September 2017 Moms

Alcohol screen rant/advice

OmSweetOmOmSweetOm member
edited August 2017 in September 2017 Moms
Ok- I hope this is alright to post a thread for this as there definitely isn't another spot for it. So, I just left my 34 week visit and I was actually looking forward to this one because I've had so much going on in the last few weeks that I was eager to discuss with my doc- but, I wound up seeing the NP instead. She came in the room and caught me seriously off guard by asking if the doctor had discussed the results of my 28 week screen yet. I've been going every 2 weeks since then so, I found it strange since I was previously told all was well with my glucose etc. Then she drops a major bomb on me which left me confused as hell..... she says.... "well, I'm asking because you tested positive for alcohol". Now, if any of you knew me you'd know how ridiculous that is- I'm the kind of nut job that refused to even eat a cold turkey sandwich until like 2 weeks ago because I'm crazy like that. I wouldn't even consider drinking while pregnant- I can barely finish a glass of wine while without dozing off while I'm not pregnant (although I do enjoy trying once and a while). I immediately questioned if there was any thing that could have produced a false positive- maybe the sugars from the glucose...  the Zantac I take regularly.. anything! I was looking for advice because if I am taking something that is producing ethyl alcohol in my blood I need to know, obviously. And she just said matter of factly- "no. This kind of result only comes from alcoholic beverages." I was mortified. She clearly thought I was lying and it took everything to not burst into tears I was so humiliated. She said "well, we are going to have to check again so...." and I said well, that's fine obviously but to be honest I am very upset that this is even something in my chart! I asked for a photo copy of the report so I could bring it home and do some research but, I'm not finding a whole lot of info. Some things suggest that depending on the exact test they ran it could have been something as simple as them using an incorrect alcohol containing swab on my skin first. But, the paper doesn't state whether or not this was run from blood or urine as I have both that day. I do think that I was given an anti-bac wipe to use before the urine sample but I can't be 100% because I've given so much pee the last 8 months and I haven't really put a whole lot of thought into it at the time. After I got home my husband convinced me to call the office back and request that the actual doctor call me back and discuss my concerns with him not the crap NP but, I can't help but feel so worried that they think I'm some sort of loser. I was so caught off guard I didn't even get to discuss any of my concerns I'd been waiting to go over. She just kept saying things like "it is what it is, I guess"... like wtf does that even mean in this situation. I know it's unlikely but, has anything this like this ever happened to anyone else?? Or what the crap would you do if you were me? I don't want to seem like I'm overcompensating but, I'm truly upset about this and most of all want to get to the bottom of what could have caused that result if it was in fact somehow an accurate blood reading. 



Re: Alcohol screen rant/advice

  • I have not dealt with this, but I have heard stories of women who failed the drug screen at L&D even though they hadn't taken any drugs. I can't remember what they said caused it.

    If I were you, I would call and ask for the doctor to call me back so I could discuss the results with him. I'd also be curious why he hadn't brought it up as you've seen him in between. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • Wow, that is terrible! I am so sorry you are going through that! I work in the medical field and false positives definitely happen. Samples can easily be contaminated. Can you find out what lab processed your results and call them directly? 

    Why did they even test you for alcohol?! Did they believe they had "reason for concern?" I would feel very violated by this and would probably switch doctors (which could be really tough at this stage in the game). I would be ENRAGED. Such a violation of your privacy! 
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  • OmSweetOmOmSweetOm member
    edited August 2017
    jenn622-2 said:
    Wow, that is terrible! I am so sorry you are going through that! I work in the medical field and false positives definitely happen. Samples can easily be contaminated. Can you find out what lab processed your results and call them directly? 

