March 2018 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change 8/22

ShawnnaOShawnnaO member
edited August 2017 in March 2018 Moms

If your due date is 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 or 3/27 - your "ticker" changes today! Congratulations! 

1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?

2. How are you feeling? 

3. Any appointments next week? 

4. Rants, raves, questions? 

5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? 

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change 8/22

  • 1. 11 weeks - a lime!

    2. Nausea. So much nausea. I've gotten under 100lbs and my doctor is probably going to kill me.

    3. None this week. We have NIPT next Wednesday which I'm nervous for. But also excited to see baby again at the ultrasound and possibly learn sex?

    4. I don't know if any of you watch Big Brother, but I'm so sick of Paul's Sheep Show. 

    5. If I still lived up north, my answer would 100% be summer. But I've lived somewhere that's in a perpetual state of summer for about three years now and a have a newfound appreciation for fall. Give me pumpkin everything and leggings and sweaters. 
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    9 weeks.. cherry, grape or a jack depending on which app you look at :)

    2. How are you feeling? 
    Really good still. Just been a little lazy and ate way too much over the weekend when my sis was in town. I'm feelin it now :/

    3. Any appointments next week? 
    10 week appt next Tuesday. My first appt was an US only so next week I'll be asking a bunch of questions especially regarding genetic testing and what my doc recommends.

    4. Rants, raves, questions? 
    My husband finally got to hear the heartbeat with our home doppler. I had found it twice before but he wasn't home and I couldn't find it once he was home. Last night he was finally there.. love that sound!

    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? 
    Football! I'm so ready for it. My dad is a football coach so I've grown up with it my entire life. An actual season though.. I love summer! I would lay by the pool every day of the week if I could.
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  • @ShawnnaO I watch and love Big Brother. Paul is definitely running the house. I'm ready for someone to make a big move.
  • @npkat I feel like the house is just full of bullies and I can't fully get behind anyone this season. I was so hoping Christmas would take out Paul but I really don't see that happening now. 
  • 1. 11 weeks - a lime. That seems huge compared to the strawberry last week! 

    2. I'm feeling much better and it's freaking me out. My nausea has been extremely mild compared to what I've read on these boards, but I did have it pretty consistently in the mornings until this past week. 

    3. I have an appointment Friday for NIPT bloodwork and listening for the heart with a doppler. I thought I was getting another ultrasound (wishful thinking) and when I found out I wasn't I told my husband to not bother taking off work. I don't get another ultrasound until 20 weeks. I really thought after my initial ultrasound last month I would stop worrying but now that I'm almost symptomless I'm imagining the worst at my appointment this week. 

    4. I live in St. Louis and took off work yesterday to view the solar eclipse because I live in an area where we got to see totality. It was way cooler than I thought it would be!
    Rant: *TW* we went with my husband's friend and his wife yesterday to the viewing party and she was talking about how she had a miscarriage at 10/11 weeks a couple years ago. They couldn't find a heartbeat at her appointment and she naturally miscarried a few days later. *end TW*
    It totally mindf*cked me and I was already feeling anxious about my appointment on Friday before she said that. 

    5. Autumn, (I'm basic). It's always been my favorite, but like @ShawnnaO, I lived in California for 4 years which is spring/summer all year and it made me miss cool, crisp air and leaves changing even more. Are there any states that are Fall year round? I want to live there. 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    Married: May 2008
    DD Born: March 2018
    DS Born: April 2019
    Due with #3 December 2020!
  • @JBcakes08 I'm in St. Louis too! Where in STL are you? I watched the eclipse too and thought it was way cooler than I expected it to be!
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? - 11 weeks - a lime!

    2. How are you feeling? - Good except for some weird pains from time to time due to my ovarian cyst

    3. Any appointments next week? - Monday, 8/28 is my 12 week ultrasound and genetic counseling / screening

    4. Rants, raves, questions? - Just feeling a little stressed at the moment.  This pregnancy is finally starting to feel real and we will need to either do some more work to fix up our current house or move before the new baby is here.  A little overwhelming to think about.

