December 2017 Moms

Saturday Ticker Change 8/12

KirssKirss member
edited August 2017 in December 2017 Moms
I didn't see a Saturday one? 

1) How many weeks along are you?

2) How big is baby?

3) How are you feeling?

4) Any appointments this week? 

5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?

Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

Re: Saturday Ticker Change 8/12

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    1) How many weeks along are you? 21
    2) How big is baby? Carrot. The fruit/veggie one's keep DD interested, I think it's cute because usually she just doesn't care. 
    3) How are you feeling? Really good, which makes me nervous. That's dumb right? 
    4) Any appointments this week? Next Monday I go for my regular appointment. 
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? My SIL told us how they are expecting their third this April, I'm so excited my little dude will have a forever bff. 
    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)? Honestly I don't know! I don't really listen to the radio that much other than talk radio... but whenever DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince's Summertime comes on, I usually turn it up, it's a feel good song :) 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    Thanks for starting. This @Kirss. I was going to do that this morning :)
    BTW, that's so cool that your baby will have a cousin so close in age!  Playmate for life!

    1) How many weeks along are you?
    20+2. Crazy!

    2) How big is baby?
    Babies are the size of bananas or Belgian endives. 

    3) How are you feeling?
    Feeling good. I was at a music festival all weekend, and it was MUCH harder than it usually is lol. I had to take a lot of breaks. BUT I got front row seats to see Metallica, so it was the best festival of all time. I caught James Hetfield's guitar pick when he through it into the crowd!  And my husband caught another one, so we'll have one for each of the girls when they're born :) 

    4) Any appointments this week? 
    I've got my 20 week scan and they'll try to get better pics of the babies hearts. They were too snuggly last time. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    I know this is weird, but I was lying down the other night and could FEEL a baby protruding off my side. It was a very new and bizarre sensation and if I'm being honest, it was a little freaky. I'm always in the headspace of wierd bumps are NOT GOOD, so my brain was having a bit of a hard time being comfortable with it. Now it's cool, but then, it was a little strange.  

    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?
    Honestly, I don't listen to regular radio, so I have no idea what pop songs are out right now. 
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    @breezybee That's so awesome about your seats, and the picks!! 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    Hey there Saturday folks!

    Thanks for starting this @Kirss, and no that doesn't sound silly at all.  Definitely try to enjoy it while you're feeling great!  For me up til this week, it certainly was the golden trimester! :)

    1) How many weeks along are you?
    23 weeks

    2) How big is baby?
    Large mango, or a grapefruit

    3) How are you feeling?
    Some time last week I started feeling pretty severe round ligament pain.  DW and I actually ended up going to the hospital Friday since I also thought I was feeling cramping in my lower abdomen.  They monitored me and did see some small contractions, but nothing they were concerned about.  I was a bit dehydrated, and once I drank a bunch of water, contractions stopped.  They also did a test to rule out pre-term labor, and thank goodness it came back negative after we waited for hours in the hospital for the result as they had the contraction monitor on me.  It definitely was a scare.  I'm so thankful for my DW who was just so solidly there with me and for me, and helped distract me for those few stressful hours when we didn't know what was going on.  We worked on the NYT crossword puzzle together, and she held my hand the whole time.  We haven'd done a hospital tour yet, so we were also joking that at least now we new exactly where labor and delivery is. 

    I also have some hip pain resurfacing from an old injury- I'm going to see a chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care on Wednesday, and FX for some relief from some of the pain!  

    I had been feeling SO great last week, and did a few workouts a few days in a row (prenatal yoga, swimming, and exercise bike and light weights at the gym), and I do think I may have aggravated the RLP that was just starting.  I just didn't know what it was, and I thought that keeping moving would help, when maybe I should have been taking it easier. :/

    4) Any appointments this week? 
    Nope.  Well, just the chiro!

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Anyone have suggestions for dealing with RLP?  I have been doing low heat heating pads, warm baths, and doing some gently stretching and yoga exercises I looked up (cat/cow, knee lifts, hip tilts, etc).
    I can't imagine slogging through this pain for the next 17 weeks or more! yikes.  

    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?
    There's a totally cheesy girl-power country song I hear when I'm on the road to the Eastern shore of Maryland for work, that I always sing along to, and it makes me cry usually.  Lauren Alaina, "Road Less Traveled." 
    Due date 12/9
    I can't figure out the pregnancy countdown tickers, but I do know how to make a signature!

    As of 12/15/2017, my new hashtag is #41 and pregnant!
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    @Kirss Thanks for starting this! That's cool your LO will have a cousin his age. Unfortunately, mine won't have any. 