    Why did they even test you for alcohol?! Did they believe they had "reason for concern?" I would feel very violated by this and would probably switch doctors (which could be really tough at this stage in the game). I would be ENRAGED. Such a violation of your privacy! 
    It's just part of their routine 28 week lab they tack on with the glucose test- I know it was nothing personal for me, as they are preprinted out. It's extensive and includes drug and alcohol screen as well as I believe some std things. I think it mimicks the first tri panel. But, yes I am equally mortified and livid! I was seriously considering trying to switch doctors just because of how it was handled but, at 34 weeks with a pre-term risk I'm really torn. I am going to definitely request to no longer be seen by the NP. The whole situation really rubbed me the wrong way. I tried to call the Labcorp number listed on the report and it said it was disconnected. Wtf!? I just feel so self conscience that I'm being wrongly judged now and maybe I shouldn't be worried about that because I know the truth but, unfortunately I just can't shake it. I did call and ask for the doctor to call me back and I was told he would after he was done seeing patients but, that would have been about an hour and a half ago and nothing yet...  :/


  • Well it's reassuring that they didn't test "for cause" but the NP definitely didn't handle it appropriately by making you feel like you were guilty of something when this is obviously a lab error! Hopefully your OB will be more supportive. Don't let their unprofessionalism make you feel inadequate or like you did something wrong! You know you didn't use alcohol and have nothing to feel guilty about and I'm sure the re-test will prove that!

    I've had patients receive false positive from everything from HIV to meth and it can be very emotionally damaging to patients (Which is why this type of mandatory not-for-cause testing is a problem...) I'm curious what state you live in? Your rights regarding prenatal drug screens vary from state to state. I'm sure that the re-test will come back negative and this will all go away but wouldn't hurt to know your rights!

    Good of luck and don't stress too much!

  • That seems like such a strange thing to test for. There is alcohol in a lot of things. Vanilla and other extracts, fruit juice, some vinegars and cooking spray. 

    Is it possible the lab or dr's office made a mix up?
  • I tried to call the lab (labcorp) and got a major attitude and was told I should voice my concerns to the ordering physican and if *they* felt like there was an error they can contact labcorp and go from there. I feel like everyone is blowing me off because they assume I'm some kind of dirtbag! It came up as .037 g/dL which from my understanding is about half the legal limit. Now, if I did somehow have this kind of level for some weird reason... wouldn't I know it?? Nothing is adding up for me. I assumed this was fairly standard as far as testing goes- it was an extensive drug screen as well as all the basics as far as blood screens go... but, now I'm even second guessing that. I'm scared though if I question that with the doctor I will look guilty. Another thing that is strange about the results is I was fasting- because it was done the same day as my glucose test. So, it couldn't have been anything else as suggested. I asked if it could be a result of the glucose- as if states even on the report that sources of ethyl alcohol are "alcoholic beverages or as a fermentation product of glucose" but it then goes on to state "glucose was not present in this sample. Ethyl alcohol result should be interpreted in the context of all available clinical and behavioral information". What the actual F! I'm getting more and more pissed as the night goes on. 


  • Also- I'm in NJ


  • Maybe it wasn't even your test results? Other than that, I have no idea and I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. The nurse should of handled this differently and the doctor needs to hurry up and call you back <3
  • I'm sure it's just a false positive/lab error but nobody should treat you any differently regardless!
    Your healthcare providers are there to support you and help you and your baby get the best medical care, not to judge you!

    A lab error is far more likely than you having a detectable amount of alcohol in your system without your knowledge. 

    It could be provider/clinic policy to test all patients. Do you have any of the paperwork they had you sign when you became a patient? It might indicate if a drug screen is their standard or required. You should not worry about looking guilty by questioning your provider. You have a right to your healthcare information and you can request a copy of all of records at any time. 
  • Also, I hope I didn't scare you more by bringing up your rights. To be clear, I don't think you have any anything to worry about but I wanted to make sure your provider is not violating your rights and is following ethical guidelines. 
  • I am really sorry you're having to go through this. I hope you hear back from your doctor soon, and I would think that your persistence in following up would send the message to the practice that obviously there's some kind of mistake. I'd probably demand a re-test ASAP. 
  • I fully believe you didn't drink alcohol. I'd guess there was a mixup with the results and they aren't actually yours. Doctors/nurses/medically professionals cannot prosecute you and even if they did have probable cause, they'd have to involve the cops (which obviously your real doctor did not do and doesn't plan to do or else he would have done that already AND it's not illegal to drink while pregnant).  Im personally in the camp of there's no known safe limit so I just dont drink but it's not illegal to drink either.  I'm really sorry you're going through this :( 
  • I am just curious to understand if there was any alcohol found in your blood during a routine blood test, what took them 6 weeks to inform the concerned person about the blood results. Feel sorry for the way both the NP and the lapcorp treated you.
  • jessieR358jessieR358 member
    edited August 2017
    Wow! I'd be so enraged and offended also if this happened to me. I don't understand why they were screening you for alcohol either or why they didn't feel the need to tell you for 6 weeks. I don't blame you for saying you don't want to see that NP anymore. I would call and say the same thing. labcorp isn't going to give you any information though. You need to call your OB and they can go from there, but after 6 weeks labcorp can't really do anything...they won't still have your samples. I believe that you don't drink and i bet it was a lab error. I'm sorry you feel judged :/ 
  • I'm so shocked at this! Especially if it was from when you fasted for the glucose test. Like why would anyone be drinking at 8 am? It's definitely from the blood test, not urine. I don't even know where to start on how that false positive could have appeared, but I agree that your NP went about it very poorly. Even if it was positive truly, she should have had a question and given information on risks of FAS.. not blame you and make you seem like a terrible person. I wouldn't want to see this person again either. I hope the doctor gets back to you about this. And it being 6 weeks ago is crazy.

