
Standing Question

Hi!  My DD has LOVED to stand since about 3 - 4 months . . . she hates to sit on your lap and has always preferred to stand and "jump" while being held.  Her legs are a chunky & very strong.  She learned to sit unassisted first and is now crawling & cruising all over the place.

My DS on the other hand doesn't like to put weight on his legs.  For the longest time he was very unpurportioned (his head was in the 90th percentile and weight/body was in the 6th -- he is still super long and has really skinny legs).  The NICU therapist and our pedi weren't too concened that he took longer to get good head control, etc. because of his large head . . . we assumed he would "grow into" it, which he has to an extent.  He uses his legs all the time -- honestly, they never sit still.  When laying down he is constantly kicking them and he'll use them to push himself backward & in circles when he is on his back. He HATES to be on his belly (he immediately rolls over), but we are slowly trying to work on getting him on his belly so he'll learn to crawl.  He started sitting on his own just 2 - 3 weeks after DD and I was amazed he caught up so quickly.  But when I try to get him to stand (with my hands under his armpits) he folds his legs.  We tried to get him to stand in the exercauser, but he "folds" his legs behind him there, too (we've tried lowering it & raising it). 

Has anyone else had a DC who didn't like to put weight on his/her legs?  We don't go back to the pedi until next month and we don't have another NICU f/up until March.  I'm wondering if we should be looking to get him into EI, but I'd also like to try to work with him on our own.  I am trying to research exercises / activities, but I thought I'd ask here, too.


Re: Standing Question

  • My friend's daughter was like this.  She crawled right before she walked and mostly scooted around on her bum until about 19 months.  They did not seek EI, but if it had been my child, being an EI service provider, I would have looked into services.  She did eventually walk and has caught up just fine, but did not want any weight on her legs for the longest time.


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