January 2018 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 8/14/17

This is for us Monday due date ladies, didn't see one yesterday but I kept forgetting to look or add my own. Copied from Tuesdays because I liked todays GTKY question.

1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 

2) How are you feeling?

3) Have you felt baby move yet?

4) Any appointments this week/last?

5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?

J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Monday Ticker Change 8/14/17

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    KatieElKatieEl member
    edited August 2017

    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 19 weeks, a pair of sunglasses

    2) How are you feeling?  Feeling so great, no breakthrough bleeding for a few week and I'm just counting down the days until the 28th when I'm hopefully cleared for all activity again.  I'm going to celebrate by going on the longest walk ever and squatting as much as I please!

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?  Little flutters here and there, but nothing strong or consistent

    4) Any appointments this week/last? Nope. A/S is the 23rd and 20 week appointment is the 28th.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? Painters are finishing up this week (we moved about a month ago and we're having the whole house repainted) so I'm excited to finish putting the nursery back together.  We also had to switch DS1 into 4t clothes this weekend (and I needed my maternity clothes out of storage too), so we pulled down the newborn clothes while we were up in the attic, and omg a) so much laundry and b) I always forget how tiny newborn clothes is!

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby? Currently a SAHM, and thats unlikely to change anytime soon.  (In a former life I was a paralegal turned lawyer turned legal marketer.  If/when I eventually return to work when my kids are all older it likely will NOT be in the legal industry.)

    @supercoolstephy thanks for starting this thread; I don't know why I have such a mental block on getting this one going!  Feel free to take it on permanently if you like! :)

    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?  16 weeks, Action Figure/Avocado and now I suddenly never want to eat an avocado ever again.

    2) How are you feeling? I keep hearing about lightening crotch. I don't know if I have ever felt that, maybe I mentally blocked that out from my last pregnancy, but I have been getting lightening boobs. haha I guess what I'm feeling is like a less painful mastitis feeling and my boobs are looking huge this week.

    3) Have you felt baby move yet? I did last week. I'd been feeling her over the week before but was never 100% sure but then I was eating lunch and sitting in a weird position and she was like eff this and was moving moving moving. I haven't felt anything like that since, but it was cool.

    4) Any appointments this week/last? Nope, just hanging out till my A/S in 3ish weeks, 9/7. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? RANT: Currently in paying the OB for the delivery hell and I have no fun money till October because of it. It will be so wonderful when I get that money back in 2018 when I can submit the receipt to my FSA but still... it makes it not fun right now when I want to buy all the things.

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby? I work in eBook and Digital asset distribution for a book publisher. I was looking at budgets to see if staying home was possible, but I'd still have to get a part time job to pay some part of the household bills. So I'm going back to work, because my take home, even after paying for 2 kids in daycare is what I'd have to make part time. I'd rather have my nights and weekends with the kids, instead of working part time in retail somewhere and being mentally and physically exhausted when I'm home with the kids during the day, and literally getting no rest anywhere. 

    @KatieEl I can take it over if you want. I'm really bad at the GTKY questions, so I'll probably keep stealing everyone elses. haha

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @supercoolstephy avocados are one of my favorite foods of all time, and I had such a first trimester aversion to them it was tragic.  I know paying your OB up front is incredibly common (based on all the threads on this board), but it still blows my mind.  And totally sucks that it's monopolizing your fun money until then!
    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
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    @KatieEl we're still in 2Ts right now. He's short and was so round before he was walking so we have been in 2Ts because of his belly since last November, now we're in 2Ts because of the length. I did just stock up on 3Ts for him and some pants when The Children's Place had their 60% off sale. I like their stuff for fall/winter for him, and I'll take buying a new t-shirt for $3 and a pair of pants for $5, I never find those prices at consignment shops. I'm kinda excited for newborn girl clothes and also her wearing some of her brothers shirts when she fits in them.