    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? - Fall by far!  So happy it is almost here!  DD was a fall baby and I wish this one was too so my maternity leave would plan out around it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
  • @npkat I'm actually in Arnold! We drove down to Bloomsdale yesterday to watch it, Schlafly was putting on a big viewing party and it was really cool. Some clouds right at the end, but you could see everything! I didn't know what to expect but it was pretty awesome. Some guy let me borrow his binoculars during totality. Not sure if I was supposed to do that or not lol. Where in STL are you?
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    Married: May 2008
    DD Born: March 2018
    DS Born: April 2019
    Due with #3 December 2020!
  • @JBcakes08 don't worry about a lack of symptoms! You're almost out of first tri and it's VERY normal to start feeling better now! Good luck at your next appointment! Try to relax until then  <3
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    9 weeks, a cherry!
    2. How are you feeling? 
    Nauseous all the time. Also, been running a slight fever, like 99.5 daily so I feel hot all the time. 
    3. Any appointments next week? 
    Nope, no appointments until 12 weeks.
    4. Rants, raves, questions? 
    Feeling nauseous and having to act like you are fine is tough. (Since we aren't telling anyone until we are at least 12 weeks.)
    5. GTKYWhat's your favorite season? 
    Fall...the cooler air and changing of the leaves is lovely. I live in the south now but grew up in the Midwest and loved drinking apple cider and picking apples in the fall. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • @JBcakes08 that watch party sounds fun! I just watched from home. There was so much hype for it, even my sis drove up from OKC, but I was like eh whatever. But it ended up being really cool! I'm glad I watched. I'm in Webster Groves. I'm newer to the STL area, so will you deliver close to Arnold or will you have to drive up to the city?
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?  11w0d

    2. How are you feeling? Still have morning sickness

    3. Any appointments next week? I have an OB appointment and my NIPT.

    4. Rants, raves, questions? Just waiting to feel better.  I haven't been working out like I have wanted and have gained five pounds.  Not shocked.
    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? I love spring and summer.  I love fall too, but I love the high energy of warmer seasons and margaritas.

  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?

    12 weeks - a plum!
    2. How are you feeling? 
    A little better. Instead of all day nausea I just have about an hour of it in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
    3. Any appointments next week? 
    Next appointment is 15 weeks. We are currently waiting for the results of the NIPT blood work that was done last week.
    4. Rants, raves, questions? 

    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? 
    Definitely fall. My birthday is in October and I just love the weather and the changing leaves. I love sweater weather, but not freezing cold. Everything about it is just perfect to me!
  • @JBcakes08 That is certainly not something that I would want to hear either!
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    9 weeks, cherry

    2. How are you feeling? 
    I'm just so tired all the time.  And I have sooo much to do.

    3. Any appointments next week? 
    I had my first OB appointment today.  It wasn't very exciting.  And I had to fill out all my medical history paperwork and go over my records.  Like, didn't I just do this???  And I need to have my thyroid checked again.

    4. Rants, raves, questions? 
    DD's first birthday is Sunday and I'm suddenly feeling overwhelmed by how much I need to do and how tired I am.  And her one year pictures are Friday and I'm still not 100% on wardrobe choices.  

    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? 
    Fall!  I love the changing leaves, cooler weather, comfy sweaters, PSLs, everything.

    @ShawnnaO I thought the NIPT was just a blood test?  Am I confusing NIPT and the NT scan?

    @JBcakes08 Jealous you got to see the eclipse.  And no worries, I'm a basic fall person too.

    @DDRRT1982 Pretty sure I'm up in weight too from eating terribly.  My Drs office switched to weight in kgs though, so when they weighed me today I legitimately had no idea what it was in lbs.  And I'm in too much denial to try the home scale or do a conversion.

    @Soashwifey I feel hot all the time too, but haven't taken a temp.  Do you think you're fighting something off?
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
  • @becausescience I might be using the wrong terminology. We're having an ultrasound to measure baby's neck and then some blood work done on me. It will tell us if baby has Down syndrome, and a couple other things I'm blanking on right now. I'm not sure if we'll find out gender, but I've googled the procedures we're going through and the general consensus seems to be that yes, we will. Ultimately I'm more interested in the other info though. But as far as NIPT vs NT, I could totally be wrong.  :)
  • @ShawnnaO To me that sounds like the NT scan, but maybe it is being combined with NIPT?  If it is just the NT scan, that will not tell you the sex.
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
  • @becausescience what does NT stand for? That might jog my memory 
  • @ShawnnaO Nuchal Translucency
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
  • @becausescience yeah I've definitely never heard of that. I guess I'll find out next week! Im going into it not expecting much. I just want good news. 
  • @ShawnnaO I hope everything goes well too.  Some Drs are switching away from the NT scan (which does still have a blood component) and just doing the cell-free DNA (aka NIPT) so it actually is a little confusing.  I mainly wanted to warn you not to expect learning the sex from the NT scan.
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
  • @becausescience cell-free DNA actually sounds really familiar. But yeah I'm definitely not getting my hopes up to learn the sex. If we do, great, if not, the anatomy scan is only two months away and that time will fly by. 
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 12 weeks -- a plum already! Moving on up!

