Is anyone else waiting to get started either with testing or for appointments or for timing?
I try to keep up with the current threads going on, but those seem to be mostly for those who are already into their protocol. (And know this ladies in those threads, I am silently lurking and cheering you all on!)
I didn't know if there is anyone else just kind of lurking and waiting for their time that may want to express some early on vents or ask a random question that may not fit anywhere else. Or if anyone would like to ask some gtky questions so when our time comes to start our protocols, we'll be a little more familiar with each other.
Re: Waiting it out- anyone else?
What are you waiting on?
We're super far back and are waiting for our return patient consult next month. The wait is agonizing, but at least this time I know what o am in for.
Waiting for the return patient consult must be so frustrating! How long has it been?
**TW children mentioned, loss mentioned
We did the transfer for our twins in April 2015 and worked with our RE office until 11ish weeks pretty closely because of some sch issues and being higher risk.
I am more nervous that I thought I'd be because our RE moved to a new job and all of the nurses and receptionists we worked with are all gone due to new management not being what they had hoped. We've worked with the current RE a few times and she was always the one that gave us bad news unfortunately. She was also the one who did our first transfer which ended in a mc. Even though we logically know none of it was her doing, my DH is still feeling a little trepidation working with her again.
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
I've been lurking between the 2 as well and kind of feel awkward posting in either at this point. I am kind of glad I'm not the only one hanging in the bushes, watching everyone else actively try while I twiddle my thumbs and wait.
If anyone else has a timeline for FET in October, I started that up too, (but so far no bites). I <b>know</b> we've got some other October transfer ladies, maybe in the donor egg thread, too? But anywho. I agree. There is So. Much. Waiting. We just started ivf finally, but then we will be waiting for hysteroscopy at the end of September...... before finally moving onto October transfer. We have been benched essentially a year leading up to this tho bc we got out azoo dx last Septemeber or October.... and this is how long it took us to start a treatment cycle.... sigh.
*autocorrect fails
@suchaglencoco I carry an x-linked genetic condition that is not very serious in me (well, other than causing my premature ovarian insufficiency) but could become very serious in a fetus. (tw) I lost a baby girl in the second tri to this condition earlier this year (end tw) so we have decided to do IVF rather than take our chances and go through the same thing again. PGD = preimplantation genetic diagnosis, essentially checking the embryos for the condition and then only implanting healthy embryos. PGS checks for things like trisomies; PGD specifically checks for the gene where the condition occurs. That's why it's done in advance rather than after embryos are created as in PGS. Anyway. Sorry to hear the practice has had so much turnover. I get the trepidation -- having a good rapport with the staff is SO important for the emotional component of all this.
@dmo1371 I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your SHG goes well and you can move forward.
@businesswife I am HOPING we will be an October FET! But it's too soon to say since we haven't scheduled our IVF yet... cue me jumping the gun a little bit
Me:28-Severe Endometriosis DH:30 -Excellent
Spring 2008-Started TTC
Fall 2011"Unexplained Infertiltiy"-3 IUI's with Clomid-All BFN
Spring 2013-Divorce
Feb 2017-RE Consult "unexplained Infertiltiy"
Mar, Apr, May 2017-Letrozole/Ovidrel/IUI-BFN's
July 2017-Laproscopy/Hysteroscopy-"Severe Endometriosis with Bowel Lesion not removed"
November 2017-IVF-14-Retrieved, 7 Mature, 6 Fertilized(ICSI) 0 embryos. Fertilized did not divide.
New d(x)-Egg problem
As for our first transfer, I didn't feel like we were "doing" anything until I got the box of medications in the mail. And then I thought we were doing too much as it was a bit overwhelming!
Good luck at your consult.
@BusinessWife, I'm glad you're also worried about your DH in all of this. It's a lot for the women to do, but it's also a lot for them to just sit by and watch when most men just want to fix it and can't.
I suggest getting a notebook that you take with to your consult appointment. Between now and then if you think of any questions, however dumb you may think they are, write them down and then bring it to the appointment. That really helped us at some of our appointments. Most of the questions we had were definitely answered on their own, but it honestly helped my mind be more at ease before and after.
Everyone: What are Questions you have for the consult? Mine are:
what my expected drug protocol will be (so i can estimate costs)
If we should even consider ICSI not having any MFI.
What she thinks and recommends as far as PGS testing (i'm leaning no)
If she recommends assisted hatching
and want to cover OHHS risks (i'm pretty sensitive to hormones, so I have a fear that I will get it) And any additional risks/preventatives with my blood clotting disorder.
I'd love more input on questions to ask that I may not have even thought of!
