptions due to it. We are almost 8wks over here and I think we are starting to get into a new routine. 

    Anything to add?
    1+ to this being hard! I'm lucky LO is easy breezy. If she cried like her brother did when he was this old, it would be WAY more stressful. 
  • How old are your other kids? DD1 turned 2 in June. 

    How's their transition to having a new baby going? She is generally really gentle with her and LOVES her, but DD2 is really high needs and needs to be carried all the time right now so its been a hard transition for DD1 when I'm alone with the kids all week. 

    What has helped the most? Sticking with routine, being firm and consistent with discipline. 

    What are you still having trouble with? DD1 had tubes and adenoid surgery 2 weeks before the baby was born, which was so great for her. However she has so much more energy now that she's breathing better. Our once relaxed child (now we know it was due to poor sleep quality) is a live wire. That's been a hard transition for us. The baby has awful reflux and is generally uncomfortable 99% of the time if she's not sleeping which is rare in itself so we've been struggling!

    Anything else to add? Going from 1 to 2 is ROUGH. 
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • How old are your other kids?
    4,5 & 11

    How's their transition to having a new baby going?
    Well, my oldest is used to it lol. He has been more helpful this time around since he's older. My 5 year old thinks he can help out but all he likes to do is shhh him when he's crying or yell at him when he won't stop crying. Both my 4 & 5 year old love giving him kisses though.

    What has helped the most?
    The fact that he's like his father and can sleep through anything if he's actually sleeping. His brothers yelling and roughhousing has yet to wake him.

    What are you still having trouble with?
    Getting into school year schedule. My son is open enrolled in another district so I take and puck him up from school. Waking at 4am for a feeding and not going back to sleep til 6am(half hour before alarm) is playing havoc on my sleep. Being over 30 seems to have zapped my ability to only need 2-3 hours of sleep. 

    Anything else to add
    I am so glad we're done even if that means no little girl for me.
                           SD(13) DS(10) DS(4) DS(3)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • @dancegurl1118 Awww, I am glad to hear the surgery went well and made a huge difference! Though I'm also sorry it's not the most convenient effect.

    @michelle04us Is the transition from 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 easier than 1 to 2? I want one more, but this transition has DH googling vasectomies lol
  • well...lol. Our transition from 2 to 3 was different than most. There are only 11 months between them. However, 3 to 4 was easier. Already had a good schedule with multiple children so just had to add in my being tired and going slower to the timeframe. Plus having the older kids to help out is definitely a plus. My oldest helps with baby on car rides so I dont stress so much about that.  He also helps out with the other 2 when Im trying to get baby down for nap. If it was just my middle 2 and baby Im sure it would be different some but they do a great job in trying to "help" with baby that makes it worth it.

    Might be different once baby is mobile but by then all 3 of my older ones will be getting ready to start school full time so will only have 1 to worry about most of the day. 

    Having a schedule and sticking to it as much as possible is definitely good. There will always be little hiccups to get past at beginning of any transition so you just have to take it in stride. 
                           SD(13) DS(10) DS(4) DS(3)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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