    2. How are you feeling? I feel really good and I have almost consistently since about 10 weeks. I'm happy to have first tri crap behind me, and now I am settled into normal pregnant twinges and pangs along with general fatigue. I felt the sickest this pregnancy than I have with any other, so it's a nice reprieve.

    3. Any appointments next week? I just had my 12 week appointment yesterday, we heard the heartbeat, and we took care of all the boring stuff (family history, paperwork, pelvic, etc.)

    4. Rants, raves, questions? Why do I keep thinking that it's a good idea to wear button pants in the morning? It's never a good idea. 

    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? I love fall, unapologetically, and I always have. I'm not all PSL-crazy, but I can appreciate that since that craze, fall has gotten a bit of a boost in appreciation from the masses (for that reason among others, obviously). I'm a fall baby, I have two fall babies of my own, and I just really love bonfire season after a long week at work.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @ShawnnaO thank you  :) that makes me feel better! I'm trying to relax the best I can.

    @npkat I'll be delivering at Barnes Jewish hospital. Mercy is really great too but my doctor doesn't work from there! 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    Married: May 2008
    DD Born: March 2018
    DS Born: April 2019
    Due with #3 December 2020!
  • @becausescience Well actually I just got over a bacterial infection/possible strep...but finished all my antibiotics a few days ago and the rest of my symptoms are gone?? I've heard some people have slightly elevated temps during pregnancy? But not really sure?! Hope I'm not getting sick again...dealing with nausea all day is enough. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 11 weeks, a lime!

    I feel pretty good. Increase in headaches. My nausea is subsiding some but still taking unisom and b6 before bed.

    Next appt is next Tues at 12 weeks. I'll probably head the heartbeat and we'll do a blood draw for NIPT.

    No rants or raves. My dh turned down a bj so I'm pretty sure he's having an affair with his hand. We haven't had sex in over a week since I bled after last time. I know it's normal but that didn't happen with my first two kids so I just am on edge until I hit 2nd tri.

    I live in PA. Give me autumn all day every day!
  • k318k318 member
    9 weeks- cherry!

    i feel tired, hungry and dizzy. Overall I'm just feeling lazy- not wanting to cook, clean or do anything.

    next appt in 3 weeks for NT scan

    no rants or raves this week. I am getting excited for my shows to premiere in September but it's still a month away.

    I love the fall. I Am in NY and love the summer for the first month but it can get hot and sticky (and stinky). Fall is by far my fav- leggings, hoodies, boots and pumpkin spice. And back to school for the kids!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • 1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    11 weeks - a lime

    2. How are you feeling? 
    Overall I feel nearly human on occasion again, so improving. Today was an awful nausea day though.

    3. Any appointments next week? 
    Nope. After my appt this Thurs (bumped my 12-week ahead) I'll be in Germany for 2 weeks. It'll be nice to not get my blood drawn for a bit xD

    4. Rants, raves, questions? 
    I want water to stop tasting gross to me - I hate sweet things right now too so soda and gatorade are out. I've been hydrating with watermelon this week and I don't want to make myself sick of watermelon.

    5. GTKY- What's your favorite season? 
    Spring and Fall. Any season where I can be outside for hours, really (can't handle heat for anything).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @JBcakes08 nice! I work at SLU hospital(no L&D there) so as an SSM employee I'll deliver at St. Marys to keep things as cheap as I can in-network. I'm nervous because I don't know anyone that's delivered there, but they have great reviews and I really like my doctor so far.
  • @becausescience thought I would update since you and I were trying to figure this out yesterday. Apparently my clinic has online accounts we can use to ask our doctors questions, so I asked about whether the testing next week would tell us gender -- nope! I'm not disappointed, but very relieved to finally know what I'm going into  :D now just to cross my fingers that everything goes well. 
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