Mom's with boys I know have told me 3 or after. From my own personal experience with my twin daughters I didn't have them even remotely trained until 3.5. This time around with cam I will not even start trying until 3 or after, I'm not spinning my wheels again, potty training my daughters was extremely stressful for me.
Both my other kids (one boy and one girl) started being interested around 2, but weren't ready for real training till 2 1/2. Both of them were trained pretty well within a week once they were ready though.
A lot depends on the kid and when they are ready physically and emotionally, and the amount of time you can devote to training. I have had friends who train before age 2, but that's unusual, and most pediatricians I know don't recommend pushing it before they are ready. I tried with my son shortly after his second birthday and it was a nightmare. I knew it wouldn't work within a few hours. I waited four months, and he trained great.
Itcan help to to start talking them through using the bathroom if they see you or your husband doing it, and a little before 2 I started having my kids sit in the potty before bath time each night. Just to familiarize themselves with it so it's not new and scary
I was thinking 2 was "the year". That's when they work with them at daycare too. I'm hoping he's ready sooner than later but either way I want to be armed with all the info to help it go successfully.
I heard anywhere between 2 & 3.5 yrs old but really it depends in the child. I do need to check with daycare though since I know they do training there but I think it's on an individual basis if I recall, rather than just, "Okay, everyone's learning this now."
@AmberLiz99 what would you describe as the signs of being ready? Just interest or a certain level of understanding of the difference between using a diaper vs a toilet?
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
@AmberLiz99 what would you describe as the signs of being ready? Just interest or a certain level of understanding of the difference between using a diaper vs a toilet?
Interested, able to hold it, tells you before they go, doesn't like feeling wet or messy, and when you get rid of diapers they want to go on the potty and are proud when they do.
The first time time I tried with my son he would get super upset when he had an accident, but still couldn't hold it as well, and would get distracted and refuse to sit, etc. the second time we tried the same method and he did great.
Reminds me of a little girl (maybe 4-5 years old) coming out of the bathroom stall with her mom DRINKING A BOTTLE and then her mom asked her if she wanted her to change her diaper. Wtf!? The girl responded with a "no" and then the mom asked if she wanted to change her own diaper. Pretty sure she's too old for diapers and bottles. . Let's hope we don't reach that age with our littles and are dealing with this.
Reminds me of a little girl (maybe 4-5 years old) coming out of the bathroom stall with her mom DRINKING A BOTTLE and then her mom asked her if she wanted her to change her diaper. Wtf!? The girl responded with a "no" and then the mom asked if she wanted to change her own diaper. Pretty sure she's too old for diapers and bottles. . Let's hope we don't reach that age with our littles and are dealing with this.
When my son was 4 we were at a friends house. She was babysitting a mutual friend's little boy (also 4). All the kids were playing when suddenly the boy pulls of his pants and wips off a wet diaper, kicking it to the floor. All the moms froze because none of us had any idea he was wearing a diaper. I'm just glad I wasn't the one babysitting him who had to deal with it.
It was almost to that point with one of my daughters. She would refuse to use the toilet then whip off a wet pull up the second she wanted a new one... Potty training was seriously the bane of my life!
It was almost to that point with one of my daughters. She would refuse to use the toilet then whip off a wet pull up the second she wanted a new one... Potty training was seriously the bane of my life!
It is so stressful. I totally don't judge any parent for when their kid is potty trained. Each kid is so different! I'm so glad I only have to do it once more, lol
Transitioning to a cup is a struggle for sure. I got to the point where we just went cold turkey and packed all the bottles away in the garage so we all had no choice but the cup. It worked!
Transitioning to a cup is a struggle for sure. I got to the point where we just went cold turkey and packed all the bottles away in the garage so we all had no choice but the cup. It worked!
Hunger and Thirst wins again!! I haven't completely phased out bottles, but Tristan will drink most anything out of most anything. His favorite is of course whatever we are drinking. He sucks at using regular cups though...he constantly breathes in and out while the liquid is close and generally ends up inhaling it. I think my biggest battle is going to be giving up the pacifier in bed. I was a pacifier kid until I was about 3, but I was way worse than he is. I had to have them all day and had to have three at all times, one in my mouth and one in each hand on the off chance the one in my mouth fell out. They were taken away cold turkey from me too. I guess telling me that they were thrown away was effective.
As for the whole potty training thing, it is not even on my radar at this point. Focusing on popping out this next one and surviving the first 6 months. Then maybe I will consider it.
Agreed with @laurendiaz02 I put everything in the box and shoved the box on a shelf. We went about a 2 or 3 week time period where he really didn't drink much milk, but he's liking it more now. Well... he likes it well enough. He still only drinks 6 - 8 ounces of cow's milk a day, but he BFs morning and night and eats cheese/yogurt, so I call it good enough.
