If your EDD is 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, welcome to your ticker change!
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
2. How are you feeling?
3. Any appointments next week?
4. Rants, raves, questions?
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
732973 Clomid Cycles
2 IUIs
3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
Re: Ticker change Wednesday
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
12 weeks-plum
2. How are you feeling?
Still throwing up basically everything I eat or drink. It's starting to take a toll on me mentally because I just feel so drained and exhausted all the time. Really, really hoping it eases up soon.
3. Any appointments next week?
NT scan on Monday!
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni and pineapple
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?12 weeks, plum
2. How are you feeling?
A little downtrodden...I'm at the same point as most - It takes everything in me to care for the house, my son, work, and apply all the tricks while still throwing up and just plain not feeling well. I think it's just a hormonal day and I'll snap out of it.
Really feeling everything you said, @hullabalou!
3. Any appointments next week?
No, but I had a nice chat with my midwife on Monday.
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Usually, all veggie, but pizza sounds icky right now.
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
11weeks, lime (though 4.1cm is the smallest lime I've ever seen?!- they should have chosen a different fruit). Let's say small fig.
2. How are you feeling?
Good. I feel over the hump since last week. I had no nausea or symptoms with my first, so I am relieved that it's better now. Fingers crossed it stays this way.
3. Any appointments next week?
Yes, dating ultrasound on Friday. Super excited! The timing is perfect since we are leaving for vacation next week, and hopefully I will be able to enjoy it more after a good first ultrasound.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Ham and pineapple
2. How are you feeling? Tired, but slightly less sick than last week. FX my MS days are numbered.
3. Any appointments next week? Today!
4. Rants, raves, questions? No
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping? pepperoni
10 weeks
2. How are you feeling?
Not too bad today.
3. Any appointments next week?
Yes, just a checkup on 8/21.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
My in-laws took my daughter to the park, and I got a rare and much appreciated break.
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pesto, ricotta, and onions.
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
10 weeks - strawberry or a "Lego man"
2. How are you feeling?
It's on and off. My mood has absolutely improved and I'm not feeling as defeated. Daytime is pretty good overall but I usually start to feel pretty crummy by dinner time
3. Any appointments next week?
I had a follow up to my US with my OB yesterday. I actually find the follow up appointments very annoying. I waited 1hr past my appointment time to spend literally 5min with my OB for him to say he was pleased with the results - here is your next requisition ... Bye!
Can't that be done over the phone? My GP always just called me for test results...I don't see why I have to make an appointment and go in every time.
I did get the requisition for NT ultrasound/blood work though. I'm going to put it off until the end if the deadline though....I know I'll want the reassurance of an ultrasound closer to 13 week.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
that's a tough one... it changes often and I'm not
usually picky (except for recently). Lately is BBQ sauce instead of tomato
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
9 weeks...cherry
2. How are you feeling?
Actually pretty good! (Well other than being exhausted and not having much of an appetite.) I'm hoping I won't have any more MS, but I'm just blah on food overall right now. Definitely haven't gained any weight yet (I've even lost some) so I'm hoping that'll change soon.
3. Any appointments next week?
I have my prenatal workup next Thursday the 24th
4. Rants, raves, questions?
Nope! Just ready to not want to crawl into bed all the time!
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni, tomato, and feta!
10 weeks - strawberry (or kumquat or poker chip)
2. How are you feeling?
Emotional and stressed. I found out yesterday that I am diabetic (type-2, not gestational) and I need to start insulin immediately. The problem is that I can't afford the $650/month for the insulin and the doctor has me scared that I will harm the baby and we will have birth defects if I don't follow his treatment plan. I've been crying almost non-stop since yesterday.
3. Any appointments next week?
Had one yesterday, but not again until the 29th.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
Are you guys happy with your insurance? I have a high-deductible HSA through work and the cost of my visits and (now) prescriptions are killing me! I'm so sad and wish I could get a secondary plan to help cover more of the cost.
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Ham & pineapple
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 8 weeks/raspberry
2. How are you feeling? Morning sickness has started. I haven't thrown up, but just a constant dull nausea that lasts all day. If I let myself get too hungry its worse, so trying to eat. Other than that just tired.