    @collectiveliving I don't have any suggestions for the RLP, but I hope it gets better soon. I did low heat heating pads off and on and took Tylenol when it was really bad. 

    1) How many weeks along are you?

    2) How big is baby?

    3) How are you feeling?
    Back to being tired all of the time now that I've switched back to Diclegis. Other than that, I'm OK. 

    4) Any appointments this week? 
    OB appointment on Thursday to review the anatomy scan results, fetal echocardiogram on Friday to check the babies hearts since I had IVF. 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Rant: See above. I'm pooped and all of a sudden always thirsty or have a dry mouth. Also, peeing a ton. 

    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?
    I'm old and don't really have one LOL 
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    @collectiveliving RLP is no joke, sorry you had that scare and went to the hospital. 

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    1) How many weeks along are you?
    23 weeks on Satuday

    2) How big is baby?
    A bunch of grapes / a chinchilla / a Barbie doll

    3) How are you feeling?
    Still with the nausea, but its not nearly as terrible as it once was.

    4) Any appointments this week? 
    Check-up on Tuesday.

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Got a ton of hand-me-downs from DH's cousin this weekend + starting to feel baby kicking throughout the day...this is all feeling quite real!

    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?
    I don't have one, sorry!
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    @collectiveliving I'm sorry about the RLP trouble, but I'm glad it didn't turn out to be anything more serious. I think I've been getting RLP on and off, but it's not as bad as yours.

    1) How many weeks along are you?
    2) How big is baby?
    Baseball hats / dragon eggs!
    3) How are you feeling?
    I have a cough/cold from hell that I just can't shake. Pretty sure the babies are pissed at me for constantly rattling them around with all my coughing. 
    4) Any appointments this week? 
    Had an appointment with my OB on Friday. My blood pressure was kind of high, but we're pretty sure it was because of my cold and associated dehydration, since normally my bp is good. He did a quick US and we got to see our boy kick our girl right in the head with both feet, my doctor was like "Oh... that's just not right..." lol. 
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    I'm not sure if this is RLP or something else... I've noticed that if I walk for more than 5-10 minutes at a time I often get a sharp cramp/stitch in my lower right abdomen, sort of like if I were to run/swim too soon after eating. Has anyone else had that happen? It usually goes away if I rest for a minute or two, but then it comes back if I walk for a while again.
    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?
    I know it's not really that new, but I like the song Mercy by Sean Mendes a lot. Also, I'm really into musical theater, and have been listening to the cast recording of "Come From Away" a lot lately.
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    @leilagphillips I've been getting that exact pain. I just stop and rest for a minute. Ugh, even sitting is getting uncomfortable. I can only lie on my sides at this point if I want to be fully cozy. We've got a LONG way to go with these twins lady!
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    @breezybee Glad I'm not alone! Resting usually does the trick for me too. And yeah, sleeping has gotten to be less comfortable for me as well. I have to alternate between side, back, other side throughout the night.
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    @breezybee @leilagphillips I get those pains when walking sometimes as well. I usually stop for a minute too. @breezybee I can't believe that at this point, the babies are only 1 lbs each (maybe slightly less) and I'm already this uncomfortable plus I'm starting to pee a lot again. We've got a long road to go. @leilagphillips In case you don't already know this (I think we've talked about it before so please don't think I'm trying to be sanctimommy LOL),  sleeping on your back this far into the pregnancy can cause issues because your uterus will press on an important artery or vein. They say if you prop yourself up so that aren't laying flat, you should be OK. I'm a back sleeper too so I hate that. I use my Snoogle to sleep on my side and kind of lean towards my back sometimes. 
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    @clovelyone I'd read in one of the gazillion pregnancy advice articles that as long as you don't consistently sleep on your back without moving it's not really that big a deal, so since I'm constantly changing position throughout the night I don't worry about it too much. Overall though, I do try to spend more time on my sides when I'm sleeping. I think I am going to invest in a snoogle pretty soon though to further promote my side sleeping. Thanks for making sure I have all the info I need!
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    @leilagphillips No problem and thanks for the information you've provided. I definitely toss and turn and get up to go to the bathroom several times throughout the night so it shouldn't be a problem for me either. 
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    I cannot lie on my back at all anymore. During my 18 week AS, I almost passed out because they had me lying on my back. I got really light headed and my heart rate shot up to 120 super fast. It was scary!  Now I avoid it completely. 
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    @breezybee Wow! I hadn't even considered the fact that we all lie on our backs for the scans, which run especially long with twins! Are they able to scan you while you lie on your side instead?
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    @leilagphillips Yeah, I asked for water and was sweating and my tech said "oops, we don't want you going down on us now!  Roll over!"  Uuummm...thanks lady. I wish you'd thought about that before!  So I just moved slightly to my side and she was able to finish baby a before rolling me over to get baby b. I told my OB and she was annoyed that they didn't have me elevated at all!  I'm going to make sure I am next time. 
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    1) How many weeks along are you?
    21+3 today