    And yes, the OB prebill blows. I have to pay it every month for 3 months, and if I miss one of the payments they won't see me for that appointment and I have to reschedule. If I miss 3 or have to do a reschedule 3 times I can't be seen as a patient anymore. I'm thankful that I'm at place financially that I can afford this, but I am always shocked when I remember how poorly I managed nearly the same salary(plus working a second job at Express) before having DS, and now I'm able to afford Daycare, and prebill and be a decently well rounded adult.

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    19w1d. Baby boy is the size of a mango!

    2) How are you feeling?

    I'm feeling pretty good! Still tired and irritable but good overall. 

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?

    A little bit here and there. Nothing distinct. 

    4) Any appointments this week/last?

    A/S was yesterday! Baby boy is perfect!  My placenta was low enough that they had to call it precise but didn't seem concerned yet. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    My new shirts and bras from Motherhood rock!

    Side sleeping sucks. So does my suddenly-very-vocal cat who has taken it upon herself to prepare me waaaayyyy in advance for baby.

    Bringing Up Bebe is an awesome read.

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?

    I'm an administrative assistant to a financial planner. I'd like to be a SAHM but that won't happen immediately. They have okayed baby boy coming with me but I only see that working a short time. Once he's mobile, we'll have to figure something else out. 

  • Options
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    18 weeks, artichoke I think

    2) How are you feeling?

    I feel ok. I too @supercoolstephy am getting lightening boobs, it's like my nipples are getting these wierd sensations. DH is currently banned from them and pretty bummed.

    I am also having a lot of butt pain after my work day. I've been taking less stairs but still have to sit with the heating pad when I get home 

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?

    yes, for a few weeks now! Over the last week it has become more frequent and I feel it more often then when I'm just laying down.

    4) Any appointments this week/last?

    yes, appointment tomorrow with my new (old) OB office. I'm pretty pumped about it.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    I am SOooo in vacation mode at work. I just have 4 more work days before we leave. It's been over a year since I had more than a long weekend away from work. And 2 years since we actually went on a real vaca. 

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?

    pharmacy technician, current role, medicine history technician. Basically I interview any patients getting admitted to the hospital to make sure thier home med list is correct.

    We ran the numbers this weekend and not only will I be going back to work but I'll have to add an extra day. Currently I work 24 hours/week. After this LO I'll have to work at least 30 hours/week. Boo. 

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    @supercoolstephy 2ts where by far the most worn size so far in this house: pre walking, walking, and even some of the t-shirts this summer on the 3.5 year old.  We're lucky that one of my best friend's son was born a year before DS1 (but same month) so we get all his hand-me-downs.  Otherwise, buying on the sales would be the only way to do it I think!

    @ryannenikole I had a low lying placenta last time that ended up moving, so I think it's smart not to stress yet it's pretty common.  When do you go back for a follow-up ultrasound?
    DS1: Nov. 2013
    DS2: Jan. 2016
    DS3: Dec. 2017
    Baby #4 on the way!
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    @KatieEl and @supercoolstephy man I just must have a huge child. She has been in 2T since 12 months. I'm hoping she will stay this size for a while now that she is running around and burning more calories on a daily basis.

    @supercoolstephy idk if you have it but I get a lot of DDs clothes off of Zulilly. Some of it is still expensive but I find really good deals on Pj's and shirts usually.
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    @burnsmommy27 DS has been in 2Ts since 12 months, he's a November baby. I feel like we got a good run in them so far at almost 10 months, the 3Ts are still fairly big on him so I'm not putting him in them. I'll check out Zulilly for girls stuff. I've picked up a few things here or there are Carters and Osh Kosh in their clearance since she'll be in 6 months-ish next summer, plus summer is forever long here in TN. haha.

    @KatieEl All my friends who have boys are summer month kids so it didn't help us much. DH friends want to give us a bunch of clothes, but I'm picky and I'm going to feel bad when I don't show up to their place not in the random stuff they give us. So I kinda want to tell him to tell them no so I don't hurt their feelings later.

