March 2018 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 8/21


Re: Monday Bitchfest 8/21

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    I am too tired and nauseous to deal with the shit head neighbor kids. Their parents send them out to play unsupervised and they act like little thugs towards younger kids like my son. I am tired of having my kid ganged up on by older and bigger kids!
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    The charger to my laptop died. Only mobile bumping for two whole days. 
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
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    One of our new neighbors, who I've never met, keeps sending her 6 year old daughter out to play by herself. She has come over uninvited every single day this past month. Wanting to come and play, wanting snacks, and she's one of the most obnoxious kids ever. Honestly I feel bad for her that no one seems to care where she is. I'm raging at her parents though, I'm not a free babysitter!!
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    @heatherdubrow That's insane! Are you going to go over there and ask them to quit being bums? Or maybe send your kids over there and let them eat all their food. 

    @chasingroygbiv  I thought sending 3 year olds to preschool was something everyone did. I'm a FTM so I don't know these things. I don't think anyone should give you a hard time with that, she will be learning! That's so rude especially coming from a daycare provider. 

    Me: 36    DH: 37
    Married: 5.27.16
    Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    edited August 2017
    I don't have a bitch fest today but I had my u/s and they measured me at 13w 3d, not 12w 4d like I thought. that makes my DD 2-23-18 and I don't want to leave you march mommas!!
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    @chasingroygbiv I've never heard of shaming for 3 year old morning preschool!  Like @muggle621 , I thought everyone did that.  That's ridiculous.  Kids have so much fun at preschool.  My DS goes to daycare 3 days a week, because I work part time, but back when I wasn't sure I would get a job right away in our new town I was all prepared to send him to part-time daycare anyway just because he loves hanging out with the other kids!  I'm sorry someone said that to you. 
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    @crossfitbabybump there could still be a good chance you end up having baby in March! This happened to me with my first. I was bumped up a week and then she ended up being over a week late so she was closer to original due date.  At my last appt. they measured this baby a week bigger as well, but I'm keeping my original DD because I have a feeling the same thing will happen! 
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    @muggle621 my kids are too little for that, and I wouldn't trust them anyway! I've started just being rude and telling her she can't come over.
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    edited August 2017
    Then I'm staying right here! But I will have to change my Ticker Change from Thursday to Friday, lol!
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    @heatherdubrow that is very obnoxious of her parents! Makes me glad my closest neighbors are a mile away!
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    @crossfitbabybump Can I just say I am kind of jealous that you are past the first tri!!! I also think you should stay here!
    Me: 36    DH: 37
    Married: 5.27.16
    Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @chasingroygbiv that's so weird to me, I would never think that would be something to shame! My youngest is almost 3 and starting preschool and she's so excited!
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    @chasingroygbiv OMG i can relate!  I'm going to be a single mom by choice and i've been shamed ALREADY about having to put my child in day care because I have to work.  People have told me that I should have thought this through before being selfish and having a child with no help.  I do have plenty of help, this is my choice! UGH.. ignore them.. Pre-school is great for children, she will get a great start and be ahead of those in kindergarten who didn't go to pre-school! 
    @chasingroygbiv  We couldn't afford to pay for preschool so my son didn't get that head start.  Although we worked with him at home, he's a bit behind academically.  If you can afford preschool - go for it!  I think anyone who shames you for getting a head start on your child's education has serious issues!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I have another BF- I think I have an UTI so I'm waiting to give my pee sample to the lab. It was empty when I got here 15 min ago and I chugged water in the car so now I have to pee so effing bad! They need to hurry up and call me now. 
    Me: 36    DH: 37
    Married: 5.27.16
    Baby Boy Due: 3.18.18
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @chasingroygbiv OMG i can relate!  I'm going to be a single mom by choice and i've been shamed ALREADY about having to put my child in day care because I have to work.  People have told me that I should have thought this through before being selfish and having a child with no help.  I do have plenty of help, this is my choice! UGH.. ignore them.. Pre-school is great for children, she will get a great start and be ahead of those in kindergarten who didn't go to pre-school! 
    @chasingroygbiv  We couldn't afford to pay for preschool so my son didn't get that head start.  Although we worked with him at home, he's a bit behind academically.  If you can afford preschool - go for it!  I think anyone who shames you for getting a head start on your child's education has serious issues!
    This just proves that mom life is a life is constant shaming. My son is turning 2 next month and I hear a lot crap from random about how we might not send him to preschool if I'm not working yet. 

