I was speaking to a friend who is due next month and she mentioned that her son already has his chinese name because her father in law is the one who traditionally chooses it. She also explained to me that the order of the names is different than we would phrase a name. It goes family name (surname) generational name (all the cousins in the generation will have this same "middle"name) and then the given name (which generally means something significant, hers translates roughly to intelligence) .
My family doesnt really have a culture or religion , but each first born child in every family has been given the middle name LEE since the 1930s, so my son will have the middle name Lee and when/if my sibling has a child their middle name will be Lee as well.
DH is greek and so on the 40th day of the babys life we will take him to the church to be blessed, before then i have restrictions on where i can take him, how many visitors may come, and when i can leave the house with him .
I find these things so interesting and would love to hear other peoples traditions or things that they plan to do. Also wondering if there's anything people feel they need to do out of obligation, or if everyone is happy to continue whatever it is.
Lets not be March18 everyone. (Lol)
Edited for spelling
Re: Cultural/Family Traditions
BFP #2: 4.14.16 CP: 4.17.16
BFP #3: 6.10.2016 CP: 6.17.16
RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006
Clomid + TI Cycle #1: 50mg Trigger 8.24.2016- BFN
Clomid 75mg + IUI#1 9.25.2016- BFP #4 10/6
Beta #1 15 Beta #2 38 Beta #3- 71 beta #4 171 Beta # 5- 21 Natural MC 10/21
HSG- clear
IVF Jan 2017
Egg Retrieval 1.22.17: 32 eggs retrieved,29 mature, 24 fertilized, 14 to blastocyst for biopsy
PGS results: 4 PGS normal 2 XX, 2 XY
FET: 3.13.2017 for 2 PGS embryos
Beta#1: 3.24.2017......... 78; Beta # 2 241; Beta #3 4198
Baby BOY due 11.29.2017
In our family we don't really have any traditions when it comes to babies. I am Orthodox so I'll take him there after 40 days and he will be baptized which is usually around 40 days as well. DD was baptised much later because I decided to have her baptised in Alaska and the same church all us kids were baptised and my parents and brother married. I don't think a trip to AK will happen this year. DD does have a saints name as her middle name, Kassia, im hoping to do the same with this LO.
About the visiting, i suspect that its a graceful way for the mother to turn down visitors ( its the first 40 days and we have already had too many visitors today).
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
My dad is not Jewish (Cuban, raised Catholic) and his family tradition was to give first born son the same name as the father. So that's how my dad got his name. They also include the mother's maiden name as part of the last name, and I'm pushing for that. Not a hyphen, just 4 names. It's very Spanish. He's not close with his family, and my sister is already named after his mom. It helps to have set rules/limitations in choosing names.
I think the tradition started due to the low survival rate for newborn within the 1st month back in the old days. (my mother had lost her 2nd child 2 weeks after he was born, so to be able to celebrate a newborn making it to the 1st month, it's huge for us)
We did one with my son back in 2015 and will be doing it again for this baby #2. I'm already thinking about how to plan this second one since we're so close to all the holidays. Maybe combine it with the Thanksgiving feast? hmm
2014: 3 IUIs Failed
2014: IVF #1 succeed- Baby Boy Born 2015
2017: IVF #2 Jan Cycle - BFP! EDD 11/2/17
TTC 9/2016 BFP 12/9/16 EDD 8/21/17 NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
TTC 2/2017 BFP 3/6/17 EDD 11/17/17 DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
TTC 12/2018 BFP 6/2/19 EDD 2/12/20 NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
TTC 7/2019 BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
TTC 8/19 IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20
AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Ovulation Calculator"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d8d8f" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
Even if we don't have those traditions in our family history, I might pick up a few new ones. I think I'll tie red ribbons on the crib bottom to protect from the evil eye, and am considering ordering one of the red thread bracelets from the Tomb of Rachel. We're also not having a baby shower because it's considered bad luck, but I also consider it bad form since we just had our wedding shower and I hate to feel like we're asking for things from people again. Instead we'll have a Sip and See (a very Southern, very Savannah tradition!) after she is born and looking healthy, then a baby naming at the temple, probably at 3 months old.
I have 3 daughters and I'm now pregnant with a son, and we have to pick 2 middle names.Which I found to be easy since it's our last baby and only boy.. I had many years to think of boy names. Lol.
As far as religious traditions go.. I am Pagan, nature is my church and is the center of all things for us, so I will be exposing my son to being outdoors as soon as possible. And what I mean by "exposing" is to simply just enjoy being outside. Sitting on our porch swing in my backyard during feedings and cuddling.. that sort of thing.
Also, I will be giving him a blessing within his first few days of being home. Preferably as soon as possible after arriving home from the birth. My Pagan beliefs include that women (or any gender) have just as much spiritual power as men (unlike other religious beliefs that center around a patriarchal system). So I will be the one to give him a blessing since he came from my womb. A blessing for health, strength, protection, guidance from our ancestors, etc.