December 2017 Moms

monday ticker change 8/14

2) How are you feeling?

3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?

4) Any appointments this week/last?

5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...)
TTC 1/2012
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

Re: monday ticker change 8/14

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 22 weeks coconut

    2) How are you feeling? Great, pressure and stretching, but doing good

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing? yes, yes

    4) Any appointments this week/last? Appointment Thursday

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? I keep overdoing it on the weekends, so on Mondays I'm hurting.  

    6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...)
    As of right now nothing.  I feel bad because I don't even know what kind of quilt I want to make him.  I was thinking of doing the red/black buffalo check with deer/bears etc, but he's gonna be in my room for awhile and that doesn't match the navy and copper I have going on.  The other boys' room is green, navy, grey and cars.  I kinda want them to match, but at the same time, I don't want to do the same.  I'm torn. 

    But he has a crib and we already got some diapers and clothes, so we are good for now!

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    @AFrye0726 So cool that you're planning on making a quilt! I had taken up knitting as a hobby/distraction while I was struggling through infertility, and I have a pattern and all the yarn to make a baby blanket, but as soon as I got my BFP I pretty much completely lost interest in knitting and I don't know if I could even remember how to at this point. Oh well.

    1) How far along are you
    ? How big is baby? 
    24 weeks, baby is the size of a.... cantaloupe, garden eggplant, pack of Oreo's, Mr. Burns' teddy Bobo

    2) How are you feeling?
    Feeling good, constantly hungry (but what else is new), still waiting for DH to be able to feel baby kicks

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    Boy & very yes

    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    Had a check-in last Friday, all was well and my Dr. confirmed I'll have my glucose test next month (booo!)

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    My rant is about myself: I've completely overwhelmed myself with my To-Do list. It seems like for every 1 thing I check off, I think of 7 more things to add. I was looking at it at work today and felt a panic attack coming on. DH talked me through it ("we'll just focus on one thing a day"), but now we're sitting here full from dinner and doing nothing and I'm feeling overwhelmed again.
    Rave: My parents came over this weekend to help us pick up the crib & changing table I bought and then we all went out for a nice lunch, so that was pretty fun/exciting. And we had a pretty productive conversation about my mom's ability to help out during the work week, so I think we can finally set a schedule and put down a deposit on a childcare place.

    6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...)
    Our theme is tooootally cliche and I know it, but we're doing grey with white furniture and blue accents, and elephants. I wasn't planning on going so "straight off Pinterest", but with the Dumbo connection to infertility and the adorable print that Facebook kept showing me (stupid targeted advertising, get out of my brain!), along with the ridiculously high availability of elephant stuff, it became a reality.

    The print (I'm sure at least half of you have seen it a hundred times like I have)...

    And since I'm under a cut, I also bought this shirt thanks to Facebook ads and because I'm a total sap...

    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since 12/2015
    BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17

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    1) How far along are you
    ? How big is baby?  I'm 22 weeks today, baby is a coconut!

    2) How are you feeling? I feel great!

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing? 
    We are team green. I am showing, finally bought some maternity clothes this weekend.

    4) Any appointments this week/last? 3rd try for my anatomy scan is next Wednesday...

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?   I can feel baby moving and grooving constantly now... It is the best feeling!

    6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...)
    I am painting the nusery a light brown, going to have gold designs on the walls, with cream curtains and an area rug... We aren't doing a crib set for now... Will pick something once we are looking to actually use it in the crib!
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    @djd0404 Oh believe me, I've had no motivation to complete any sewing projects until about now.  I lost all motivation too when it came to everything the first trimester +.  But now my brain is in prepare mode, it's coming back a little bit.  Hopefully we decide what we are doing for this baby, so I can start fabric shopping.  
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    @AFrye0726  even if LO is in your room for a while, that's the least likely time and place for him to use a quilt you make. so i'd totally go for the pattern you were thinking of! for us, the homemade quilts are getting the most use in the toddler stage. 

    i'd love to see pics of homemade quilts that people have from previous LOs (or those who already have plans for this one). my son received several knitted blankets and THREE homemade quilts, all quite different, and they are so awesome. i'm not crafty so i bow down to all the ladies that make these things. 

    @djd0404  i wouldn't know what size to post if you didn't go before me, LOL. good thing i'm always late to post. as for your theme, it is going to be so wonderful. just looking at your pics made me happy and teary. i'm so glad you are going to get your childcare deposit down - i honestly think that will take a subconscious weight off of your shoulders. in the end, to-do list items like nursery are not a big deal because often the baby doesn't even use the nursery for a while. as long as you have the essentials figured out (child care, a place to sleep, some diapers, a pediatrician, maybe a registry for funsies) then you should be ok. i know in my own life i get things accomplished the best by making the list and then literally assigning tasks to certain days or weekends. 