As far as potty training, I wasn't even going to attempt to try until late next summer, after he turns 2. Also I guess dependent on when/if baby #2 shows up next summer. Can't imagine trying to potty train while 34+ weeks preggo or having an under 2 month old. My mother purchased some summer clearance in 24 months for his birthday next year, but made sure that she got only shirts and not onesies, as 'you can't put him in a onesie while potty training'. Thanks mom, I know, but also, holy crap I'm not ready for that stress
Edit because I used all the verbs
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
On the bottle note: I get to deliver all our old bottles and a ton of baby clothes to my friend who is having twins. Man I love getting stuff out of my house.
We are nowhere near ready for potty training. I'm actually surprised to see that some babies this age are (local moms group I'm in). My kid has a small handful of words and is in no way able to communicate to me she needs to potty or has gone potty. Even if she were showing signs of being interested, I'd still hold off until at least the new year because the potty training regression once a sibling is born is real. Lol. My niece was fully PT'd a few months before her brother was born (they're 2 and a half years apart), then started wetting the bed and her pants. So they backtracked.
As far as bottles go, I have a feeling we will still be using them at least twice a day for a while. She won't drink her milk from anything but a bottle, except for when we are at Grammy and Papa's house. Weird.
We are nowhere near ready for potty training. I'm actually surprised to see that some babies this age are (local moms group I'm in). My kid has a small handful of words and is in no way able to communicate to me she needs to potty or has gone potty. Even if she were showing signs of being interested, I'd still hold off until at least the new year because the potty training regression once a sibling is born is real. Lol. My niece was fully PT'd a few months before her brother was born (they're 2 and a half years apart), then started wetting the bed and her pants. So they backtracked.
As far as bottles go, I have a feeling we will still be using them at least twice a day for a while. She won't drink her milk from anything but a bottle, except for when we are at Grammy and Papa's house. Weird.
Savannah is exactly the same. She goes back to daycare in a week and has "moved up" to the waddlers room where they don't do bottles. She absolutely refuses to drink milk from a sippy cup, so I'm doing bottles morning and night to make sure she's getting enough milk.
On the pottynote, Savannah is nowhere near ready yet but now when I say "I need to change your diaper" she walks into her room where her changing table is. Super cute.
If I notice her pooping, I'll say to Jackie "are you going potty?" Hopefully that will start to create an association with the word. My friend is already potty training her 18 month old. I was shocked!
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
Not that it's necessary now, but for those of you struggling with dropping the bottle, as long as kiddos are getting a balanced diet otherwise, there is no real need for dairy at all, but at the very least cow's milk. Certainly, do what you want, but if you find yourself fed up with the bottles, you can just stop giving milk, or at least stop being concerned about kids getting enough. At this age, it's more of a concern that they don't get too much as it can make them too full for other more nutritious foods, and can mess with the absorption of some key nutrients. 16 ounces should be the top end of how much dairy a one year old gets a day, 8 to 12 is recommended and that includes cheese and yogurt in that total.
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Not that it's necessary now, but for those of you struggling with dropping the bottle, as long as kiddos are getting a balanced diet otherwise, there is no real need for dairy at all, but at the very least cow's milk. Certainly, do what you want, but if you find yourself fed up with the bottles, you can just stop giving milk, or at least stop being concerned about kids getting enough. At this age, it's more of a concern that they don't get too much as it can make them too full for other more nutritious foods, and can mess with the absorption of some key nutrients. 16 ounces should be the top end of how much dairy a one year old gets a day, 8 to 12 is recommended and that includes cheese and yogurt in that total.
Agree. I offer it, and some days she drinks more than others. But there is nothing that says toddlers must drink cows milk, so I don't obsess. It was more important for me to ditch the bottle habit personally.
In terms of potty training, I wanna get a little potty for Preston to sit on while he's in the bathroom with me. He's so interested in what I'm doing that he wants to look in the toilet when I'm down and help me flush. Lol zero privacy. Also, he poops "on command". As in if I see he's mid poop I ask if he's pooping and he nods yes so I'm bring him to get changed and if he doesn't seem like he's done I'll say "can you go poop?" And he'll push out whatever is left. Lucky me I don't have to struggle too much with back to back diaper changes. Lol he seems really aware of his body functions so I think he'd like the potty. I'm not gonna start "potty training" as in expecting him to go periods of time diaper free until he's closer to 2 1/2-3.
As far as the actual potty. Who's done (or plans to do) a potty vs the seat you attach to the existing to let seat? Pros and cons of each?
