March 2018 Moms

How many hours are you sleeping?

Including any naps, how many hours a day are you sleeping?

DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018

Re: How many hours are you sleeping?

  • hahahahahhaha

    sleep. You're funny. 

    But in all seriousness. My 11 month old started sleeping through the night the same weekend we found out that I'm pregnant and yet I'm somehow managing to get less sleep now than I did before. Naps don't happen for me, even though she naps for two hours every day. On a really really good night, maybe 7 broken up hours. 
  • Ummmm probably like 9-10 at night and a 2 hour nap (if my toddler sleeps that long). I've been getting to bed anywhere from 8:30-10pm at night and DS wakes me up around 6:30. But he also wakes me in the night usually 2-3 times and then I pee those times too. 
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  • ashleyf911ashleyf911 member
    edited August 2017
    I usually sleep 6-7 at night, and try to snooze for an hour or so during my 2 year old's nap. I could use a lot more lately but I work second shift and DH starts getting ready for work in the morning around 6:30 or 7 and that usually wakes me up.
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  • Maybe 5. I don't have the luxury of naps. 
    I wake up at 4 am for both work and clinicals and I have evenin classes, plus taking care of a toddler and a home with a husband who works 6a-6p. Sleep is a rare thing for me 
  • 8-10 at night. If I don't work and get to ya ke a nap add 1 or 2 more hours. But I try not to take long naps or naps at all because I wake up feeling awful. 
  • I haven't been making it to bed till after 11 most nights.. which is way later than I would like! But... last night was the first night since this pregnancy began that I slept the entire night without getting up to pee, eat, or woken up due to DH snoring! Yet this morning, I'm struggling to stay awake at work! On average though, probably around 7 hours of broken up sleep. 
  • 10:30pm-6:30am and I wake about 3 times a night to pee, so not bad but always exhausted. Sometimes I have difficulty falling back to sleep after peeing and move to the couch for change of scenery. I have 2 kids and a FT 9-5 job so no naps for me.
  • It feels like forever! 8-10 hours at night, and then I lay down for a bit in the afternoon when DS is napping/at daycare.  I was falling asleep for an hour during the afternoon, but now I'm back to 20 minute power naps. I think this means the fatigue is starting to subside (9 weeks).
  • About 6 or 7 hours, total. I usually wake up around 3am needing to pee, and sometimes have trouble getting back to sleep after that.
  • 8-9 hours on a good night. 4-5 if I'm having trouble sleeping which happens maybe once a week. 
  • Currently averaging about 8 total depending on how many times I get up. Down from 11 hours average, but I'm also not waking up as many times a night now.
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  • Averaging 6-7 a night w/2-4 wake ups.  I don't nap.  
  • 7-8 hours for me, depending on when I go to sleep after catching up on social, TB, etc.! And I've been waking up before my 7 a.m. alarm, which is super annoying...
  • 6-7 hours in bed but I am not sure how much sleep there is being had. I pee once, DD usually sneaks into our bed and kicks or punches me 70 times and pushes me out of bed. Last night I went to her bed after she came to ours.
    Naps happen for short amounts of time that I don't intend to take. I fall asleep sitting and bolt awake when I realize DD is not next to me anymore and she's off causing mayhem somewhere else.
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  • I'm getting 8-9 hours of sleep if I can sleep through the night, but usually I'm getting up to use the restroom at least 2-5 times a night. Sometimes I also need a 1-2 hour nap to catch up on the lost sleep.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    **TW in Spoiler**

    BFP 6/30/16, MC 8/21/16
    BFP 05/04/17, 5/10/17 Emergency LAP due to ectopic. Right tube removed.