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
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    ::lurking:: @supercoolstephy @burnsmommy27 @KatieEl I have a very tall child. DD just turned 3 and we're in 4T/5T and some children's size 4. We haven't been in 2T since about 18 months lol.

    I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

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    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    edited August 2017
    @missblaze I wish my kid was tall. I'm only 5'1, DH is 5'8 (which I call BS and say he's 5'7) so Banner had no chance of being tall... like... at all. No one on either side of our families is tall. He's going to be short, stocky, little linebacker. haha

    edit: I just called my kid by his name and not DS and suddenly I feel like I'll be banished from the internet forever. haha. 

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    20 weeks, a medium sized banana

    2) How are you feeling?

    Large, but that's to be expected

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?

    Some days yes, but mostly no, when I do it's always on my left side

    4) Any appointments this week/last?

    I had a fasting glucose test yesterday, but I won't see the Dr again until next monday, hoping to schedule our A/S then!

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    I feel like the only person that either doesn't know the sex yet and/or hasn't had the a/s yet, I'm getting so impatient!

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?

    I am an accountant for several restaurant chains and will most definitely be returning to work. I dream of being a.SAHM but we are a two income household and contribute equally so cutting that in half would be painful

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? I am 20 weeks and officially halfway there, woohoo!  Baby is the size of a paper airplane and/or banana.

    2) How are you feeling?  I am feeling great! Just some occasional back pain, but nothing too serious yet.  The scale keeps creeping up though, but it is great assurance that she is growing.  :) 

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?  I feel like I have felt a few flutters here and there.  But during my elective ultrasound she noted my placenta is on the top of the baby and most likely cushioning the movements I feel.  I also have a tilted uterus.

    4) Any appointments this week/last?  Yes, I have an appointment tomorrow with my new OB practice here in Maryland.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?  Rant is hormones.  My irrational self needs to get it together lol.

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?  I am a Facility Manager for the U.S. Army supporting their mission in the Chemical and Biological testing arenas. I started in July and definitely will be returning after having her.  I really do love the job and the perks that come with it: 25 minutes from home, zero premium healthcare and off every other Friday.  :) 

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    17 weeks as of the Monday ticker change, baby is as big as a pomegranite.

    2) How are you feeling?
    Gassy. I keep having to leave my cubicle so my coworkers don't hate me. 

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?
    I am pretty sure I felt some flickering movements last week. This week I feel a general heavy slosh that my doctor says is baby movements. It's like... rolling or churning. 

    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    I was in last Thursday for my 16 week check, I had my quad screen done and I just got the results back on the phone today! Negative for Down Syndrome, neural tube defects, and Trisomy 18. Doctor wants to schedule an ultrasound so that'll be set up in the next week or so. We'll probably be able to find out the sex then! 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Rave: Medela gel nipple pads. As long as I have one of these babies on, I do not peel, itch, or bleed. 

    Rant: 4 in a box? D: That's not even a week worth!

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?
    I work for MaineCare - which is Maine's Medicaid program, in primary care case management, which means I make sure people are assigned to a primary care provider and that they are doing things like showing up for appointments and following up after surgeries/ER visits. We mostly work with higher needs populations and children, so it's necessary and really beneficial for them. It's very rewarding. 

    I do plan to go back after baby, I should have at least 6 weeks of FMLA left (I have used some already on migraines/appointments) and I also get a week of paid parental leave, so I expect to be back with my butt in this chair about 6-8 weeks afterwards. We can't afford to lose my income at this point.

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    @auntieraindrop I think I've mentioned that DH is from Maine and we're looking at moving there next year or so. We're at lest planning a trip next summer in Wells.

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
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    @supercoolstephy I hope we stay in 2T for a while.