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • Wow that is crazy, honestly it seems like they messed up labeling the samples... which happens unfortunately. Maybe when you talk to the doc you can ask them if the sample could be rerun if it's not too late or if there's anything else you could do. I mean I believe you fully, and it was probably a mix up in which case at least baby is okay. Everything else can get straightened out even though I know that has to be really upsetting. (My personal guess is that the nurse had the wrong chart since they took so long to bring it up to you.)My doctors office screens for drugs and alcohol in urine samples monthly I think (we live in an area that is a top heroine capital) so I don't think them testing is any reflection on you. They shouldn't treat you any differently though and if they do absolutely switch doctors. 
  • I wish it was the wrong chart but, I asked for a copy of the lab and it was 100% all of my information on the report.  :/

    It does make me feel better knowing everyone would have a similar reaction. The doctor never wound up calling me back tonight which really just adds insult to injury considering I was specifically told he would call when he was done seeing patients. I go back on Monday so worst case scenario I suppose I will just have to bring it up then. I had thoughts of changing to a new practice a few months ago but decided to stick it out- and I'm seriously regretting not following my gut on this one.


  • I would be concerned about where your original results went. It looks like you may have received someone else's results which means you still don't know the outcome of your owns results. I'm sure everything is fine but if I did blood work and my insurance was charged I would definitely want to have my tests re-done so that I had peace of mind that everything was ok. I am ignorant as to how the lab test process works but didn't you say this was at the same time as your glucose test? If so, wouldn't that mean you got someone else's test results for that too? 
  • Oh no how horrible!  I would also second looking into a new practice even though it may seem stressful to switch this late but you should not be treated like that.
  • I am so eager to hear if you've spoken with the doctor about how you could have alcohol in your system if you were fasting for your glucose test. 

    Me: 27 years old            DH: 27 years old
    Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
    Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
    Married in July 2014
    TTC #1 since late Feb 2016
    BFP #1 3/29/16     MMC: 5/5/16
    BFP #2 7/6/16    SCH, D&C 8/4/16
    BFP #3 12/26/16     EDD: 9/6/17
    My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
    My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast: 
    Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
    1/12/16 6.7%
    5/25/16 6.0%
    11/2/16 6.1%
    3/22/16 5.8%
    4/27/17 5.4%
    6/13/17 5.3%
    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • edited August 2017
    This reminds me of my initial blood work at the beginning of the pregnancy. I got a call that at my next appointment they needed to draw more blood because I tested positive for chlamydia. They specifically downplayed the seriousness - they said that I likely didn't have it, that tests can be wrong for a variety of reasons, and that when that happens they always do a double check. They took a second sample and everything was peachy - we're chlamydia free here, folks.

    That was the appropriate way to handle things - they didn't accuse or freak me out. They talked about it like "we get weird results sometimes, so lets just try again. No big deal." Of course I still freaked out, but they did their part to communicate to me in a respectful, non-judgmental, try-not-to-freak-out way.

    The NP's whole "no. This kind of result only comes from alcoholic beverages." is super judgy-judgy. Also, the lack of follow up from your doc is irritating.