3. Any appointments next week? Yes, I finally have my first prenatal apt on Monday. And, I'm going to update this in the randoms, but in the saga of my first trimester ultrasound, I won the battle and am getting one tomorrow! Woohoo!
4. Rants, raves, questions? My doctor's office hates me (rightfully so). Like the nurse that called me back could barely speak to me. In my defense, I spent hours on the phone yesterday trying to figure these scans out, and every time I called I got put on hold, disconnected, or put into someone's voicemail and no one ever called back. I finally called and sobbed like a crazy person, but it ended up working. Except now they hate me. : /
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping? mushrooms and pepperoni. With some good ranch to dip it in, or garlic dipping sauce
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
9 weeks (10 on Friday) Cherry
2. How are you feeling?
Tired, tired, tired, tired! Also sick of being sick when I eat dairy, ice cream is my jam!
3. Any appointments next week?
Ultrasound for dating next Tuesday 8/22-super excited to see baby this early on! (my OB's office typically doesn't do ultrasounds until 18wks for gender)
4. Rants, raves, questions?
Not at the moment!
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
Green Pepper, onions, and mushroom
although we do pay higher taxes in Canada. I only pay 35 dollars a month for full benefits ( this includes medical, dental, disability, life insurance... etc).
do you have any options to switch providers for a better plan?
2) I felt better at this point with my girls, today I woke up and my boobs are hurting more than they have in a while. Ugh.
3) Saw OB yesterday so nothing for another 2ish weeks
4) I feel gross
5) Pepperoni and extra cheese or Sausage and green peppers
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
11 weeks today! It's my first time posting in here because I was waiting for my dating US to confirm my EDD- that was today so here I am, due 3/7!
2. How are you feeling?
A little better this week- nausea and food aversions have been intense but I've been keeping it down. Also a little less exhausted.
3. Any appointments next week?
No! Just had my first and second appointments rolled into one today since I was further along than expected. Did the first trimester screen and glucose test.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
Not really! I'm super happy to be further along than I thought so just enjoying that vibe today haha.
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
pesto, feta, and artichoke hearts.
9 weeks - cherry
2. How are you feeling?
Ive been able to keep the nausea in check by keeping something in my stomach at all times, and also the occasional Zantac. Had a rough 4 days of constipation which made the nausea 10 times worse, but a cup of coffee and cherries fixed that. I'm trying to drink more water and eat healthier meals because I've just been stuffing my face with all the bread to soak up the stomach acid.
3. Any appointments next week?
Next appt is Sept 8th for the NT sonogram and prenatal testing blood draw
4. Rants, raves, questions?
I have to potty train and sleep train the toddler before this baby comes and I'm dreading both.
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
I like a classic pepperoni, or Ham and pineapple
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
-11 weeks
2. How are you feeling?
-Sooooo much better. I still get a little queasy and gaggy sometimes but it's nothing like it easy
3. Any appointments next week?
-Not till next week
4. Rants, raves, questions?
-So ready to be done with the first trimester!
5. GTKY - What is your favorite pizza topping?
-this is a hard one. I like so many, and always get tons of toppings. Maybe onions or mushrooms?
We were paying $1700/month for freaking garbage coverage for just medical. Now, we pay $450/month for WAY better coverage, way more coverage and we get dental/vision discounts that are basically like having insurance ($39 cleanings, etc...)
I was so resistant and hesitant at first BC calling them is chaotic and the switch felt stressful. Now, I'm so thankful for having found this. Everything is easy and no garbage to deal with and the overall cost per year is so low.
What I'm saying, is its hard to get on board, but it's super worth it in the end. They've been amazing to deal with vs the nightmare I've experienced from every insurance company I've had.
I think my eyes just about popped out of my head!
I'm sorry I am not trying to be inconsiderate or rude. I just cannot imagine paying that kind of money for Healthcare. It makes me so angryy that there are people out there who do!
Let me just say, $1700 is NOT a random amount we can just squeeze into our budget. Not that anyone can, but I felt rage at "the system.". We had no options through the exchange that were better and nowhere to turn.
MediShare has been a saving grace...And actually good stuff!
Sorry for derailing. That was a hormonal post. I've been overly emotional the past 2 days and just too chatty...