    2) How big is baby?
    It says a baseball hat but he's probably bigger! He was big at my appointment 2 weeks ago (eek)

    3) How are you feeling?
    Good! If it weren't for my belly and baby's kicks I probably wouldn't know I'm pregnant

    4) Any appointments this week? 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    I would like to just rant about how much it sucks that I have to put baby in daycare. It's making me so sad. I have been touring different ones. I used to work in one so I know it's not terrible but I just wish I didn't have to do it at all. 

    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?
    For some reason I've had Despacito stuck in my head...annoying!
    31 years young
    from Seattle(ish)
    5 years married
    FTM and PGAL
    EDD is 12/23/17
    -- It's a BOY! ---

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    jackiesmom324jackiesmom324 member
    edited August 2017

    Hey all sorry ive been late I was working a 24 hr shift on fri and 15 hr shift on sun :(

    1) How many weeks along are you?  I am 20 weeks this week yay! I am so excited I have more days completed than days left in the pregnancy. I am trying to get induced at 39 weeks at 12/30 so id only have 18 weeks left. yay!

    2) How big is baby?

    I dont know that I have not had my anatomy scan. My bump app says "banana" but I just dont trust it. It does not make sense

    3) How are you feeling?

    Swollen, a little nervous. I had my coworker ultrasound the baby because it was my husband's bday today. He thinks he may have seen some cervical funneling which makes me a little nervous. I also didnt like how smushed the baby looked by the placenta. I did however have fun looking at the lil video I took for my husband while my coworker was doing the ultrasound

    4) Any appointments this week? 
    No but I think my anatomy scan and 20 week appointment is next Monday at 1215. im excited but again a little nervous

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    I just wish I didnt have so much swelling. The gas is also something that bothers me and Im hoping thats not pooching out the little girl into the placenta.

    6) GTKY: What is your summer hit (song)?

    I do not really listen to the radio so I have been spared the Despacito thank goodness. I guess my summer hit song would be the theme from Queen Sugar since thats something ive been watching alot! boy do i love that show. i put it on when im doing my hair on sundays and its a nice relaxing ritual and I have not even finished the first season which is even better!

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    @jackiesmom324 I love Queen Sugar too. Welcome to the over halfway done club! 

    @breezybee Wow, hadn't really thought of that either. That would be scary. I'll have to remember that with my two hour fetal echocardiogram coming up on Friday. 
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    @jackiesmom324 I agree, the banana doesn't make sense or a carrot... as much as I love telling DD the baby is size of (insert food here), I think that makes no sense, its so subjective. She gets excited and thinks it's silly. 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    @jackiesmom324 @kirss I agree. The sizes are ridiculous. I prefer to look at the actual length (10.5" for 21 weeks) and use my imagination. I was looking at a ruler yesterday and was blown away by just how long 10.5" actually is. How do they both fit in there?!
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    Thanks so much, @Kirss, @clovelyone, and @leilagphillips.

    I have still been taking it easy, and actually saw a chiropractor for the first time today, realized that an old hip injury may be compounding the RLP now that I know what's going on.  I'm hopeful that after the first adjustment I actually do feel a little better.

    Thanks again, everyone!
    Due date 12/9
    I can't figure out the pregnancy countdown tickers, but I do know how to make a signature!

    As of 12/15/2017, my new hashtag is #41 and pregnant!
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    I really wish they would use inanimate objects to compare the size. Fruits and veggies come in all sizes so it's stupid, but of course I check it every week anyway LOL. 
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    @clovelyone As silly as it is, I look forward to ticker change Saturday, and Wednesdays (that's when my first US said he was measuring) just to see the new food or fun animal from Ovia. 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    @clovelyone I check the Bump, Ovia (all 4 themes), and (manly and geeky themes) every week for sizes and then pick the ones that seem most accurate. Sometimes they're totally ridiculous, e.g. this week the geeky option on is a dragon egg and another week the manly option was a big fat wad of cash lol, but I just like seeing all the crazy things they come up with.
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