Me:28-Severe Endometriosis DH:30 -Excellent
Spring 2008-Started TTC
Fall 2011"Unexplained Infertiltiy"-3 IUI's with Clomid-All BFN
Spring 2013-Divorce
Feb 2017-RE Consult "unexplained Infertiltiy"
Mar, Apr, May 2017-Letrozole/Ovidrel/IUI-BFN's
July 2017-Laproscopy/Hysteroscopy-"Severe Endometriosis with Bowel Lesion not removed"
November 2017-IVF-14-Retrieved, 7 Mature, 6 Fertilized(ICSI) 0 embryos. Fertilized did not divide.
New d(x)-Egg problem
@suchaglencoco - I'm sorry for your previous loss. That is so hard when the staff changes. I feel like I've built a good relationship with my RE, his nurses, the front desk staff, u/s techs, and the lab techs... I can't imagine having new staff.
@BusinessWife - I know you didn't really have any other choice, but you are amazing for waiting as long as you have. I've seen you answer questions and such on the boards but didn't know your story until recently. I really hope everything goes great for you the next couple months!
@steph8986 - I'm glad you were able to get your diagnosis. I hope November comes quickly for you. I suck at waiting too!
@J1006 - I'm so glad to see that you don't have to wait until next summer to start IVF! That's great your work is being so flexible. I hope your consult goes well!
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
This time, since it's a repeat fet, I'll probably just ask if they think the protocol will be the same, if I have to repeat any testing, and what the time line is looking like.
@dmo1371, thank you. We honestly went and visited our favorite nurse before she left and we cried. And then when our original RE left, we went to visit her and we cried. We built up a relationship over those 14 months of using them that it's hard to imagine doing that again. Like I saw them way more often than I saw my family. And they still have 1 nurse that remained and I cannot stand her. I have great veins for drawing blood, a weird thing to say, but I've honestly gotten complimented on it by several people throughout my lifetime. This one nurse could never get the needle in for bloodwork and then told me "I'm sorry, but if I struggle the next time with your veins, I'll have to start taking blood from your wrists". Ummm, what?? We told our main nurse who was furious and told me to never allow her to take my blood from anywhere, but my veins and if I had to wait for another nurse to come off of a break or leave a procedure, to do so. So bizarre that she's the one that remained!
How are you feeling since your loss?
@steph8986. We have an MFI diagnosis (low count, low motility, very low morphology), however, they are unsure if everything is okay with me. We did four IUIs with donor sperm and according to the doctor we were working with "it should have worked." All of my testing as come back normal. We will be doing IVF with ICSI.
odds of success and MC?
Fresh transfer or FET? do they have different success rates? If FET, when would that occur?
do you require any further testing?
Risks to you of the procedures/meds?
Are you at risk of OHSS and if so, how will they minimize this risk or monitor you?
How many eggs are they expecting? If you have a low number of eggs retrieved do they recommend ICSI to increase fertilization?
Risks to the baby?
What does the IVF fee cover? Ultrasounds/bloodwork/freezing/AH
Is there any money back guarantee or discount for paying in cash?
Regarding ICSI: my RE recommends doing half the eggs with ICSI if you've had no natural pregnancies regardless of diagnosis in case there is a fertilization issue. In addition, they automatically do ICSI if you have 5 or fewer eggs retrieved to maximize fertilization
I'm so sorry that nurse is so bad. Sounds like she isn't very good at blood draws and isn't very friendly! I hope the rest of the staff is just as great as the old staff!
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
*TW - loss mentioned*
I'm 6 weeks out from a D&C after finding out I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. This was my second miscarriage plus we tried for 16 months (2 rounds of femara) before getting pregnant. So I started working with a RE at the beginning of the month. I am still waiting on chromosome testing from my D&C but my other blood work just came back normal thank goodness (basic clotting stuff, AMH, thyroid testing). I had a sonohysterogram that showed a large polyp that will have to be removed before proceeding with TTC. I'm back on birth control until the surgery scheduled for October 10th, which feels like a million years away. I'm currently very frustrated with the waiting process plus birth control is really messing with my body. Im just ready to move forward but it sounds like that's a common issue around here!
@dmo1371. Nice to meet you! So sorry for your loss as well. How long before you can expect to hear back on your test results? Hope you find some peace, whatever the outcome may be... (((Hugs)))
I think it's great you have an active plan for the time off to hopefully have the days go by faster.
@mrsjcrane, welcome. I'm sorry for your losses and I'm sorry we have to meet this way, but I'm glad you have come out of lurking!
I'm also happy that you're seeing an RE and hope it'll help everything progress faster for you.
Do you have an action plan for after the surgery?
**edited because TB ate half my post.
@dmo1371 I'm also trying to lose 20 pounds in my waiting period. It at least makes me feel like I'm doing something! Good luck to you!
@BusinessWife - nice to officially meet you too My RE said 2-3 weeks to get the results back (today is 3 weeks). The nurse called to tell me my hcg level is 3 so no more lab draws for a while. She said the results weren't back yet, so if I haven't heard anything by next week I'll call.
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
Anyone have any updates?
Would anyone like to do daily or weekly GTKY questions?