    I agree with @Sugargirl1019 How do they explain fasting blood tests that show alcohol? You were fasting. The whole point is to not eat or drink. I mean, I get that some people just don't care (sure, I suppose some women drink at 8 am, even when they're pregnant and are supposed to be fasting), but how about giving their patient the benefit of the doubt for a minute?

    edited because grammar

    Me & DH: 32
    Married 2013
    Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
    BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30

    "I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
  • Wow, is awful. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I might want to switch practices too if I were in your position. Not only was there obviously some kind of mistake, but the fact that they're not even taking your concerns about it seriously is pretty messed up.

    I had no idea that you could even be drug tested without consent at a doctors office. If I've ever been tested for anything in either of my pregnancies, nobody ever mentioned it to me. I am one of those people that might have a half a glass of wine in later pregnancy sometimes, but surely something like that would not show up on a test at that high of a level the next day! That sounds like a level of blood alcohol that you would have like right after having a couple of drinks. That is ridiculous they would accuse you of doing that especially while fasting for your glucose test.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @hatrats My OB's practice runs a drug and alcohol screen standard along with their routine blood panels. Granted our area has a high incidence of drug abuse in pregnant mothers; so for the OBs its more of a safety thing that helps them know what additional concerns and treatments they might need to safely deliver a healthy LO.
  • I can understand that in some offices it is standard procedure, but I assume they have to at least let you know they are doing it from a legal standpoint. The fact that you know they do that at for all blood tests leads me to believe they told you at the beginning. At any rate, I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it, but I like to be informed of any tests they are running regardless of what they are for. I usually do ask what all they are testing for any time they take urine or blood just to keep up with everything.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I don't think making a big deal out of it makes you look guilty at all for the record. 

    Also,  I had false positive results for gonhorrea during my 1st pregnancy.  My husband at the time,  who was deployed,  called me from Iraq, and listened to me accuse him of cheating. Meanwhile he accused me back and said that I must have gotten it on my own.  Then fast forward a week and the doctor says just kidding.   Way to rock my marriage.   

    Me: 31    DH: 36

    Married since 11/25/2013

    #1 (bio)  born 01/18/2006

    #2 (bio)   born 09/08/2008

    #3 (step) born 02/17/2009

    #4 (our 1st together)  EDD 09/09/2017

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I don't think making a big deal out of it makes you look guilty at all for the record. 

    Also,  I had false positive results for gonhorrea during my 1st pregnancy.  My husband at the time,  who was deployed,  called me from Iraq, and listened to me accuse him of cheating. Meanwhile he accused me back and said that I must have gotten it on my own.  Then fast forward a week and the doctor says just kidding.   Way to rock my marriage.   
    I left an OB office for a similar reason. I was having really weird discharge and the NP said as she was performing the swab, "This looks like gonorrhea and you most likely got it from your husband. You will want to talk to him about who he has been sleeping with." When I told her that he we were monogamous, she said, "Having a child can really change things. You can't be sure he isn't cheating." Thanks lady. I'm not stupid and know anything is possible, but she sure sounded stupid when my test came back negative. Not even any evidence of yeast, let alone gonorrhea. 

    Apparently fenugreek can give you some really odd discharge. So if you use it as a milk production supplement, be aware.
  • This is totally reminding me of this story where a woman had blew 4x the legal limit without having a single drink.  She had something called "auto-brewery syndrome".  Anyone remember this?
    That's what I thought of too! 

    Sorry you're dealing with this. Hopefully it gets cleared up
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I knew what the tests were for because it was stated on the script- I never thought twice about it though. Especially considering I don't drink or take any drugs. Which is one of the most annoying things about it- because I mean, devils advocate... even if I was sneaking drinks I'd have the common sense to abstain before a freaking test specifically for that if I was trying to keep it some kind of secret. But, nonetheless.... 

    also... I NEVER got a call back. Not even today. I almost called back today but, honestly I just had too much going on- (we are currently moving which is super fun to do at 34 week pregnancy btw) and I just didn't have it in me to deal with that today. Especially because it's clearly it's going to be a "thing"... I mean not calling me back, blowing off my concerns... I don't know how well I will be able to conduct myself to be honest because my embarrassment has really just made way right into anger at this point. 