    @missblaze I have a tall one too. She's been 99% for height since birth. I just had the GI doc tell me last week she is very big. Lol yeah I know

    @tlnman87 don't worry. I don't know the sex yet or have had an AS. We are actually out of the state during my 2oth week. Probably don't do the AS until week 22. I'm not super stressing bc I've already had so many scans. Having patience is not my strong suite
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    @burnsmommy27 So many scans? I guess that just goes to show that you can stress about anything, lol! I'm stressing because I haven't had any scans since 6 weeks. I feel like I might just as well be living in the 1800s for all I know about this baby. 
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    Lol @auntieraindrop yes I think I've had 5 scans. It's mostly bc the stupid office kept messing up my EDD, but I fired them so hopefully my knew office can get it together and I'll just have an AS. The scans are the only thing I have to pay for with my insurance 

    Yes as parents you can worry about anything and everything. 
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?  19 weeks yesterday - mango!

    2) How are you feeling? pretty good...but also hungry ALL THE TIME.

    3) Have you felt baby move yet? yes! I love it. I had been feeling occasional movement for a while but in the last week or so it's been much more frequent and distinct - especially at night. 

    4) Any appointments this week/last? Had my a/s scan last week but baby girl was transverse so they couldn't get good heart or face measurements. I have to go back in a couple of weeks for another scan. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? the tech who did the a/s was super cranky and annoyed at my baby and me. Like I can help it if she's not cooperating?!? 

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby? I'm an elementary school teacher and will definitely be going back to work after this LO is born. The plan is that I'll go back in April butttt I'm currently trying to convince DH that I should take the rest of the school year off and just go back in September. We have to number crunch to see if it's feasible.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 18 weeks - baby is the size of a sweet potato!

    2) How are you feeling? Overall good, but some backaches after work and my ankle has been hurting me the past couple days as well... I didn't do anything out of the usual, but maybe pregnancy is just making me more injury prone?

    3) Have you felt baby move yet? Yes! I'm feeling him move every day! I love it, all these tiny pokes from inside!

    4) Any appointments this week/last? Nope, not again until the 31st!

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: The maternity clothes I ordered came in, and they are so comfortable! After wearing maternity jeans, I never want to go back to my old ones!

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby? I work in Recreation at a high-end resort. I will go back after baby, because we can't get by on just one income, but will probably just work part time.

  • Options
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 

    17 weeks, pomegranate! 

    2) How are you feeling?

    pretty good physically, mentally a bit overwhelmed 

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?

    No! I keep hoping to but haven't yet, not that I know what it will feel like  

    4) Any appointments this week/last?

    yes! a/s tomorrow morning and Ob apt on Friday  

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    I bought maternity clothes finally - a few things from H&M and a whole bag of used from someone.  So nice to have clothing options again that are comfortable! 

    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?

    I am the marketing director for the New York City Marathon. Yes I'll be heading back to work, I'm single so unless I hit the lottery not working isn't an option! 

    @ryannenikole a friend just gave me that book, can't wait to read it on my vacation in 2 weeks. 

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    @bkbaby18 cool job. Running in the New York Marathon is on my bucket list. My goal for post baby is to complete the Lake Powell half marathon next year.
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    @burnsmommy27 yes I'm lucky I got to combine my career and running! I ran it 5 times before I started working there. It's an amazing experience! That's a great goal, I need to set one too. My runs are down to 2-3 slow miles now. 
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    20 weeks, banana.... half way there! 

    2) How are you feeling?

    I've started to get cramps in my calves while sleeping. Still always hungry. 

    3) Have you felt baby move yet?

    Yes,  all day. The other night my husband felt the baby wiggling too.

    4) Any appointments this week/last?


    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?


    6) GTKY: What is your current occupation? Do you plan to go back to work after having your baby?

    I'm a teacher. I'm planning on taking a quarter off then returning for 4th quarter. I'd love to take off the whole semester and return in the fall but we can't afford it. 

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