@dmo1371 RE wasn't exactly sure if that's what caused the miscarriage but definitely said it's a problem moving forward! Here's to hoping the surgery is my big fix!
DS1 born 11/2014
DS2 born 11/2018
3 previous losses
Rainbow baby due 12/2021 - Team Green
I finally got the results back from my chromosome testing from my miscarriage. It was a girl with trisomy 21 and inversion of chromosome 9. Likely just a fluke per my RE but definitely the cause of my miscarriage.
Edited 3 times because this stupid thing kept eating half of my post!!
@suchaglencoco Thanks for noting it's been a week -- the time feels interminable to me but hey a week's a week.
Next week is when I can follow up about ivf scheduling so hopefully I will have an update then. (tw) I've been in a dark place the last day or two set off by receiving some mail from a formula company congratulating me on how near my due date I needed that reminder about the baby I loved being gone. Sigh. (end tw) I hope you are all faring better and hope to read some happier updates from you ladies this week
Me:28-Severe Endometriosis DH:30 -Excellent
Spring 2008-Started TTC
Fall 2011"Unexplained Infertiltiy"-3 IUI's with Clomid-All BFN
Spring 2013-Divorce
Feb 2017-RE Consult "unexplained Infertiltiy"
Mar, Apr, May 2017-Letrozole/Ovidrel/IUI-BFN's
July 2017-Laproscopy/Hysteroscopy-"Severe Endometriosis with Bowel Lesion not removed"
November 2017-IVF-14-Retrieved, 7 Mature, 6 Fertilized(ICSI) 0 embryos. Fertilized did not divide.
New d(x)-Egg problem
Currently 7dpo, if I don't get pregnant this cycle then I get femara next, just with TI. My RE wants to try that for a few cycles before jumping to IUI. I was feeling a bit left out without being able to participate in the IUI/IVF threads. So this is nice
@mrsjcrane I am glad your test results came back so you have a little most knowledge, but I know it doesn’t really seem to help with the sting of the loss.
@adirat a week is a week! Time seems to go so slow that I like to remind myself sometimes how much time has actually passed so I keep from getting frustrated. Luckily my days now seem to go quicker than they did the last time, but not by much.
I am sorry about the formula company sending you things. It definitely is an extra kick in the jaw that you don’t need.
@steph8986 so glad your consult went well! Honestly, the bloodwork will be second nature in a few weeks, but I always get so frustrated when they have to test us for xyz. I get that they want us to be healthy and take all precautions, but it’s obnoxious that our timeline can be pushed back for something minor when other people with more severe health issues can accidentally get pregnant and not even keep the baby. Just frustrating how it all pans out in the end. I ended up getting pushed back a month or so because my MMR vaccine had worn off so I needed to have it redone and then wait the 30 day period before starting any treatments.
I think freezing is a good idea. It gives the body time to rest and to go back to normal a bit. As for the one vs two dilemma, I am totally on your side about that! Both times I had them transfer 2 and the first time was against the RE’s recommendations because they thought both would take. My feeling was “hey man, this is a lot of work and a lot of money so the more the merrier!”
AND SO EXCITING that you have a potential retrieval date! Now you can start an official countdown!
@floridastanley welcome to the waiting room! I am sorry you are here, but at least we have one more person to commiserate with!
What do you do when you're down that helps perk you back up? If you had more money, would you do something else to perk you back up?
Honestly, I shop. I don't do it on purpose, it just happens. I'll wander around stores and pick out stuff for random people that I wish I could buy to brighten their day had I had the finances to do so. Sometimes I buy myself some things and go a little over budget. The last time we were trying, I was so down in the dumps that DH took me to a dog rescue event. He then was 100% surprised when we can home with a puppy. He couldn't believe I'd made that rash of a decision and didn't think I'd actually do it when he said "it's up to you". He was actually mad at me for a month or 2, but now he is such a sweetheart and fun dog that we can't imagine life without him.
And now I also try to hit the gym when I am really frustrated or down. I didn't think I'd turn into one of "those people", but I totally am. It's one of those kickboxing gyms so I really get to hit stuff until I feel better. I am hoping my meds don't take away my ability to do that.
**edited because TB keeps eating my posts
Me:28-Severe Endometriosis DH:30 -Excellent
Spring 2008-Started TTC
Fall 2011"Unexplained Infertiltiy"-3 IUI's with Clomid-All BFN
Spring 2013-Divorce
Feb 2017-RE Consult "unexplained Infertiltiy"
Mar, Apr, May 2017-Letrozole/Ovidrel/IUI-BFN's
July 2017-Laproscopy/Hysteroscopy-"Severe Endometriosis with Bowel Lesion not removed"
November 2017-IVF-14-Retrieved, 7 Mature, 6 Fertilized(ICSI) 0 embryos. Fertilized did not divide.
New d(x)-Egg problem
how did the retrevial go?