    BFP 07/12/17, ECDD 03/25/18  -  Silver Orion Born 3/23/18
    BFP 09/30/19, EDD 06/11/20

  • Usually 8 hrs during the week and closer to 10 hrs on the weekends. No naps unless it's a lazy day on the weekend. 
  • npkatnpkat member
    edited August 2017
    In bed about 6-8 hours. Actual sleeping, unsure. I've had pregnancy insomnia. It has gotten better the last week or so, but still lots of tossing and turning. I try to go to bed between 9 and 10. If I workout in the mornings I get up about 4:15, if I don't, I'm up about 5:45. 
  • About 8-9 hours. Never feels like near enough.
  • I sleep 1230-8 most nights. Usually up once to pee around 6. I also nap about an hour during my kids ' two hour nap daily.
  • I'm amazed and incredibly jealous of the women here who aren't having sleep troubles. Send some of that good juju my way please  ;)
  • Umm depends... some nights 10-12 hours and maybe or maybe not a nap depending on if DS naps ((probably not)) and when DH gets home. And some nights 7 broken hours with insomnia and no naps because that's ironic. :neutral: 
  • ShawnnaO said:
    I'm amazed and incredibly jealous of the women here who aren't having sleep troubles. Send some of that good juju my way please  ;)
    Right? Makes me super salty lol
  • On the weekend, I get about 9 hours of sleep, and on a weekday I get about 6-7 hours of sleep. It's not nearly enough, but working full time and coaching in preseason is like 2 jobs, plus 2 kiddos at home who miss mom by the end of the day means that my zzz's become an afterthought. Sleep is a really big deal, especially when we're growing little human beings, so I do know that I have to make a better point to advocate for me getting to bed, and we need to get our kids in bed a bit earlier to make that happen. DH is super helpful, but he's a night owl and I'm an early riser, so his perception of "late" is way different from mine!
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  • ShawnnaO said:
    I'm amazed and incredibly jealous of the women here who aren't having sleep troubles. Send some of that good juju my way please  ;)
    I'm still taking a unisom and b6 at night so it knocks me right out. 
  • My FitBit suggests I need more sleep, I'm very restless. That makes sense. If you look at my sleep pattern on my FitBit app... I should probably be dead from lack of sleep. lol
  • I'm in the prego insomnia club, I'm almost 12 weeks. I go to bed at 9, wake up at 1 or 2 and I'm up until 4, then my toddler wakes me up at 5. I work full time so no naps here! I go to bed at 9 to try and catch as much sleep as possible but I feel like I have no time for me or my husband, not to mention it's driving me insane that I can't sleep and I'm so tired!!! 
  • I'm so exhausted all the time. 8-12 hours at night and sometimes a 2 hour nap during the day. It's all I can do to stay awake!
  • most nights I'm in bed by 830 or 9. I try to get between 9-11 hours but if I'm not working the next day I may go for 12! most days I'm at work so no naps for me.... it on my days off I am in and out of consciousness all day
  • Not pregnant, 6-7. Pregnant, I need 8-10. I've been getting 7-9. I can sleep more on the weekends...lovely. I've never had sleep problems but I had some insomnia a few weeks ago, very intermittently. But, I usually feel like I'm tripping over my eyelids and I can't get to my bed fast enough. I turn out all those lights and Zzzzzzzz.....
    Me: 39 <3  DP: 49
    TTC since Jan 2017
    BFP #2 7/11/17 | EDD 3/24/18
    BFP #1 5/2/17 | EDD 1/12/18 | MC 5/18/17

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  • I usually go to bed right after I put my 15 month old to sleep, so I'm in bed by 8:30 and sleeping by 9p, and I wake up at 7am when he wakes up. Today I also napped from 9-11. And even then, I was in my night class tonight from 5:30-8 and thought I was going to fall asleep. I am so tired all of the time. I had a lot of trouble sleeping until I started taking Diclegis (which includes a sleep
    aid) and now I sleep like a rock all night, unless it's my night with the baby monitor then it's not as great :)

    so to summarize... I sleep all the time and it's still not enough! I also prefer like 9 hours even when im not pregnant but can normally function on like 6.
  • @babybluu & @ShawnnaO Before I started taking Diclegis I was taking Unisome at night and WOAH I was OUT. I was a zombie in the mornings but I'd take it over the restlessness I felt before that. I seriously slept 100% through the entire night for like 10 hours every night.
  • 7 to 8 hours with 2 pee breaks. I've never had to pee in the middle of the night so its hard for me to get back to sleep. This week, i've been having anxiety from Trump, so especially restless! 
  • I'd like a nap right about now.

  • I'd like a nap right about now.

    I was just coming here to say this!
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