December 2017 Moms

Sunday Ticker change 8\13

1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 

2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?

3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?

4) Any appointments this week/last?

5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

6) GTKY: Have you picked a name\names yet? Have you narrowed the search down? 

Re: Sunday Ticker change 8\13

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    1. How far along are you? how big is baby?

    24 weeks (viability)
    baby is as big as an eggplant.

    2. How are you feeling? Still experiencing nausea but vomiting is under control now. That's been replaced with heartburn and reflux. Not bad otherwise.

    3. Do you know babies sex? Are you showing?

    No we are team green til the end.
    Yes. But still wearing mostly normal clothes.

    4. Any appointments this week or last week?

    had my repeat scan on Friday. Went well should t have to go back this time. Next OB appointment isn't til the 23rd.

    5. Rants/Raves/Questions?


    6. GTKY Do you have names picked? Have you narrowed the search down?

    Not officially but we have narrowed it down .

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    SierraGoodSierraGood member
    edited August 2017
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    24 weeks size of an eggplant/cantaloupe

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    No cravings I'm feeling ok... Pretty bad pelvic pain tho.

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    we're having a boy and showing pretty well

    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    I have an appointment tomorrow super excited

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    how do you deal with tight muscles around your pelvic region??? My thigh muscles are really tense and its causing so much pain

    6) GTKY: Have you picked a name\names yet? Have you narrowed the search down? 
    baby boy will be named after daddy so he'll be Sherman the 3rd :)
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    sjissjis member
    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 

    20 weeks, big as a banana. 

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?

    I'm feeling good. I'm finally starting to feel more of baby's movement. No definite cravings, but I switch often from salty to sweet, or both at the same time. 

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?

    yes, team blue. I look more like 6-7 months pregnant, probably because this is my second. 

    4) Any appointments this week/last?

    I finally have my AS this Wednesday, I can't wait!

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?

    bought the first thing for the nursery, a grey star rug at Ikea for $20! Right now the spare room that will be the nursery is being used as a cat room/storage and I'm itching to start nesting. October is when I'll start doing it up.
    6) GTKY: Have you picked a name\names yet? Have you narrowed the search down? 

    yes, Dylan is what we're going with
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    1) 20 weeks. Baby is the size of a banana. 

    2) Sweet potato fries will praline sauce. Unfortunately the restaurant that serves this deliciousness is over an hour away from me. 

    3) Team Blue! I do have a small bump but I'm actually smaller at this point than I was with my first pregnancy. 

    4) unfortunately, no.

    5) It's flooding where I live at the moment due to 7 inches of rain in a 5 hour time span which is keeping me home today and I have major cabin fever! 

    6) Name has been decided for a few weeks now. Lincoln Grayson is the winner! 
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    20 weeks ...size of a banana

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    still getting sick :( i crave sweets more than anything
    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
     we will find out tomorrow night! I guess I'm showing to people that know. To others, im just extra fat haha
    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    Had my anatomy scan this morning. Have to go back in a few weeks to get a better look at the heart but everything else was good
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Tfw you are throwing up and having a nosebleed at 3am...
    6) GTKY: Have you picked a name\names yet? Have you narrowed the search down?
    the choices are narrowed down and I have favorites but I don't want to think about it too much until we know the sex
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    24 weeks, babies are the size of cantaloupes (I'm going to eat some here in a minute) 

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    Mostly good, easily exhausted, pelvic pain gets pretty intense at times. I crave everything, eat it once and the craving is gone, except ice cream.. I can eat that everyday. 

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    Yepp, one of each. Oh yes.. I actually got asked 3 times today how much longer I had. My current size is comparable to how big I was at 36 weeks with my first. 

    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    MFM tomorrow morning

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Raves: kids go back to school on Wednesday! DH has been on top of much more lately as I've gotten bigger and less able to stand for more than 30 min. Oh, and I get my handicap placard tomorrow soI don't have to walk a quarter mile from the parking lot to the building at work! 

    6) GTKY: Have you picked a name\names yet? Have you narrowed the search down? 
    I think so, every now and then I'll suggest a new one, but it doesn't beat the ones we've already picked. I really don't think we're socializing names until they're born though, just in case we change our minds! 
    Baby A: Ilena Dianne
    Baby B: Luke Roy
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 
    22 weeks, size of a Nalgene water bottle 

    2) How are you feeling? Any cravings?
    Im FINALLY feeling better and want to eat ALL THE FOOD. Mostly salad and savory foods, surprisingly 

    3) Do you know baby's sex? Have you started showing?
    Team Green here, been showing since very very early on (yay second pregnancy)

    4) Any appointments this week/last?
    Midwife appointment this week. Last week was the big anatomy scan and fetal echocardiogram 

    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Feeking good and survived a big Disneyland trip. I don't think that would have been possible a month ago 

    6) GTKY: Have you picked a name\names yet? Have you narrowed the search down? 
    Name discussion is a hot topic. Nothing agreed upon, but we are constantly debating. 
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    My secret is out of the bag. My dad just called to say well we've known for 2 months you are pregnant. Whoops.
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    @cmillar36 how did he find out?
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    My 6.5 year old told him. My older sister confirmed. I'm not offended cause I needed to tell anyways.
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