  • Yes, the fact they aren't calling you back is so disrespectful. That alone would make me upset them with all this on top of it! I would Definitely call tomorrow about it and insist on speaking with someone.
  • lilpoots said:

    I left an OB office for a similar reason. I was having really weird discharge and the NP said as she was performing the swab, "This looks like gonorrhea and you most likely got it from your husband. You will want to talk to him about who he has been sleeping with." When I told her that he we were monogamous, she said, "Having a child can really change things. You can't be sure he isn't cheating." Thanks lady. I'm not stupid and know anything is possible, but she sure sounded stupid when my test came back negative. Not even any evidence of yeast, let alone gonorrhea.
    Is this the real life? Who says something like that?

    Me & DH: 32
    Married 2013
    Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
    BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30

    "I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
  • lilpoots said:

    I left an OB office for a similar reason. I was having really weird discharge and the NP said as she was performing the swab, "This looks like gonorrhea and you most likely got it from your husband. You will want to talk to him about who he has been sleeping with." When I told her that he we were monogamous, she said, "Having a child can really change things. You can't be sure he isn't cheating." Thanks lady. I'm not stupid and know anything is possible, but she sure sounded stupid when my test came back negative. Not even any evidence of yeast, let alone gonorrhea.
    Is this the real life? Who says something like that?
    It sounds like maybe she had some own personal issues going on. But SOOO inappropriate! 
  • @wannabeamongoose I was blown away by how unprofessional she was. Thankgoodness I already knew that my favorite ob was leaving that office, so it wasn't hard to find a new practice.
  • OmSweetOm said:
    Hey! Sorry I've been so busy with moving and packing  :s

    so, I guess I got a call today but, it never rang and I just heard the little blip from the voicemail. I called back within 2 minutes and apparently that was quick enough for him to not be available. He was supposed to "call right back when he was finished with a patient" and here we are 5 hours later. I won't be holding my breath for a call back today.

    I am going to insist on a re-test immediately. After looking further into the test- (Toxassure 13) I do believe this portion of the results was from the urinalysis. I have read that sometimes yeast can cause a false positive reading and I have had a reoccurring yeast infection this entire pregnancy- which I have tried to treat 4x with only short lived reprieves. I think it has to do with my diet being so high in carbs right now because of all my crazy aversions- and I have always had a severe sensitivity to any kind of soap. I can wash my face in the shower and one tiny bubble can drip down past my v and boom. YI. It's a real good time. So, I am wondering IF that could be the trigger? Seems like a stretch but, I'd just like some answers. Because, honestly maybe it's just my ego and pride KNOWING that I've done everything "right" (or close e-friggen-nough) this pregnancy that it just really irks me that a paper like that is even in my chart. 
    You have the right to dispute your medical record. Now if they allow it to be removed I don't know, but you can amend incorrect information. 
  • OmSweetOm said:
    Hey! Sorry I've been so busy with moving and packing  :s

    so, I guess I got a call today but, it never rang and I just heard the little blip from the voicemail. I called back within 2 minutes and apparently that was quick enough for him to not be available. He was supposed to "call right back when he was finished with a patient" and here we are 5 hours later. I won't be holding my breath for a call back today.

    I am going to insist on a re-test immediately. After looking further into the test- (Toxassure 13) I do believe this portion of the results was from the urinalysis. I have read that sometimes yeast can cause a false positive reading and I have had a reoccurring yeast infection this entire pregnancy- which I have tried to treat 4x with only short lived reprieves. I think it has to do with my diet being so high in carbs right now because of all my crazy aversions- and I have always had a severe sensitivity to any kind of soap. I can wash my face in the shower and one tiny bubble can drip down past my v and boom. YI. It's a real good time. So, I am wondering IF that could be the trigger? Seems like a stretch but, I'd just like some answers. Because, honestly maybe it's just my ego and pride KNOWING that I've done everything "right" (or close e-friggen-nough) this pregnancy that it just really irks me that a paper like that is even in my chart. 
    You have the right to dispute your medical record. Now if they allow it to be removed I don't know, but you can amend incorrect information. 
    That's good to know. What really rubbed me the wrong way about it was the handwritten note on the report stating that "patient should be counseled reguarding results at next visit" 


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