    @brittabatwhite  i guess if this lady was bound and determined to make an inappropriate comment (like ya do) then it's a monday win that she commented on your looking thinner in the face. i mean, please don't comment on my weight, but at least that's not terrible to hear. and not a comment on your pregnancy size in EITHER DIRECTION (bleghhh). also, your theme sounds awesome! have any inspiration pics or pins?
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
           Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
           Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?  24w1d  oreos, mmmmm

    2) How are you feeling?  pretty good! same as last few weeks - very tired, pelvic pressure, that's it

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?  
    yes, boy, yes, huge

    4) Any appointments this week/last?  had a regular OB appt last week. blood pressure was quite low, HB was fine, weight thanks. i have a repeat level II US thursday morning at the MFM to keep an eye on growth and check for clots. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?  feeling like the road is still long, given that i am starting to be uncomfortably large and it's much harder to bend / get up and down from the floor with my son / reach my feet / etc...i've got 3.5 months to go! yikes! also SO READY for summer to be over, i'm just tired of being hot and sweaty

    6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...)
    no changes to the nursery from DS because i'm lazy. he will vacate next month on his birthday. we never did a theme because, again, lazy AF and it's never been my thing. his room is this beautiful blue color from the historical sherwin williams line called dutch tile blue. i have deep purple curtains in a nice weave pattern. the artwork on the walls is a random mish-mash. the furniture is a set of pine dressers and a bookshelf from ikea that we bought unfinished and put a clear coat on. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
           Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
           Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Great point! Even though we used ours a lot for tummy time. 

    Here are a few I've made, even though none of them are my children's lol

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 21 weeks and an egg from GOT

    2) How are you feeling? pretty good for the most part though I second @anewadventure i'm getting large enough that its harder to bend over or get up and down and having the twins sit in my lap gets so uncomfortable and I'm just over half way through...

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    nope and hell yes

    4) Any appointments this week/last? I had my MW appointment and anatomy scan last week and all was well

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? we were so productive this weekend which was great but by sunday night I felt like I needed a weekend from my weekend.

    6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...)
    we are still sussing out a formal theme but I think we are going to have the twins do hand/foot animal themed artwork to hang in the bedroom.The twins have artwork done by animals so I think this will have a nice symmetry, plus I hope it makes the twins feel involved with this little one.

    @AFrye0726 I love that your going to make a quilt. I have no skills when it comes to sewing (other than the occasional hand stitch to close a hole. I am hoping to knit a blanket for this one...

    @djd0404 my advice is to pick just one thing off the list and make it the priority for the night. if you start getting into the habit it really helps. (but I feel you, after dinner most night my motivation is just gone.) One thing that really helped DH and I once the babies were here was at dinner to each say if we had anything that we felt we HAD to get done, that way we could help each other make it happen. We also made a weekly chore list  on the fridge so that we could ensure the basic cleaning got done, and we would try to tick one thing off a night.
    @kdestito good luck with take 3 of the anatomy scan tomorrow!
    @brittabatwhite hooray for no wanda and good looking scans! as for that lady from what you said I'd count it as a win but I wish people would keep their mouths shut unless they are telling you you look beautiful.
    @anewadventure i'm glad I'm not the only monday person who posts on teusday! (and the room sounds beautiful!, neither of mine have a true theme either... 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 24 weeks, cantaloupe

    2) How are you feeling? my headaches are starting to subside some, thank God! Lots of pressure and have to pee all the time. Otherwise I'm doing okay. 

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing? 
    yep, girl.

    4) Any appointments this week/last? i had a check up on the 8th and supposed to have an appointment and ultrasound on the 22nd but had to push it back due to lapse in insurance. I got hired by the company I was contacted by so waiting for my new benefits to start Sept 1 and my OB won't bill but want the 300+ bucks at the time of service. I told them they can wait a week and a half. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? i went to diabetes education class today and started checking my sugars. Everything looks good so far.. going to have to cut some carbs to keep it that way I think.. sadly that's all I want to eat lately..

    6) GTKY: Will you have a theme for your nursery? (though mom note to avoid any guilt its totally OK if the baby does not have anything fancy... hell all they need to have is a place to sleep and some diapers...) 
    no theme, no nursery for a bit. Only have a 2 bedroom house and stuck in a lease until Feb. Baby will be in our room for a bit. 
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    @kersey0208 the twins were in our room for the first 6 months as we were also in a 2 bedroom apartment at the time so they never got an official nursery. glad your starting to feel better
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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