    I've told the shamers they are welcome to pay for his preschool.  :D

    But seriously...Mom life is shame life and that plain sucks. 
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    I'm so over this weird cold and hacking cough. It's a huge training week at MH's job so he's going to be working more than usual and I have no energy to stop the toddler from destroying my house. 
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    tirola said:
    I spent all weekend at the hospital with my 2 year old. She was diagnosed with cdiff and norovirus. I'm now feeling miserable and vomiting all while trying to keep up with the endless amounts of poopy diapers. My whole body hurts and my doctor still hasn't called me back to tell me if they want me to come in or not. I just want to curl up and sleep for a month. 
    Oh my, that sounds really awful. I hope you're both well very soon.
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    @tirola ugh c diff is the worst!!
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    I feel miserable today and I'm blaming the eclipse and not the pregnancy. My head and neck is killing me. I feel totally drained. I feel like I do usually on a full moon. Bleeeehhh.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    edited August 2017
    @chasingroygbiv Do you know my MIL? Because she tells me, basically word for word, that every time she sees me right now. My 2 yo DD will be going part time beginning on Thursday. 

    I'm tired of hearing it. I don't even care to defend our choice anymore. I generally tell her that she's our daughter and we know she'll love it. My SIL (her DD) has the children 3 and under with the fourth on the way and they all thrive being at home ALL day. We don't. I wouldn't send her if I didn't think she'd love it and excel. 

    Suck it, MIL.

    Edited to fix typo.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    I have the headache from hell. 
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    @mylovelittlelove My toddler has been insane today and I'm totally blaming the eclipse. It's basically my way of making myself believe it has to be better tomorrow...
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    I feel miserable today and I'm blaming the eclipse and not the pregnancy. My head and neck is killing me. I feel totally drained. I feel like I do usually on a full moon. Bleeeehhh.
    Same here! I have been blaming my misery today on the eclipse. It makes me feel better. 
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    Thanks everyone for the pre-school reassurance. I didn't know if I really was in the right to think it's OK to send her a couple times a week or if it's the educator in me. My son went both years of pre-school for the socialization aspect and I don't think he's any worse off. I was at work at that point anyway so I figured it was that or daycare because I couldn't put all of that on Grandma. This go around I'm home, but her separation anxiety makes me believe this is something we truly need to do for her, but also for me or Kindergarten could be a true nightmare. I know my heart is going to shatter on the first day when I drop her off, but I'm trying to prepare by habit DH take a late lunch and meet me there. Ha! 

    Also @heatherdubrow I don't have a neighbor like that, but there is a lady in town here that has 4 kids and 3 of the 4 are that exact way (4th isn't old enough yet, then I'm sure she will be equally as obnoxious). Mom doesn't help matters any. She basically would go to the pool, hang with a friend and tell the kids (7, 5, and 3) to have a blast. The lifeguards were furious and my best friend saved the little boy (5) from drowning— TWICE. Mom had no idea, she wasn't even in the same area of the pool (main pool, baby, splash pad, and diving areas are all separated. She's always posting on a Facebook asking if anyone would like her kids to come over, too. Like, what? Don't have kids to pawn them off, please. Ugh.
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    Minor MBF: the woman who took my blood today must've been having a bad day. 1) it shouldn't hurt like that; 2) I shouldn't have a bruise like this

    @heatherdubrow we have a family like that and their 3 kids are always at other people's houses unbeknownst to their parents. The youngest, a girl age 3 (!!), walks INTO other people's homes and plays with their toys. What?! I worry for their ability to discern strangers from safe adults, and it just totally freaks me out how oblivious the parents are when they come looking for the kids at a meal time or when it's getting late. I keep worrying that one of them is going to get hit by a car, abducted, etc. and it could have been prevented!

    @tirola what a pain!! I am sorry you have to go through that!

    @brettanomyces +1 for the best response to that complaint!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    yeah I freakin' love you guys! I'm staying here! :D
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    Then I'm staying right here! But I will have to change my Ticker Change from Thursday to Friday, lol!
    I generally post Friday Ticker Change. We're happy to have you! :smile:

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @mylovelittlelove - Yes! So excited! Thank you :)
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