My favorite part of parenting is getting to see everything through DS's eyes. His excitement and curiosity is contagious and makes things that might have seemed boring in the past seem really fun and exciting.
My favorite part of parenting is seeing the understanding and joy cross my son's face whenever he makes some new connection with the world around him. He's starting to put together more actions with words and social norms right now. It's amazing to watch him applaud for himself after he puts his clothes in the hamper for the night because he knows he did the right thing. Stuff like that makes me melt
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Loving the amazing things he is learning and the deliberate sweetness. Running up to me when I get home, asking me if I'm ok and what I'm doing, and the out of no where hugs and kisses are the best.
My favorite part of parenting is watching my sons interact and the love they have for each other. DS1 is such a great big brother and will try to love on and comfort his little brother all the time.
STM here and I love seeing DS figure things out and get smarter. He’s only 20 mo but yesterday he told DH “I want pubba (peanut butter)”. So fun to start communicating! I’m looking forward to seeing DS be a big brother but also nervous about the newborn stage again. I know I’ll enjou it but scared I’m going to forget something and try to hand the newborn a sippy cup or expect them to walk to the car or something lol.
STM here and I love seeing DS figure things out and get smarter. He’s only 20 mo but yesterday he told DH “I want pubba (peanut butter)”. So fun to start communicating! I’m looking forward to seeing DS be a big brother but also nervous about the newborn stage again. I know I’ll enjou it but scared I’m going to forget something and try to hand the newborn a sippy cup or expect them to walk to the car or something lol.
Exactly! I love being able to walk in the door right now and drop DS on his feet to run off and play. What the heck did I do with a newborn? They have to be held? Like all the time? I can't just hand them crackers when hungry? Oh yes I remember, and also oh boy
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
STM here and I love seeing DS figure things out and get smarter. He’s only 20 mo but yesterday he told DH “I want pubba (peanut butter)”. So fun to start communicating! I’m looking forward to seeing DS be a big brother but also nervous about the newborn stage again. I know I’ll enjou it but scared I’m going to forget something and try to hand the newborn a sippy cup or expect them to walk to the car or something lol.
Exactly! I love being able to walk in the door right now and drop DS on his feet to run off and play. What the heck did I do with a newborn? They have to be held? Like all the time? I can't just hand them crackers when hungry? Oh yes I remember, and also oh boy
And back to sleep. That will be something to get used to again. DS is a belly sleeper so I always lay him down on his belly and cover him with a blanket...that too no blankets. I’m terrified actually lol.
STM here and I love seeing DS figure things out and get smarter. He’s only 20 mo but yesterday he told DH “I want pubba (peanut butter)”. So fun to start communicating! I’m looking forward to seeing DS be a big brother but also nervous about the newborn stage again. I know I’ll enjou it but scared I’m going to forget something and try to hand the newborn a sippy cup or expect them to walk to the car or something lol.
Exactly! I love being able to walk in the door right now and drop DS on his feet to run off and play. What the heck did I do with a newborn? They have to be held? Like all the time? I can't just hand them crackers when hungry? Oh yes I remember, and also oh boy
And back to sleep. That will be something to get used to again. DS is a belly sleeper so I always lay him down on his belly and cover him with a blanket...that too no blankets. I’m terrified actually lol.
Oh yeah, that too. Luckily, they fall asleep on their own so stinking easily in those first couple of months. That'll be nice as I fell into bad habits with DS and he still gets rocked to sleep at 14 months *facepalm*
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
I'm answering both lol. My favorite part is watching my crazy little girl develop her own special personality, and I'm looking forward to watching my two kids grow up together.
I love as they start to sign (we did baby sign with ours) and talk, and you get to find out what their thinking! i'm also really looking forward to the baby cuddles. My littlest is nearly 2 and not much of a cuddler. You pick him up and 10 seconds later he's yelling 'down' lol. Also love how easy they are when their little, before the start moving! Though will have to protect this baby more with 2 stomping toddlers around!
My favorite part of parenting so far is J's love of reading. He's only 17 months, but he'll sit with a stack of books for forever and pretend to read. It's so cute.
Re: GTKY: favorite part of parenting/ most excited about
Baby Boy - 3/2015
MC - 8/2017
EDD - 8/2018
Married April 1st 2017
DS #1: May 2009
DS #2: Jan 2012
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
i'm also really looking forward to the baby cuddles. My littlest is nearly 2 and not much of a cuddler. You pick him up and 10 seconds later he's yelling 'down' lol.
Also love how easy they are when their little, before the start moving! Though will have to protect this baby more with 2 stomping toddlers around!