In terms of potty training, I wanna get a little potty for Preston to sit on while he's in the bathroom with me. He's so interested in what I'm doing that he wants to look in the toilet when I'm down and help me flush. Lol zero privacy. Also, he poops "on command". As in if I see he's mid poop I ask if he's pooping and he nods yes so I'm bring him to get changed and if he doesn't seem like he's done I'll say "can you go poop?" And he'll push out whatever is left. Lucky me I don't have to struggle too much with back to back diaper changes. Lol he seems really aware of his body functions so I think he'd like the potty. I'm not gonna start "potty training" as in expecting him to go periods of time diaper free until he's closer to 2 1/2-3.
As far as the actual potty. Who's done (or plans to do) a potty vs the seat you attach to the existing to let seat? Pros and cons of each?
I think we'll probably get Damien his own little potty, depending on the size of the bathroom in the fictitious new home we buy.
In terms of potty training, I wanna get a little potty for Preston to sit on while he's in the bathroom with me. He's so interested in what I'm doing that he wants to look in the toilet when I'm down and help me flush. Lol zero privacy. Also, he poops "on command". As in if I see he's mid poop I ask if he's pooping and he nods yes so I'm bring him to get changed and if he doesn't seem like he's done I'll say "can you go poop?" And he'll push out whatever is left. Lucky me I don't have to struggle too much with back to back diaper changes. Lol he seems really aware of his body functions so I think he'd like the potty. I'm not gonna start "potty training" as in expecting him to go periods of time diaper free until he's closer to 2 1/2-3.
As far as the actual potty. Who's done (or plans to do) a potty vs the seat you attach to the existing to let seat? Pros and cons of each?
We had two little potties, one for each girl. This worked well for us otherwise I would have forever been lifting them on and off the regular toilet.
@Tawny87 The lifting was my first thought with a toilet seat attachment. I have to remember to take this kid to the potty every hour and then I have to lift him up there and help him down too? While he hopefully doesn't pee on me? No thanks
Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks* Married: 11/2013 M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
In terms of potty training, I wanna get a little potty for Preston to sit on while he's in the bathroom with me. He's so interested in what I'm doing that he wants to look in the toilet when I'm down and help me flush. Lol zero privacy. Also, he poops "on command". As in if I see he's mid poop I ask if he's pooping and he nods yes so I'm bring him to get changed and if he doesn't seem like he's done I'll say "can you go poop?" And he'll push out whatever is left. Lucky me I don't have to struggle too much with back to back diaper changes. Lol he seems really aware of his body functions so I think he'd like the potty. I'm not gonna start "potty training" as in expecting him to go periods of time diaper free until he's closer to 2 1/2-3.
As far as the actual potty. Who's done (or plans to do) a potty vs the seat you attach to the existing to let seat? Pros and cons of each?
I used both. A little potty to start because I could carry it to whatever room we were in, and it was easier for them to get on fast by themselves. I also used a toilet seat for when we were in the bathroom. That way they were ok going on both, and using public toilets wasn't as scary. once they get the hang of it and could make it in time, I put the little potty away.
Re: Potty training?
A lot depends on the kid and when they are ready physically and emotionally, and the amount of time you can devote to training. I have had friends who train before age 2, but that's unusual, and most pediatricians I know don't recommend pushing it before they are ready. I tried with my son shortly after his second birthday and it was a nightmare. I knew it wouldn't work within a few hours. I waited four months, and he trained great.
Itcan help to to start talking them through using the bathroom if they see you or your husband doing it, and a little before 2 I started having my kids sit in the potty before bath time each night. Just to familiarize themselves with it so it's not new and scary
The first time time I tried with my son he would get super upset when he had an accident, but still couldn't hold it as well, and would get distracted and refuse to sit, etc. the second time we tried the same method and he did great.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
As for the whole potty training thing, it is not even on my radar at this point. Focusing on popping out this next one and surviving the first 6 months. Then maybe I will consider it.
As far as potty training, I wasn't even going to attempt to try until late next summer, after he turns 2. Also I guess dependent on when/if baby #2 shows up next summer. Can't imagine trying to potty train while 34+ weeks preggo or having an under 2 month old. My mother purchased some summer clearance in 24 months for his birthday next year, but made sure that she got only shirts and not onesies, as 'you can't put him in a onesie while potty training'. Thanks mom, I know, but also, holy crap I'm not ready for that stress
Edit because I used all the verbs
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
As far as bottles go, I have a feeling we will still be using them at least twice a day for a while. She won't drink her milk from anything but a bottle, except for when we are at Grammy and Papa's house. Weird.
On the pottynote, Savannah is nowhere near ready yet but now when I say "I need to change your diaper" she walks into her room where her changing table is. Super cute.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
As far as the actual potty. Who's done (or plans to do) a potty vs the seat you attach to the existing to let seat? Pros and cons of each?
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
once they get the hang of it and could make it in time, I put the little potty away.