December 2017 Moms

GTKY: Am I Normal?

edited August 2017 in December 2017 Moms
Happy Tuesday! Instead of just a question, lets play a game! Post something you do that is "weird" or quirky. If you do the same thing someone else posted click love it!

eta: Feel free to post more than once!
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Re: GTKY: Am I Normal?

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    Sometimes I will eat all the breading off my McDonald's nuggets before eating the meat. My husband thinks I am psycho when I do that  :D
    Me 29 I Him 26
    Married 4/22/16
    TTC 9/2015
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    TTCAL 6/15/16
    BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
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    I posted one of these a few weeks ago! Haha. I'll try to think of one I didn't use then...or maybe I'll just go back and recycle one I already used. Lol.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

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    @MJDsquared well crap! Sorry! If I participated I clearly don't remember  :D
    Me 29 I Him 26
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    BFP 2/1/16 I MC 3/21/16 (11w)
    TTCAL 6/15/16
    BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
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    Sometimes when I say words like "beautiful" or "neighbor", I silently spell out the letters in my head. Keep in mind I do this both when I'm typing AND/OR when I say the words out loud.  
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    @ktcakes87 I have eaten the breading off my chicken mcnuggets first (first the side breading, then top breading, then bottom) since I was a child and I still do it EVERY TIME to this day, but only for McDonalds nuggets! My DH and everyone else who's ever witnessed me eat a mcnugget thinks I'm completely insane, but it's just habit and makes the nugget last longer overall! Glad I'm not completely alone lol.
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    @leilagphillips That's so funny! I have never known anyone else to do it too!
    Me 29 I Him 26
    Married 4/22/16
    TTC 9/2015
    BFP 2/1/16 I MC 3/21/16 (11w)
    TTCAL 6/15/16
    BFP 3/23/2017 Team pink! Quinn Leigh EDD December 1, 2017
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    I HATE prime numbers except for the single digit ones (though I'm not a big fan of 7). I was so glad to turn 32 this year, just so I wouldn't have to be a prime number age anymore. 
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    @leilagphillips @ktcakes87  I've definitely done that before, although not habitually.  I do, however, eat the chocolate edges and top off of KitKat bars before I eat the wafery part in the middle. Ha!

    Sometimes when I have a chill/shiver, I flap my hands instead of shaking like a normal person.  I'm pretty sure I have some type of sensory processing disorder. Oh well. 
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    Speaking of liking/not liking numbers, I have OLP (Ordinal Linguistic Personification), so all letters, numbers, colors, days & months (and some other inanimate things) have unique "personalities" in my head. I honestly hadn't even realized it was unusual until I was in my twenties. I ended up learning more about it when I was looking up information about synesthesia and saw an offshoot article about OLP. It isn't super pervasive in my day-to-day life (was much stronger when I was a little kid with a big imagination), but it does still affect some of my number and color choices.
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
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    @elcd458 I've eaten KitKats that way before too, but not every time.
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    I hate strawberries but love strawberry jelly/jam, and almost all things strawberry flavored, as long as there's no actual chunks of the fruit in it. 

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    @splsmama2016 I'm this way with Bananas! I love banana flavored things... candy, popcicles, ice cream, gum, banana cream pie, banana bread, etc. But real bananas are gross, so are any chucks of it in anything.... it's a texture thing.
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    I always start the shower when I'm already in it.

    To be fair, I mean this only in shower/bath I get in, let the water run from the tap until I adjust it to a good temp, then I switch to shower. I hardly ever use standing showers (and I kind of hate them), but I start those and let them warm up before getting in.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
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    @moonlady-2 me either. And I make sure DD's closet is shut because surely she needs it shut. Haha 
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    I can't STAND turning on the vacuum cleaner!!! The sudden start of a loud noise always startles me, even if I'm the one turning it on! 

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    When I eat peanut M&M's, I can only have one at a time because I suck on them until the candy shells melts, work the chocolate off the peanut with my tongue/teeth, and then finish with the clean peanut. It's super labor-intensive and irritates the hell out of the roof of my mouth, but I simply have to eat them this way. It just took me over a half hour to eat one bag.
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since 12/2015
    BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17

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    I have a complex about my belly button.... I don't know why or when it started.  But I cannot STAND it when it's touched or if my pant line goes over it. So I never wear high top pants... and I about died at my anatomy scan when the tech spent half the time jabbing the wand right into it. 
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    @easybreezy225 I hate having my belly button touched too, but I don't mind having my pants over it. I'm really not looking forward to it turning into an outie in the coming months!
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    @leilagphillips I cringe at the thought of my belly button becoming an outie- it seems like it will be so "exposed"! I have been extra thorough with cleaning it lately, even though my husband and I will be the only ones to see it.  :D
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    If I toast a poptart I have to eat the outside part first and then I slowly enjoy the icing covered middle.  As a kid I'd actually eat the perimeter and then the non-iced back and then just the iced top on its own.  One poptart used to last me like a good 45 minutes.  :)

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    I will only eat flat edged fries, I can't stand the pointy sharp ones. Unfortunately I do end up wasting half of them lol
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    @leilagphillips mine never turned into an outie. I wonder why some do and some don't?
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